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Spooky spectacle: Samhain Festival held this weekend
 Druid Elder Supply leads various subpaths' representatives in the opening ritual of the Samhain Festival.
The opening ritual
As one half of the calendar ends, another must begin. This doesn't mean that what transpired in the past goes forgotten, or the experiences become invalid. And in this special time where the lines of past and present, and the living and spiritual worlds are blurred, the community takes the time to appreciate one another with fun and comradery.
Before the games began, however, the Druid path, in collection with representatives from Muse, Diviner, Geomancer, and Shaman, lead an opening rite designed to invoke the protection of the gods and spirits that came before us. In this same ritual, the names of dearly departed souls were announced, to remind us of who else guards us from the next realm.
One by one, each chanter emerged from the darkness, a candle igniting in their hand to illuminate their frame as they offered their prayers.
Supply: "Tonight, I cast here the enchanting circle in this Sacred Grove. We gather here tonight to raise our thoughts for those who are living in this world, and those who have passed to Tir-na-nog. This is the time to contemplate the cycle of life. This is the time of Hecate, Cerridwen, 'the Dark Mother who stands alone.' The circle is cast. Hallowed is this Sacred Grove decreed."
Xevu: "I look to the North, place of silent caverns. Spirits of Earth, you nourish me in life, and wrap your welcoming body around me in death. I call upon the God of Light, Darkness and Death. Be with us this night."
SoonMoon: "I set my gaze to the East, source of breath. Spirits of Air, you are with me at the beginning, and depart with me when I leave this realm. In the name of Melete, the muse of meditation, be with us this night."
Garamond: "I call to the South, source of transforming flame. Spirits of Fire, your brilliant spark guides me through the cycles of life. Come for Fate and Destiny. Be with us this night."
Scual: "I turn to the West, place of deep wells and underground springs. Spirits of Water, you carry me through the ebbs and flows of life on your never-ending tides. In the name of the Chi, the life force that inhabits everything, be with us this night."
Buntata: "Dark Mother, you come to me alone this night, in mourning for your beloved ones. The God has departed to the Underworld and the Wheel of the Year follows him into darkness. Crone of the Ages, I call on you, be with us this night."
Supply: "We dedicate time here to show respect for those who have passed away in our realm. They are: Leodaris, Izabella, Khaos, Acera, HealerofDoom, BlueHorizon, Hunter, Maya, Sarina, Tip, Ambrosius, Logorin, Blooduster, Starlyte, Ragnus, ConanBarb, LiShen, Kyas, Dexintagi, Lokira, Hroth, Bambi. For those we did not mention, feel our thoughts as well. Those who die shall be reborn. Those who fall, shall rise again."
Xevu: "The Dagda, He rules the night, the magic, and prophecy. It is the end of the harvest, the last days of summer, and the cold nights wait on the other side.
SoonMoon: "Mother goddess Danu, She is the protectress of women and children. Summer is gone, winter is coming. We have planted and we have gathered the harvest. Now, it is at its end."
Garamond: "Morrigan, the Phantom Queen. She is fate and death. The bounty of our labor, the abundance of the harest, an the success of the hunt all lie before us."
Scual: "Lugh, He is the key that unlocks every Door. We thank the earth for all it has given us this season, and we look forward to winter, a time of sacred darkness."
Buntata: "Hecate, Cerridwen, She is the Ending before Life begins again. The acorn holds both the memory of those who have passed, and the promise of those to come. It is the cycle of life."
A gold acorn is dropped into the central ceremonial fire, encircled by the reciters.
All: "So mote it be! Samhain blessings to you!"
Left: Dycean lands a Kamikaze blow against Smokester in a round of Battle on the Bridge in the Sacred Grove. Center: Participants warm up their skills casting Soothe while preparing to face off during the Barbarian's Heal Out tournament. Right: Jokes about news coverage of Samhain are shared during a waiting period in the Sacred Grove between events. The crowd was anticipating the mass rising of the dead of the Mystic Garden.
The first night of Samhain
Once the solemn air departed, the restless visitors of the festival were ready to begin the celebrations and get blood pumping (or spilled). The Merchants were the first to answer the call to ease the restlessness, with a Battle on the Bridge tournament held at the Sacred Grove. Participants were handed an Ilbon knife with the goal of being the first to invoke a Kamikaze on their opponent. Survivors of the bout moved on to further rounds, until only one remained standing, and had to then surrender their knife back to the host.
Barbarian Heal Out is a mainstay at large events, where four or more combatants are faced with the struggle of maintaining their own health while sustaining vita attacks from their fellows. This event was open to all paths, with the rules stating the attacker must walk forward to a center space between the other participants before unleashing their vita attack. Only the Soothe spell provided relief from being slain; failure to save oneself from a critical blow resulted in being eliminated from the round. This dance repeated until only one person remained standing, earning them a point.
As previously explored, Samhain is a special time of the year, where the barrier between this realm and the next is not as heavily enforced. In this case, it meant the dead would rise in order to yet again steal talismans from visiting Shamans. The Shamans would retaliate by inviting the public to run to the Mystic Garden, strip down to only a coat, take up a Wooden Sword, and bash the army of skeletons to powder in an event famously known as Grave Robbers. Pulverizing the skeleton that carried the pilfered talisman earned a legend mark from the Shaman path, and some lucky assailants got to take home other assorted loot items from the bony pests.
Left: Xevu riles up an army of community members as they prepare to bash some skulls in before a round of Grave Robbers at Mystic Garden. Center: WillowN narrates a scenario to worried citizens (and dastardly cultists) during the roleplay game Cults & Convictions in Cluichi. Right: Scual wails after a few players are eliminated with a dice roll during a round of Square to Square in the Sacred Grove.
New to the festival scene was a roleplaying game called Cults & Convictions, hosted by representatives of the Diviner subpath in Cluichi. In this event, the host offered the scenario of a terrible cult running rampant, and the citizens being called to bring them to justice. Random players would be given the role of of Diviner, Diviner Apprentice, and Bodyguard, whose individual roles assisted the good guys in trying to eliminate the threats. However, not everyone participating would be on the side of the light, as some would be secretly assigned the role of Cult Leader, or Cult Members, whose job was to convert or kill the innocents. The day could only be saved by players using deduction skills and pure luck to eliminate the Cult Leaders and Members from play.
For festival-goers that preferred a bouncier activity, the Geomancers invited folks to dance around at the Square-to-Square event back in the Sacred Grove. This classic game involves rotating revelers around a 2 x 2 grid, squares assigned numbers 1 to 4. After the host called for the dancers to stop on their selected grid, a dice roll determined who was eliminated from the round. If you stood on the square matching the die, you performed the walk of shame off the board.
After the scheduled FAV, the Merchants beckoned denizens to join them at the Merchant Midnight Madness in Nagnang. A donation quest directly benefitted the Druids for this edition of the MMM.
Though the first night was plenty eventful with a pendulum swinging between a solemn recognition of the season and spiritual influences, to romping about in sport and fun, it would not hold a candle to the excitement waiting on the second evening.
Left: Brine and AquaSea face off in the left-most arena of the Do Kendo tournament in the Sacred Grove, while LanFan and BloodofThor try to strike each other in the right. Center: Buya's Prince Daeso, dressed like a yellow mummy, forces Amira to take a few seconds nap in the Archery Tournament held in the Mystic Garden. Right: Ogedei skewers Solved (dressed as a chicken) with a jolt trident during a round of Samurang Showdown in the Sacred Grove.
The second night of Samhain
The Do path opened the second portion of the festival with a variant of their Kendo tournaments in the Sacred Grove. These 1-versus-1 tournaments pit eager-eyed individuals against each other in confined arenas, with the want to Kamikaze the other first. The arena size varies to acclimate for the number of people playing; this Samhain, the host would keep busy with two arenas operating in tandem, to ensure everyone got a chance to play.
After so much slicing and bloodshed, it was time to offer the visitors a forced naptime. The Rangers moved everyone to the Mystic Garden, where individuals were offered a Moghli Bow and a supply of Sleep Arrows. Managing to get the opposing archer to fall asleep standing up first landed a point, and an opportunity to continue to the next round of the tournament.
After a short break, where visitors engaged in a small scavenger hunt with the Druids, it was time to get back to the physical activities.
The populace was not done poking one another with sharp objects, and far from it. The Chongun waved everyone back to the Sacred Grove to try their hand at the Samurang Showdown. This event involves praying to the gods that your three weapons (a Swift Dagger, a Cursed Blade, and Jolt Trident) cast their appropriate spells on your opponent first. In order to secure victory, Poison and Curse must be active when the Jolt Trident, the third weapon, fires off.
