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Trick or treat? Annual tradition returns
 Chifchirouge reveals his sweet tooth to the reporter, ArreNF (top), and SirKossa (bottom) at an ancient table in the Haunted Grand Hall of the Nagnang haunted house.
The latest storm swept Red Flare the Immortal and his ilk straight out of the Wilderness, leaving the kingdoms to begin celebrating the return of Trick or Treating at the local inns. Colorful Spooks can be seen floating about the kingdoms, and the entrance to the Nagnang Haunted House has opened, again. To visit this location, pass through the Nagnang Farms (accessed at 11, 155 in Nagnang) then head through the immediate left path.
At the time of reporting, the following full costumes have been found: Bunny, kitty, chicken, dog, frog, monkey, panda, pig, and sheep. There are also hats to be found, such as the acorn, apple, mouse, peanut, shark, and walnut.
Pick yourself up a full costume set (hat and body) by bullying the Spooks, and head to your favorite inn. Proclaim "Trick or treat!" to the innkeeper, and claim your prize, or be pranked. (Be sure to check your status box.)
Pictured left: Mantra and Banko witness the reporter being pranked by a transformation into a ghost at the Tavern of Metal. Center: The reporter and Nikkei try to coerce the patron of K'urimja Clan, Charon, into joining them in the costuming. Right: The reporter explains to Chifchirouge that he cannot eat the Spooks, despite them looking like candy.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. We wish to extend a round of thanks to those who posed for screenshots.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
All's fair here: Red Flare comes to town
 The reporter questions Aamin about the wellbeing of the animals in the Red Flare Fair, as well as her own life choices.
Warning: The following article contains strong spoilers for the event.
The moment everyone has been waiting for arrived, with the towering presence of Red Flare the Immortal ushering in the masses to the fair. The entrance to the fairgrounds was found in the old Iron Hand stronghold in the borders of the Wilderness.
Visiting the fair proper, demoralized carny folk were awaiting assistance with matters involving the animals. The poor critters were suffering in disposition and health, and the staff was desperate to improve their conditions.
Pressing further past a pen full of starving wolves, we were met with the arena, consisting of a wide red and blue ring where events were presumably to be held. The attendant there lamented on the destruction of his village past a fishing pond to the south, due to the actions of the Iron Hand.
Upon arrival at the little town, we found it to be dark and menaced by nightmarish specters. The villagers were holed up in their homes, some bracing for a fight, and others, fearing for their lives. Having quelled their anxieties best we could, and assisted in stockpiling weapons in preparation for a battle against the nightmares, we headed down into a rather foreboding well in the center of the town.
Fortune had it, the well lead to an underground chamber, where we found a discarded diary. Giving it a read, we discerned that the fair and the summoned nightmares were a plot by Red Flare to ensnare and enslave the villagers. We ran back to the town to share the revelation, and back to the ring to inform the attendant.
The man was understandably enraged, but bid us to press northward to confront the big man himself: Red Flare the Immortal.
 Chongde advises the Arena Attendant in the Flame Fair Arena.
The entrance is located at the old Iron Hand base, located in the Wilderness (0,200).
Within Red Flare Fair:
Tiger Attendant (19,34) Ambrosia

Pig Attendant (8,9) Inside Pig Pen: Wheat, Peas, Rose, Brown Potion, Purple Potion, Clear Water Song (You will need to run around the various troughs to activate the pop-ups. Check back in with the Pig Attendant afterward.)
Horse Attendant (53,11) 20 Metal Inside Horse Pen: Bekyun's Spear, Spike, 30 Ginko Wood, 5 Ore [Poor] (You will need to run around the various pens/stalls to activate the pop-ups. Check back in with the Horse Attendant afterward.)
Dog Attendant (41,33) Indigo Potion, Wool, Titanium Glove
Rabbit Attendant (44,59) Sells Flare Spinner for 10,000

Wolf Pen (North) Grilled Beef (Multiple, wolves take at random while passing through)

Once you've made your way north into the Red Flare Arena, talk to the Arena Attendant at (23,17).
Head back to the Wilderness and walk south a ways to talk to the Menaced Traveler near (10,212) to be transported to the Menaced Town. Once inside, make your way to the villagers inside the houses to find out what they need.
Within Menaced Town:
Kangjon (38,35) 5 Lantern He will ask you to place lanterns in holes at (19,61; 01,50 and 19,17) in Somber Woods west of town, and (17,14 and 54,07) in Dim Thicket. Check in with him again afterward.

PangInSu (11,32) 10 Ghoul Remnant, 10 Ghost Remnant (These are dropped by the Lingering enmity and Drifting enmity ghosts.)
Logan Gri (16,7) 3 Surge, 3 Spike, 3 Blood, 3 Charm After returning to Logan Gri, he will ask you to deposit the weapons in the carts around in the town, located at (75,06; 50,38 and 06,12.) Check in with him again afterward.
TerriMae (69,10) Raw Honey

Tang Jae (45,13) Forsaken Staff, Forsaken Blade
KwakDae (67,33) Star Gown

After you finish helping all the villagers in Menaced Town, head to the central well (43,22) to drop down into the Hidden Below. Inside this area are monsters, with a boss appearing every 20 minutes, allegedly dropping a Phantom Purse. At the time of reporting, it has allegedly given a Dark Amber, White Amber, Dark Casque, Corrupted Ring, Forsaken Ring, Forsaken Staff, or Diadem (exceedingly rare) upon use (NexusAtlas has not been able to independently verify this as of the time of writing).
Traveling to (60,0) will lead you to Iron Connection, where you will read the abandoned writings, found at (22,10). Then, exit the area, and return to Red Flare Arena to address the Arena Attendant. You will be granted access to the northern room to fight Red Flare himself.
Tips: Red Flare performs a severely damaging explosive firework attack that hits from a distance. Be wary of this when fighting solo. Warriors: Remember to visit the Buya Incubator Tent to obtain a Damaged orb of Suppress, Damaged Orb of Restore, and Damaged Orb of Invoke. These orbs cost 2 Daily Coins each. Use the Damaged orb of Suppress, your path's Rage, and swing damage. Poets: Seek out a Damaged Orb of Lethal Strike. Rogues: You can also utilize the Damaged Orb of Suppress, Damaged Orb of Restore, and Damaged Orb of Invoke. Mages: You should not have any issues, but Damaged Orb of Restore is recommended if you don't have an Orb of Self-Restore.
 Upon his defeat, you are rewarded with a legend mark, and an Iron Hands weapon, found by walking back to the tent at (14,8) in Final Stage. The weapon will be appropriate for your mark and path.
Questions? Looking to help? Got some information? Nifty screenshots? Contact Chongde in-game. Thank you: Horus, Ferro, Aamin, Lettie, Chifchirouge, Brandon, Statue, Renai, TwitchUser, Drywater (and the Carnage staff), iPrevail, Xevu, Plush, SSaiYen, Mood, Linuxkiddy (assistance with images), Arkanis (for the tips on RedFlare), and NayPoet for support, information, proofing and assistance. We also appreciate the generosity present in people making paths, and donating and crafting items. Not to mention, a thanks is due to the Archon staff and GMs that made the day possible.
It really did take the whole kingdoms to save a village. Without community support, this report would not have been possible.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting