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"Hall"oween and a Spirited Samhain!
by: Barter
-- 7:27 PM EST
 Wow, what a weekend! From the opening until the closing, this year's Halloween festivities have been great. We started Friday evening off with Trick or Treating organized by the Shining Jewel Foundation. Many clans and other organizations opened up their clan halls and sponsored giveaways in spirit of the holiday. There were even recognitions for decor, best dressed, and a giveaway to one fortunate participant. BEST DECOR - BUYA - DHARMA CLAN BEST DECOR - KUGNAE - SUN MOON CLAN BEST DECOR - NAGNANG - ALIZARIN CLAN Dozens of folks made their rounds from hall to hall, jovially spouting Trick or Treat. It was a fun-filled night... but little did the kingdoms know... it was time for the final harvest... *ushers in Samhain*The end-of-summer festival, also known as the festival of the final harvest, or Samhain has kept both our Saturday and Sunday evening action-packed. Samhain is one of the festivals the Druid path promotes every season. When asked what she would like to share, Nunu, one of the organizers said: "As Samhain marks the final harvest before winter's chill, we have been blessed in sharing our year's bounty with the community. To see the fun and games is always the greatest blessing of the season."  Thank you, Druids, for a wonderful Samhain Festival. Excellent as always. We look forward to Imbolc! 
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Simply Gorger-ous! (2021 Halloween Event Walkthrough)
by: Barter
-- 6:41 PM EST

My my my... when they said gorger... they meant it! It looks like old Chu Layn is back, and is hungrier than ever. Dare to satiate the feaster yourself? I'll warn you now - Chu Layn has quite the appetite, and tends to *BURP* a great deal. Who knows, there might be something special in it for you...
1) Make your way to Kinung, just south of Captain Roilem and the Water-Socks to find Chu Layn bellowing in hunger (Kinung 090, 067). 2) Upon speaking with Chu Layn, you feel compelled to aid the poor creature. Bring Chu Layn some swim swam. 3) Chu Layn is ready to FEAST FEAST FEAST! It's time for some mud squiggles, rawr throaters, clip cloppers, and short sky flapper food! 4) Even Chu Layn realizes the importance of a balanced meal. Bring them a sea green, a heart throbber, a crunchy slug, and of course, a sweet tree bobber. 5) And something to wash that yuck mud laundry water taste down? 6) So now Chu Layn doesn't want your help with feeding anymore *grins*You'll be rewarded with a spiffy new legend mark for all your trouble:  and of course, who can resist these other fine rewards: Mepmep Wine (see note below) 5 Minor Quest Completions Update: It appears that the Mepmep Wine is not earnable by players who are under 99. Thank you for this report Baik and MissCalista. Many thanks for the contributions made by Astrael, chifchirouge, Gummy, lalababa, and many others not listed towards developing this walkthrough.
Trick or Treatness!
by: Barter
-- 9:44 AM EST
 The spooks are out and about, and yes... for those wondering... Even the ghosties are concerned with their mask-wearing! Making your way to Nagnang, Land of the Dead, you'll be able to head south from the western gate. Continue on to find yourself in the Nagnang Farms, with the entrance just south of Dagger's Rogue Guild Hall. On the western path from the Nagnang Farms lies a creepy thorn-riddled Haunted House waiting for your admission. Within the Nagnang Haunted House lies many rooms, with occupants who are "dying" to give you some costumes!  Gather and adorn a full costume to make your way to the closest inn. There (and every 30 minutes after), you will be able to speak to the innkeeper with your most jovial "Trick or Treat" cheer, and maybe... if you're lucky, you'll wind up in Jail! *looks to around nervously*
 In all seriousness though, get out there, and enjoy the holiday. I am kind of bummed that my favorite "Trick or Treat" costume is missing from the lineup, but perhaps that means it is time for a changeup! BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/28 SUBJECT:Server Reset - Oct. 28th, 2021
- Spooks are in town!
- And your favorite gorger is back. |
It also appears that something else is a brewing. I say that and share the most recent from Dream Weaver to give you something to "chew on" until next time. Feel free to share any discovered details about this "favorite gorger", and I'll be sure to note your contribution made with me. Thank you chifchirouge for your Community board post contribution, Sydnei for your costume gathering skills, and NeoPandora for your Trick or Treat pose!
Royal Monster Mash 2021 + more mischief!
by: Maron
-- 11:15 PM EST
Hey folks! Royal Ministry of Koguryo recently invited many other organizations to participate in their second annual festival which took place yesterday in the limited opening of Koguryo Fairland.
I have prepared a collage of many of those responsible for organizing the decorations and events, which lasted for another astonishing twelve hours or so! Please enjoy by clicking to expand the image below.

As if these events weren't enough, the RMK planned a surprise event for everyone involved in RMM this year. While preparing what would've been a fabulous costume contest, a portal at the southeast corner of Fairground would send players to Koguryo Palace Prison, where the strangely terrifying sorceress Miaoxin had made her escape through a portal to Alt Kugnae Courtyard.
Seen below, with KoguryoArmy troops mourning the loss of a fallen comrade who was sacrificed during Miaoxin's escape. Click to see another collage including Alt Kug decor.

Hot on her trail, many brave citizens found Miaoxin, as well as a host of purple people eaters (seen below, click to expand image) in a place that is apparently pure darkness, engulfed.

Fighting off this sudden threat, some powerful mage leaders including Celindon and Geomancer Elder Scual would speak with Miaoxin and determine a course of action that would attempt to prevent a chaotic imbalance in the Nexus.
 (Click to expand)
So it seems perhaps this sorceress was indirectly responsible for the other recent attack of gargoyles at west gate Kugnae. Time will tell whether portals to an alternate dimension will continue to open and plague our Kingdoms. (If you are interested in additional information regarding Miaoxin, please click the Past News button to visit August and September 2020 for previous stories here, or read "The Plague of Miaoxin" currently posted on Chronicles of the Winds board.)
UPDATE! We have received the following transcript concerning Miaoxin, courtesy of eyewitnesses and verified by the Royal Ministry of Koguryo.
(World shout:) Miaoxin : -A scream echoes from the Kugnae Prison- I have it! My powers return.
(At Koguro Fairland) Celindon: Everyone! To the Prison! We must check on the prisoner!
BaByBoy: Here, I'll summon a portal to the Palace!
(A portal in southeast Fairland teleports those who enter to Royal Palace Mezzanine, near Prison)
Miaoxin : Fools! You think you could hold me here forever? It took just long enough!
Celindon: How did you....-she shakes the locked gate- Her chains have been released.
Miaoxin : My power may have been dormant for a time, but the source is on another plane. Your magics here will never truly be able to stop me!
BaByBoy: Then we should have put you down when we captured you!
Miaoxin : A mistake you would have instantly regretted, my life force is tied to the tears in the veil. My death would only release all my power into them!
Celindon: Enough of this! Guards open the gate so we can re-secure her bonds!
Miaoxin : -she holds up a small chunk of rock- Let us see if this still holds power!
(Prison cell gate is opened as Miaoxin has also opened a portal to Alt Kugnae by her bed)
Miaoxin : -Screams loudly- You will never chain me again!
Celindon & BaByBoy: After her! (The Prime Minister and Deputy Parliamentary Secretary enter the portal as many courageous citizens follow. Alt Kugnae Courtyard and several maps with gargoyle battles ensue. Miaoxin is found in the midst of Engulfing Darkness.)
Miaoxin: At last, you have caught up with me.
Celindon: Enough of this rat race Miaoxin! Time to head back to your cell.
Miaoxin: Oh no no no....you will never put me in bonds again, mortal. Thanks to all of you sheep following me throughout this realm, I have fed enough power to my King to begin the process of bringing his world here.
BaByBoy: Enough of your empty threats Miaoxin. Our power is strong enough against any you weild.
Miaoxin: -she laughs maniacally- Oh yes old man, you do have some power in this land... Miaoxin: but my King will make you tremble in your palace slippers!
Celindon: -she raises her staff- You are surrounded Miaoxin...surrender.
Miaoxin: -her arms fall by her side as a stone falls out of her hand- He will be here soon... then you will all see!
(More Paxos and Lefkada Spirits attack the brave people that have surrounded Miaoxin, who suddenly vanishes, leaving behind a shiny red shard)
BaByBoy: Look what she dropped. A stone.
Celindon: Ah yes...that's what she had in the cell!
BaByBoy: It's a phoenix shard.... it's pulsating with power.
BaByBoy: This must have been how she tore a portal into Alt Kugnae.
Celindon: Perhaps the geomancers can take this phoenix shard back home to do some research? Maybe it'll lead to a clue on restoring the balance back to our realm and prevent Miaoxin's plan from succeeding.
(The Phoenix shard is given safely to the care of Geomancer Elder Scual whose path will develop a plan for attempting to prevent catastrophic portals)
Thank you to all who are involved in this news article. Again, please stay safe! and cherish your time, folks!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 123, 7th Moon, 29th Sun
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Putting "demon" in peaceful demonstration
by: Maron
-- 12:59 AM EST
Hey folks! Yesterday evening took a dark turn for west gate Kugnae regulars, as a dark portal brought forth various evil spirits as well as powerful foes from the Vortex. Chaos ensued as innocent bystanders fell to the unexpected menace, as well as some citizens taking advantage of combat being enabled in the area.
 (Click to expand image)
Prince Mobon and General CronxJr of Koguryo called brave citizens into action, and colorful world shout commentary was seen interacting with the abrupt battle.
 (Click to expand image)
This scene followed after hours of citizens curiously standing near west gate in a checkered formation facing east.
 (Click to expand image)
Sources say it was initiated by the example of a few friends, and grew by association and ambiguity of purpose. Some claim that it was in part a silent protest of the apparent stagnancy in the Nexus since the 23rd Anniversary ended.
Regardless of the intent of these phenomena, perhaps we can account for the fantastic response time of certain players despite the despair or discontent that some players inevitably feel about current events in the Nexus.
 (Click to expand image)
Stay safe and enjoy one another, folks!
~"Mark" Maron reporting ~Hyul 123, 7th Moon, 5th Sun
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Massive, cosmic skirmish in Malgalod
by: Maron
-- 11:45 PM EST
Hey folks! On Friday night, King ChaeRi of Nagnang and General Heira led a foray into the Malgalod encampment. Queen Yun of Koguryo also lent her healing powers to the efforts. The RGN had prior intelligence reports that the Malgalod was preparing for the attack, and they were met with several ambushes and waves of resistance. Even the gods had commented about the tension coming from the encampment.
 (click to expand image)
However, the Malgalod forces were no match for King ChaeRi's forces, and the enemy was pushed back into the northern enclave. It turned out to be a trap, though, as the Malgalod shamans opened a rift and summoned spirits and creatures that were once seen in the reaches of alt-Kugnae.
 (click to expand image)
Ultimately, they were defeated, and the enemy conceded, for now, but not without warning that the Malgalod were "amassing knowledge," and that there would be "no walking away with a victory in the future."
 (click to expand image)
So the question remains, who has taught the Malgalod forces how to summon such creatures, and what are their future plans?
After the battle, forces were sent home to relax and recover, and mull over the questions. Princess Sutsang and Prince Mobon joined in the conjecture over the recent events, and Taiisrhaa visited Nagnang palace.

Thank you to Heira for sharing this information, and to chifchirouge and Corporal for the images!
~"Mark" Maron reporting ~Hyul 123, 5th Moon, 18th Sun