Left: Brine lands a vita attack on Birdwatcher during a S7 match in the Sacred Grove. Center: Aukti and Altar both chose Paper as their attack during a Jan Ken Pon bout in the Sacred Grove. Right: StarArcherie calls out the results of the dice rolls on an array of items during Druid Bingo in the Mystic Garden.
The Spies decided to jump on the trend of inciting friendly, sporting violence with an S7 tournament, once the mess was cleaned up in the Sacred Grove. This popular tournament pits two fighters (warriors or rogues) against each other on lines of 7 spaces, traveling east to west. Berserk, Whirlwind, Desperate Attack, and Lethal Strike are the only valid techniques used to assail one's opponent as they travel along their designated trail.
Anyone hoping to have a peaceful game of Jan Ken Pon isn't familiar with how cut-throat the rehash of rock-paper-scissors can be. The Monks insisted this event is the true game of skill and tenacity, as players would whisper their "battle plans" to the host, before revealing their choice of a rock, scissors, of paper against their opponent. Rock beats Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, Paper covers Rock, and the Monk drinks tea to soothe their throat after enticing the crowd.
After the gauntlet of fierce competitions, the Druids ushered the community to join in an appropriate varietal of Bingo. Players were issued individualized cards consisting of an array of items. If the host rolled the dice corresponding to coordinates to an item listed on one's card, the player was encouraged to "dab" on the grid as a visual signifier. Filling out the appropriate pattern on the card landed bragging rights and prizes.
 A pillar of water and fireworks erupt to announce the arrival of Druid Elder Supply at the closing rite of Samhain in Cluichi.
The closing rituals
Finally exhausted, the rites came to a close, with Druid Elder Supply leading the closing prayers and comments in Cluichi. Members of the Druid path gave appreciation to both the community and the spirits, bidding them farewell for the season:
Kaleea: "Water of Life, you sustain me before birth and nourish me as I grow. Spirits of Water, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will, go if you must."
All: "Blessed be."
Fiach: "Fire of Renewal, like a brilliant sun, you warm me and remain forever a guiding light. Spirits of Fire, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will, go if you must."
All: "Blessed be."
StarArcherie: "Breath of Life, you carry me through my life as a constant companion to the rhythms of my heart. Spirits of Air, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will, go if you must."
All: "Blessed be."
Elms: "Mother Earth, at my journey's end, may I return to rest in your loving cradle. Spirits of Earth, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will, go if you must."
All: "Blessed be."
Kaleea: "If I fear death, I cannot fully live, and if I fear life, I will not find solace in death."
Fiach: "Every beginning has an ending, and every ending has a beginning."
StarArcherie: "The cycles of my life continue in faith and unity, with the love of the Goddess.""
Elms: "May you truly see yourself in the darkness, and recognize the undying Divine light within you."
All: "Blessed be."
After the prayer ended, Supply would announce this festival's honors. Ranger Elder Tsirl was anointed the newest Protector of Nature, and ally to the Druid family. Following this, Supply offered her final gratitude for the community support of the festival:
"From the mystic Druids to the enchanting Diviners, the honorable Chongun, the dedicated Do, the artistic Muses, and the earth-connected Geomancers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. To the Shamans who bridge worlds, the resourceful Merchants, the keen-eyed Spies, the brave Rangers, and the fierce Barbarians, to all those who played unique roles this weekend, we thank you.
Our appreciation extends to the entire community, uniting in celebration of Samhain's magic. Your presence and active participation embody the profound sense of unity that defines such gatherings.
A special thanks goes to the devoted Archon family for their unwavering support throughout the weekend."
 The performers of the Druid-Muse Cabaret acts join each other on stage to bid the crowd farewell.
The finale: Druid-Muse Cabaret
Samhain was not quite done yet, despite the final rites concluding. The Druid and Muse path would treat the community to a Cabaret for the finale of the celebration. Various thespians and minstrels performed a variety of acts, ranging from demure poetry reciting of seasonal sensations, to singing a heartfelt song from their childhood in memory of their loved ones. At one point, a squash-buckling musical number dominated the stage, and walking, talking pumpkins and goats entertained the crowd.
As the curtain closed, so did the celebrations for Samhain. We are left joyful for the events that transpired, and thoughtful of the presences that we shared the experience with - physical, and from the other realms beyond ours. Festivals like these are always wonderful opportunities to rekindle one's place in the community, and appreciate the unique social environment the Kingdoms offer.
In other news As the crowds departed from the Samhain celebration, an announcement pierced the winds. Huna has been appointed the newest Primogen of SanSin Clan. Huna declined a spotlight interview on NexusAtlas, but is looking forward to resuming the good work started by her predecessor, PoeTxi.
Much appreciated NexusAtlas would like to thank the Druids and other organizational representatives that helped make this Samhain event successful and exciting.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Saturday, October 28, 2023
A change in tone: Item Shop offers Skin Potions
 An array of new Skin Potions is seen in the KRU Interactive Item Shop, as of Saturday.
Almost hidden in the Halloween festivities, a new featured type of item appeared in the KRU Interactive Item Shop this afternoon.
For the first time in Kingdom history, it is now possible to change your character's skin tone. The Item Shop describes these potions as the following:
**WARNING: Using this will change your skin color. It will stay permanent until you use another skin potion.**
The four totem animals, Ju Jak, Chung Ryong, Baekho and Hyun Moo, are divine beings of great power. They dwell in the Kingdoms, ruling different times and areas in perfect harmony.
Over the decades, their power has swirled, creating a sacred potion. When ingested, it transforms the skin into the mixed colors of these beings, granting a glimpse of their ancient charm. Those who dare to use it embark on adventures, embodying the spirit of these revered beings.
Experience the enchantment of our skin potion and unleash your inner totem with every drop!
Left to right: Bon (default), Deung, Hyun Skin Potion previews.
Left to right: Allok, Gam, Gyeo Skin Potion previews.
Each Skin Potion costs 1,495 Kruna. Log into the KRU Interactive Item Shop today for your purchase.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Boo! Halloween returns to the Kingdoms
 The reporter, Libbie, Shojun, and Nertak complain about the lack of accommodations at the Nagnang Haunted House.
It isn't the Halloween season until the spooks and spirits return to the Kingdoms.
This last storm also blew open the passageway to the Nagnang Haunted House, where an epicenter of spectral activity gives way to colorful costumes to collect. Simply bop one of the cloud-like ghosts floating about and dodge their lightning spells, and score a piece of costumery. The ghosts are more bark than bite. To visit the Nagnang Haunted House, head toward the the Nagnang Farms (accessed at 11, 155 in Nagnang) then head through the immediate left path.
This annual tradition of specter-spooking runs in tandem with the opportunity to go trick-or-treating with the kingdom inn-keepers. After wrestling a body and head costume piece from the ghosts roaming about, head to your favorite inn and proclaim, "trick or treat!"
You will then experience the chance to be royally pranked, or given a small gift. You can repeat this game every 30 real-life minutes. (Pictured left: After being turned into a blacksmith by a tricky inn-keeper, the reporter mulls her situation, realizing that she has more facial hair than her husband.)
Confirmed costume parts available:
Be advised that potential pranks from the inn-keepers may include a change in your clothing dye, or Totem alignment. Other fun pranks include summoning masses of squirrels or rabbits, and temporary morphing spells.
Did you get an interesting treat? Let NexusAtlas know!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Secret word, please: SJF hosts 3rd annual Trick-or-Treat event
 The Shining Jewel Foundation hosts a crowd of Trick or Treaters waiting to hear about the winners of various prizes.
The Shining Jewel Foundation, in tandem with various clans of the Kingdoms, welcomed all the local ghouls and goblins to their doorsteps and haunted keeps to partake in seasonal fun.
The third annual Trick or Treat event was held Friday night, with the cooperation of the Buya Imperial Ministry, Heavens Clan, SanSin Clan, Buyan Imperial Army, Dharma Clan, Bear Clan, Destiny Clan, Sun Moon Clan, Tiger Clan, Royal Ministry of Koguryo, Koguryo Royal Army, Alizarin Clan, Covenant Clan, K'urimja Clan, The Forsaken Clan, Royal Guard of Nagnang, and Eternal Order of Nagnang.
Each kingdom would open their doors for a 30-minute time slot, where eager trick-or-treaters would fill their sacks with goodies, partake in games, or receive terrifying tricks. The hosting organizations deviled up their respective halls with seasonal decorations in hopes of landing a prize and bragging rights.
Once all three kingdoms finished their time slot, all doors closed, and the community was invited back to the Shining Jewel Foundation room to hear who was going home with bragging rights and gold for their extra efforts in planning and décor.
Left to right: SanSin Clan, Tiger Clan, and Alizarin Clan halls.
This year's winners for the best decorated clan hall: Buya - SanSin Clan Koguryo - Tiger Clan, Bear Clan (Honorable mention) Nagnang - Alizarin Clan, Covenant Clan (Honorable mention)
Pictured are Bear Clan's Bear Falls, left, and Covenant Clan. (Screenshots courtesy of PoeTxi and MzBitz.)
After these prizes were doled out, the Shining Jewel would turn to its extra shiny competitors, awarding millions in gold to its particularly outstanding competitors:
Left to right: Tamo, Meama, and Cola.
Winners of best dressed/best costume: Tamo (1st place) Meama and Cola (2nd place tied)
As an additional feature of the event, visitors were asked to probe the organizational representatives for their group's "secret word." Trick-or-treaters that collected every secret word submitted the full list to the Shining Jewel Foundation to participate in a raffle. Only seven visitors were successful this year in sneaking out the passwords: Incendo, AquaSea, Supply, Aamin, Jolon, aPoetix, and Elucid. Supply would be the ultimate victor in the raffle, however, taking home 10 million gold.
Much appreciated: A big thanks goes to the Shining Jewel Foundation and all the clans and other organizations that helped contribute to the humongous task of maintaining the logistics of this awesome event. We also appreciate the assistance of PoeTxi and Quotah with wrangling screenshots.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Night of remembrance: Jesa rites to be held in Nagnang
 Ayla, the dog, guards a board containing memoriams and messages to the departed in Humbled Twilight. This area is a lesser-known memorial in the Kingdoms, but is publicly accessible in the K'urimja Clan's campus.
What is Jesa, and why do the Kingdoms partake in it?
Jesa ceremonies are rituals held in memory of ancestors to honor the departed. The ancestor worship rituals follow a sequence of greetings to the spirits, and offerings made by the descendants according to their age and generation. Movements, prayers, and preparations are choreographed to appease the departed. Offerings may include incense, rice, wine, and items such as cloth or precious gems.
Variants of Jesa rites can be found across regions and historical eras, with the practice recorded as early as the 2nd millennium, BC, in China and Korea. A common theme is the honoring of ancestors in order to secure community wellfare and blessing.
Today, there are three main types of Jesa rites: a tea ritual held around major holidays, a rite performed corresponding to an ancestor's passing, and a seasonal variety for ancestors farther from the current generation.
The Kingdoms celebrate their own unique, semi-annual variant of Jesa rites, hosted by the Eternal Order of Nagnang around the late autumn season (though in one documented case, the rites occurred in winter). As the Kingdoms have been bustling for over a quarter century, our community has had the honor of seeing entire generations grow up in these lands, but we are sadly no stranger to the heartache of loved ones passing. In this spirit, we have our version of the Jesa rites.
This year's ceremonies will be held on Friday, November 3, 2023.
The Eternal Order of Nagnang writes in explanation of the origin and purpose of Nagnang's Jesa:
"Nagnang's history is one of bloodshed and tumult. She has managed to preserve her sovereignty despite being faced with constant threats from hostile forces with malicious intent. From the fertile farmlands in the woodlands in the west, to the rich shoreline of the south, great powers and marauding barbarians alike have coveted our resources and tried to take them by force.
"Our graveyards are filled with the bodies of those who have passed in this struggle - some perished brandishing arms in defense of Nagnang, some murdered during many raids and skirmishes of the old days. A lucky few managed to live out their days without much of a fuss. They all contributed in one way or another to in making Nagnang great, and to ensure the peace, prosperity, and security that we are blessed with today. For this reason, Nagnang is known as 'The Land of the Dead.'
To honor our dead, The Eternal Order of Nagnang observes the Jesa rites. There will be a series of reverent rituals, gatherings, and discussions which reaffirm the blood kinship between the living and the dead in order to honor the lives and contributions of our ancestors."
This year's schedule (all times EST) Friday, November 3, 2023 8:00PM - Shamanic Ritual of Remembrance 9:00PM - Eulogy for Fallen Nangens 10:00PM - Tao te Ching Reflections
Submit your words and memories of the deceased
In addition to activities at the physical locations, the Eternal Order is asking the community to partake in a write-in "Remembrance & Reflection" event leading up to the day of the Jesa rites.
Jesa is more than the commemoration of Nagnang history; it is the honoring of those who are no longer here, in the real and significant sense. The Eternal Order offered the supplemental statement and invitation:
"We invite you to send your favorite memories or stories to Quotah during the event. You can write anything that speaks to your heart and reflects your relationship with your loved one - a poem, a short story, a personal reflection - anything that represents them admirably is accepted.
"All entries will be submitted on the Culture board located in the libraries. Your letters can be as long as you want, and we encourage you to be as creative and heartfelt as possible.
"Please send your letter to us any time between October 25, 2023, to November 2, 2023. We hope that this event will provide us all with comfort, healing, and a sense of community as we remember our loved ones together."
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Spooky season: Samhain to come
 Druid Elder Supply, along with her spectral companion, partake in counter-terrorizing the reporter, who had yet again isolated her for information.
Samhain (pronounced SAH-win or SOW-in) is a Gaelic festival with Celtic pagan origins, traditionally beginning on the evening of October 31 and lasting through November 1. The festival serves as a marker formally ending the harvest season, while welcoming winter and the first half of the Celtic calendar year. Alongside Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh, Samhain is one of the four major Gaelic seasonal festivals.
Typical celebration of this festival includes lighting bonfires to cleanse the ritual grounds, and it was thought that the Samhain festival itself served as a blurring of the natural boundary between the natural world and the "Otherworld." Spirits that leaked into our world were pacified with offerings, in hope that livestock and families would be able to survive the coming winter.
The ability for spirits to visit also meant the souls of the departed might return to their old homes in search of succor. Divination is also a typical sight during Samhain, given the spiritual energy present during the festival.
Folk plays and costumery are also hallmarks of Samhain, as participants hide themselves from the aos si, or spirits. It is common for disguised folk to offer door-to-door performances in exchange for treats, ranging from songs and versus, to small community plays.
Here in the Kingdoms, the Druid path is preparing to host its annual Samhain celebration on Saturday, October 28 and Sunday, October 29, 2023. Elder Supply offered the following message to the community:
"Samhain is one of the most important calendar festivals of the year. It marks the division of the year between the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). During Samhain, the division between this world and the otherworld is at its thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through. It is a time to honor our ancestors and celebrate the new year. Samhain is a time for community, and we'd be honored to have you with us!"
Tentative schedule (all times EST) Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023 5:00PM - Opening Ritual and Homage 5:45PM - Battle on the Bridge 6:30PM - Barbarian Healout 7:15PM - Grave Robbers 8:30PM - Cults & Convictions 9:15PM - Square to Square
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023 2:00PM - Kendo Tournament 3:00PM - Archery Tournament 5:00PM - Samurang Showdown 5:45PM - S7 6:30PM - Jan Ken Pon 7:15PM - Druid Bingo 8:15PM - Awards and Closing Ritual 9:00PM - Druid-Muse Cabaret
This schedule will be updated once more information is available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Selflessness and honor: Koguryo holds Defender Ceremony
 The nominees, Royal family, and attendants stand at ready during the Koguryo Defender Ceremony, held in the Royal Reception Hall. (Composite screenshot courtesy of CronxJr.}
Sunday evening, it was Koguryo's turn to celebrate its citizens, and honor outstanding members of the local clans, army, and ministry for their service to the kingdom. Royal Minister Tamo broke the baited silence to lead the proceedings. The minister offered a speech filled with praise and gratitude to officially open the ceremony:
"I want to thank everyone for joining us tonight. I'm not normally one for too many words, but being the occasion, I do have a relatively brief introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens, today, we gather not only to celebrate the might and valor that safeguard our realm, but to extend heartfelt gratitude to those who serve our kingdom with unwavering dedication and sacrifice.
"In their courage, we find our strength. In their vigilance, we find our security. In their service, they embody the essence of selflessness and honor. They are the pride of Koguryo.
"This honor signifies our promise to stand by those who stand for us, to support those who protect us, and to cherish those who ensure our kingdom's safety and prosperity. In honoring those who honor us, we strengthen our unity, reaffirm our shared purpose, and forge a brighter future for generations to come.
"Let us be eternally grateful to our defenders, for they are the true heroes of our kingdom. And to our honored defenders themselves, please accept this award as a token of our deep appreciation. May it serve as a reminder of the high esteem in which we hold you., and as a symbol of our support for your continued endeavors. Do not take this oath lightly.
"So, we gather here today to acknowledge their commitment. TO our defenders, we say thank you. Thank you, Defenders of Koguryo, for your service, your sacrifice, and your dedication to the kingdom. You are the bedrock of our kingdom, and we salute you today, and always."
The Royal Minister then invited Master Muse Zarsheiy to the center stage. The performer would lead a rendition of the Koguryan anthem as the next portion of the ceremony:
Brave city on the great blue shore, Our dear homeland forever more. May it rise triumphant 'til the end! Our lives we will give to defend!
Onward, Onward, Azure Koguryo! Long live our sovereign King! Onward, Onward, Azure Koguryo! Peace from every corner ring.
Evil comes yet we prevail, Our walls, we shall defend. And through the ages we shall see Our Kingdom live eternally!
Onward, Onward, Azure Koguryo! Long live our sovereign King! Onward, Onward, Azure Koguryo! Peace from every corner ring.
Left: Royal Minister Tamo addresses the visitors waiting in the Royal Palace Mezzanine before the doors opened for the ceremony. Center: King Mhul accepts Bear Clan Primogen Temperance's nominations for Koguryo Defender, MuscleS and Flea. (Screenshot courtesy of Tamo.) Right: KRA General CronxJr, SanSin Primogen PoeTxi, and K'urimja Primogen Chongde are addressed by Royal Minister Tamo as they are honored for Deeds of Citizenship. (Screenshot courtesy of Zarsheiy).
Defender nominees presented
After the music died down, King Mhul would step up to welcome the nominees to the new stage of their citizenship with a message of his own:
"Greetings, one and all. I thank you for joining us here tonight as we recognize a new cohort of esteemed citizens into the ranks of the Defenders of Koguryo. Through the centuries, Koguryo has stood strong in the face of many perils and evil. Our proud citizens have defended not just our city, our kingdom, against these threats, but have also lent their swords and skills to the protection of many peoples and causes, who might otherwise fall prey to those with ill intent.
"Tonight, we gather to recognize some of our citizens who have demonstrated their devotion to their kingdom, and who are here to pledge their oaths to defend it whenever the need arises. For this, we thank them, as do we thank all of those who have taken the oath in the past."
Each representative of the Koguryan clans present, as well as the Army and Ministry, would be invited to the center stage to offer their nominees to the Royal family for approval, and to hear praises of their nominee's efforts. This year's Koguryan nominees:
Enigma: Anika SunMoon: Yakeru, Bokanaught* Tiger: BeltShuMeltZ, LCtheOld Bear: MuscleS, Flea Destiny: Statue, StarArcherie Royal Ministry of Koguryo: Dycean Koguryo Royal Army: KehlaniSan, Aukti
* Editor's note: Bokanaught was a nominee for SunMoon Clan in August 2021, but had missed the opportunity to receive the honor back then.
Deeds of Citizenship
Unique to this Koguryo Defender Ceremony was the introduction of nominating figures from all three kingdoms to be marked "Praised for Deeds of Citizenship." Royal Minister Tamo offered the following explanation:
"As some of you know the Ministry has its own honor that we can bestow. We discussed this for some time, and decided upon one representative from each kingdom that we feel has gone above and beyond in aiding their home.
"General CronxJr has rebuilt the Army, essentially from nothing, into what I believe is Koguryo's second-largest 'clan.' PoeTxi has continuously worked for Buya, as a former Minister and advisor, and is currently Primogen of SanSin. Chongde has worked incredibly hard hosting the Dragon's Head Pub repeatedly for quite some time now. Nearly every other week for a good duration of that.
"It is for these reasons the Royal Ministry has agreed to recognize these three to be praised for Deeds of Citizenship."
Once all applause died down, the ceremony was officially dismissed. The throng of new Defenders would march outside alongside their friends and supporters, to gather on the palace steps for a little merry-making and splashing the azure dye on their clothes. The Koguryo Palace was also open to allow visitors to peruse its hidden art gallery in the depths of the maze-like halls, and partake in its pubs and dining hall.
And so ended this year's Defender season, with cries of "Onward, Azure Koguryo!" over the wind.
 Defenders, Royals, clan representatives, and friends shake their tail and wave their hands, at the conclusion of the ceremony, on the Koguryo Palace front steps.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to CronxJr, Tamo, and Zarsheiy for help getting screenshots to go with this report. We also appreciate the Koguryan organizations' efforts in putting on this annual ceremony, and give a huge congratulations to all those who received the honor. You make this kingdom special! The reporter also wishes to thank the Ministry for the honor she received today, and is quite flattered.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting