Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Behold Koguryo's Palace Monster Keep!
When the Koguryo Palace was renovated years ago a new room was installed called the "Palace Monster Keep." Since its discovery, we were only able to get a few spaces into the room, standing on a bridge that overlooked a river of lava with a looming entry arch overhead. The tiles to move beyond would forcefully push you back, not letting you inside. Lots of speculation came about this room and its purpose...

Tonight Visionary Southwood decided to check it out once more, and it seems that since mir has fixed most of the tiles that "bounced" us back - the Palace Monster Keep is finally open for exploration! It seems to be a place within the palace for housing a variety of monsters not seen before in our Kingdoms. Many seem dangerous, as they are kept at bay on very large stone platforms, isolated from each other over the vast cavern of a space. Below are pictures of the creatures that you can now find within the Palace Monster Keep! Each monster is defined as "Unknown Specimen," as well as the cauldron in one picture being an "Unknown Artifact." These are listed in counter clock wise order from bottom right to bottom left.

 A massive Unknown Specimen standing atop his stone platform.
 An Unknown Specimen with their Unknown Artifact.

As you can see there's a reason this room is so massive to contain these deadly looking creatures! Are they all evil? Where have they come from? Do they wish us harm... or are they misunderstood? Hopefully time will tell and we'll be able to track down more of these Unknown Specimens! Be sure to go and check out the Palace Monster Keep and see these creatures in person; If you watch them for long enough they will move and perform their attack animations!
The Palace Monster Keep is within the Koguryo Palace Courtyard, through the Koguryo Palace Throne Room (014,003), behind the royal thrones to the Koguryo Treasury (014,006), and finally down the steps to the right and into the Palace Monster Keep (017,021). If you find anything else down there, or out and about the Kingdoms, please let NexusAtlas know! Thank you again to Southwood for taking the time to show me this discovery!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Server Reset Oct. 30th!
Last night the Kingdoms experienced rising winds that brought about the following changes:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/30 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Oct. 30th, 2019 Minor fixes to: Buya (city map) Buya Palace Courtyard Darkwoods Field Buya Army entrances Nagnang Army Headquarters & board
Updates to: Druid subpath Chongun subpath
Additionally, we fixed most of the trees, rocks and other objects that weren't allowing players to pass under/over. If you find areas that still have this issue list them on Dreams board. |
Stay tuned for more information on these changes and more!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Legend of the Jeoseung Saja
by: Vini
-- 11:40 PM EST
 A new legend has been discovered this week and it contains additional information about the creatures known as Jeoseung Saja. If you've done the Dark Hunters's camp event this year this may be an interesting read for you. To buy a Legend scroll just got any of the kingdom libraries and they sell for 2,000 each. You can also check here the copy of the Legend post:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: Yondung DATE: 6/18 SUBJECT: Jeoseung Saja
Greetings citizens,
Lately, many people helping the Dark Hunters Guild have survived encounters with a Jeoseung Saja in the Darkwoods Forest; probably because it wasn't their time yet. Nevertheless, it was surprising to find out that most people didn't know what a Jeoseung Saja is. I took some time to search through the scrolls of Eldridge's old library and there I found some scrolls that provide more insight into the subject.
A Jeoseung Saja is an "afterlife envoy", the personification of death. They are ruthless soul harvesters under the command of Yeomna, the ruler of the Underworld. The Jeoseung Sajas are dispatched where needed to collect all lost souls, good or evil, and guide them beyond the Underworld Gate down through the Hwangcheon Road, the passage to the nether realms.
Jeoseung Sajas appear in areas where death is imminent, such as villages plagued by sickness, infirmaries or scenes of war. It is said that they can only be seen by those who are near death. Dreaming of a Jeoseung Saja is an omen of death.
Those who survived an encounter with a Jeoseung Saja describe them looking like humans, but with pale skin and grim sunken eyes. They wear a flowing black hanbok, a black hat and some were seen carrying a hammer. They avoid silver and trifoliate oranges trees.
What all Jeoseung Sajas carry is a book, with the list of souls they are out to collect when their time is due. It is believed that if one's name has been written in such books it would be impossible to escape death as the Jeoseung Sajas cannot be reasoned with. However, should the Jeoseung Saja lose his book of the departed, he too shall perish.
- Yondung - Spirit Guide |
If you haven't done the event yet, check the past news with Gummy's incredible walkthrough and get your crossbows already.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 8~
Event Kill Count Bug
Last night GM Wony acknowledged the kill count bug that occurs when killing the 'Walking Dead' aka zombies in the Dark Hunters Event and provided a response as to how they plan to deal with it.
See below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: GM Wony DATE: 10/27 SUBJECT: Event kill count bug
There was a bug in zombie kill count with the event, and a few people were affected by this. My apologies for this. A fix will come in with tonight's reset.
For the people who sent in tickets regarding this bug, we will individually address your case after the bug is fixed, within a couple of days, to avoid recurrence of the same bug. Thank you for your patience.
Everyone's patience is appreciated while they work on this issue!
Seen something we haven't? Let a Nexus Atlas Reporter know!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 107, 8th Moon, 11th Sun
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tutor Applications now Open!
Just now TutorApp has made a new post on the Community board announcing that Tutor applications are open once more! Head Tutor Sadiq reported to NexusAtlas earlier that he is hoping to have a full roster together by early November, so if you are interested in helping in one of these positions send in your application to TutorApp! Currently Tutor positions are open for ALL paths! The application can be found on Community board post #1561.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: TutorApp DATE: 10/23 SUBJECT: Tutor Applications are OPEN! Hello all!
The Tutor Department is recruiting once again! If you are interested in becoming a Tutor, please fill out and send the application below to TutorApp and if you are a good fit for our current needs (ANY path right now!), we will be in touch with a follow-up questionnaire designed to demonstrate your general and path-specific knowledge.
Please note that there are likely to be many qualified candidates and if you do not receive a response right away, it does not mean you will never be considered in the future as our needs change and the department expands. Best of luck and I hope to hear from many of you soon!
Sadiq Head Tutor |
Good luck to all applicants and NexusAtlas looks forward to seeing a new round of Tutors educate and energize the Kingdoms!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
GM Mir Returns to Nexus!
Last night, many of the leaders around Nexus were invited to meet with not only their Archons but also with GM Mir.

The night before shouts across the land from all of them could be heard, "Let's work together to weave the Nexus you always dreamed of."
GM Mir also mentioned that he is now 100% focused on Nexus and with two dedicated GM's, we should be seeing many more changes, fixes and content!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 107, 7th Moon, 5th Sun
Class is in Session: A New Head Tutor!
About two weeks ago the Tutors underwent a change in leadership. Reon stepped down as Head Tutor, passing on the position to Rogue Tutor Sadiq. Head Tutor Sadiq has already begun recruiting for the Tutor program and there should be many great things on the way!
 "I'm excited to be revamping the department and turning Tutors back into the great sources of all-around information they used to be. We should have the full roster up and running by the start of November! Can't wait!" - Head Tutor Sadiq
NexusAtlas thanks Reon for all his work as Head Tutor and wishes Sadiq and the rest of the Tutors all the best! Congratulations Sadiq.
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
A new Chidoja for the K'urimja Clan
Tonight a new Chidoja has risen to lead the grey bloods of Nagnang. After roughly a year of service, Hinoyuki has passed the torch onto ClogHat.
 I hope I can be a true leader and friend to my brethren. I have some plans in the works! -Chidoja ClogHat
NexusAtlas thanks Hinoyuki on his year of service, and congratulates ClogHat on taking up the mantle of Primogen! We are sure there are many good things in store for K'urimja.
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Buya Leaders Rejoice
by: Vini
-- 10:35 PM EST

In their first Clan Tribunal since the Palace extreme makeover was released, the leaders of Buya were ecstatic the conclusion of the renovation.
Queen Lasahn, Prince Daeso, Minister BloodofThor, General Teto, Primogen CheharraZade, Primarch CloverLeaf, Primogen Iroas, Primogen Mango, Primogen MoonWater, Primogen TheRighteous and others gathered outside of the Tribunal hall to celebrate. The only reason they didn't set out fireworks was because they were afraid of the sparks causing fire holes in those brand new carpets.
Buyans can now enjoy a full renewed Palace just like Nagnang and Koguryo after many years. Good things come to those who wait.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 7~
Buya Palace's extreme makeover
by: Vini
-- 7:20 PM EST

A couple days ago (Friday) there was a server reset in the lands of Nexus that went unreported by Nexus Atlas team. I guess we were all excited hunting in the Darkwoods Forest and none of us was prepared for another major addition in such a short time.
Here is a copy of the reset notes as posted on the Dream Weaver board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/18 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Oct. 18th, 2019
- Buya Palace updated/expanded. - Update to Imperial Assistant. - Update/Fix to Buya Army. |
As the news title indicates, the latest reset implemented a whole overhaul of the Buya Palace. Buya citizens can finally rejoice with the beautiful renovation and expansion of the interior of the palace. Out of the three kingdoms Buya was the only that hadn't received a major update to the Palace until now.
So, just like we did when Nagnang and Koguryo Palace were updated, we went there to check all what's new and created a whole picture book of how it looks. Since the palace is too big now, we divided the palace in two sessions, the lower area connected by the Couryard and the higher area connected by the Throne room.
Here are the rooms that got revamped:

The Buya Palace Courtyard and the Eternity Garden. It seems like the old one was never a "secret garden" anyway.

The Buya Royal Court where Royal pardons take place and the Buya Tribunal Hall where the bi-weekly clan tribunals take place.

The Buya Army Quarters is a new entrance to the BIA Barracks and the Imperial Foyer got a more cozy look for all who are waiting outside the Imperial Promenade for Defender Ceremonies.

Next check the upper section of the palace:
 To visit the new rooms of the palace go up the Throne room and enter either the Palace Hall to the left or the Palace Lobby to the right.

If you enter the doors to the left of the thrones you'll reach the Palace Hall. There you'll find the Queen Lasahn's Chambers, Queen Lasahn's Bedroom, Prince Daeso's Bedroom and a Guest Room.

If you enter the doors to the right of the thrones you'll reach the Palace Lobby. There you'll find the Dining Ballroom, the Palace Kitchen, the Palace Treasury and the Palace Prison.

Congratulations to Queen Lasahn and all of Buya for their new palace. Hopefully we'll get invitation to many events to come within those walls.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 7~
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Map of the Darkwoods Forest
by: Vini
-- 4:10 PM EST

Here is the detailed map of the Darkwoods forest for those of you who are still hunting the walking dead.
If you haven't started it yet, the way to reach the Darkwoods Field is from Buya Islet's Forest Crossroads to reach the Darkwoods Field and then go north.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 6~
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Weapon colors have changed
by: Vini
-- 12:15 PM EST
With Monday's reset a lot of old weapons had their color changed. It's not likely that will make any practical difference to any of us, but it's interesting to see that things keep changing. Here is the list of the weapons we found so far to have changed graphic colors.

If you find an others besides this please share in the community board or let a Nexus Atlas staff know.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 5~
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Darkwoods Event Walk-through
by: Gummy
-- 10:54 PM EST
Hello, my name is Gummy the newest reporter on Nexus Atlas! I've been playing Nexus for the better part of 19 years. I love this game, and this community and all it has to offer and I'm hoping to give back in any way that I can. A little about me, I am a member of the Heaven's Clan of Buya, the Imperial Buyan Ministry and a new Elixir Host. If ever you need anything feel free to ask, or if you see me around please do say hello. I love meeting new people. I hope to bring a wealth of information to you all, starting with this walk-through of the current Halloween event.
Go to east gate Buya. Walk all the way east across the Islets and the Forest Crossroads until you find the Darkwoods field. Then, walk north to the Darkwoods Forest. Then north again so you can reach the Dark Hunters' Camp.

Getting the walking dead mark:
1. Click the old man Sanyang and agree to help.

2. Click Gongpo for a quest to kill 100 walking dead.

3. To kill them you can go to any path North, west, east, south doesn't matter. Harden body does not work. ASV doesn't matter. HF, Ret, Vita attacks do no extra damage. Best bet for casters is Lavablast orb. These guys bite for 4% of your max vita it seems.

4. Click Gongpo to get marked for killing 100 zombies.

While killing Zombies they can "drop" items into your inventory: Killer's knife  Investigator's monocle Zombie basher Clicking the zombie basher asks if you want to keep it or turn it in, if you turn it in you receive a Witch's staff.
 If you elect to keep the Zombie Basher you CANNOT turn in any subsequent Bashers to receive a Witch's staff.
Thank you Keiara for the information on the Basher/Staff turn in requirements.
Getting the Jeoseung Saja mark:
1. Click Sanyang and choose the option about 'Soul Wisp'.

2. Then you have to kill Soul Wisps.
 It's not sure how many wisp kills (10+) are actually needed but it seems to be confirmed that silver arrows are not required.
3. Once you have killed 10-20 Soul Wisps, keep walking around the forest and eventually you'll get a popup that will take you to the underground. Walk around for another popup.

4. The grim reaper Jeoseung Saja will appear. You cannot beat him. He will beat you. That's supposed to happen.

You'll get transported back to camp and will get a new legend mark.

5. Talk to Sanyang and click wisp option again. You have a choice from 3 different prizes. Yangbantai is a permanent herb pipe with about 18s aethers (invoke is 23 so that's fine)  Harnessed Element Power is a 24 hour cooldown instant full vita/mana  Spirit's Gift is an auto-rez that breaks when you get resurrected. 
Getting the Jae the Slicer mark:
1. Click Sanyang again. He'll ask you to kill Jae the Slicer. 2. Then click Hwasal. He wants you to kill 100 more walking dead. 3. After getting 200 recorded kills (click Gongpo to get marked again) Hwasal will give you a crossbow and skull arrows.

4. Jae the slicer pops up randomly in all areas. Kill with a shot from your crossbow and skull arrows. DO NOT ATTEMPT to physically engage him. He WILL one shot you no matter your vita.

5. After killing Jae the Slicer talk to Hwasal again. 6. He will upgrade your bow for every 200 zombie kills and 1 Jae the Slicer kill. Except on the last upgrade where 5 extra Jae the Slicer kills are needed.

Obtain Crossbow (200 Zombie kills) Reinforced Crossbow (400 Zombie kills + 1 Jae the Slicer kill) Assault Crossbow (600 Zombies + 2 Jae the Slicer kills) Plated Crossbow (800 Zombies + 3 Jae the Slicer kills) Gold Plated crossbow (1k Zombies + 5 Jae the Slicer kills) Skull Crossbow (1.2k Zombies + 10 Jae the Slicer kills)

Thank you to Bergeron for the requirements needed.
Click here to view all the Bows and Crossbows stats.
Some of this information may not be 100% accurate such as wisp kills and how to fall. Any information that will positively reflect change and accuracy in this walkthrough is much appreciated.
Sincerely, Gummy
Take a trip to the Eastern Coast!

As it was announced in the latest reset notes, the old road to the Buya Coast has been reopened.
While Koguryo had access to the sea through Dae shore/Hausson and Nagnang had access through the South Nagnang Coast, Buya was the only of the tri-kingdoms area that didn't have such access open to the community. It all changed yesterday.
Now you can take a trip to the Buya Eastern Coast and visit the Eobu Harbor. To reach there you need to go beyond the Islets, cross the Forest crossroads, travel east through the Darkwoods Field, then cross the Darkwoods roads until you can finally see the dark blue colors of the sea.

Once there you'll find shore turtles roaming around, including newborn ones.

To the north of the Eastern coast there's an area called Quarry Sands and to the east there's the Eobu Harbor, Buya's very own wharf.

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/14 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Oct. 14th, 2019
Halloween events: - Trick or Treat is here. - The Dark Hunters are back, now at the Darkwoods Forest.
Other additions: - Queen Lasahn ordered the old road to the Buya Coast to be reopened. - Some weapons have gained new colors to make them look more unique. - Other minor fixes.
It is that time of the year again when people traditionally dress up in scary or funny costumes and get to "Trick or Treat". To trick or treat you must do it in of one the 10 full costumes dropped by the Spooky ghosts.
Once you have them go to Kugnae taverns, Buya taverns or Nagnang taverns and say "Trick of Treat".

Trick or treating may cause a large number of various effects and you can do that multiple times in a day, with 30 minutes break between each time you do the trick of treating. Most known tricks are: change of totem animal, PK death, send to jail, mass vertigo, spawn squirrels, etc. Most known treats are: a huge variety of morphs, special dyes, karma, etc.
While you can find the Spooky ghosts at the open areas of Kugnae, Buya and Nagnang, the best and fastest place to collect costumes is again at the Nagnang Haunted House. To reach that haunted house you need to go to Nagnang west gate then walk south towards 010,155. Once you reach the Nagnang Farms follow the path untl you see a path going west. From there go to 000,022. Keep following the path and there you'll find the Haunted House.

 Once inside you'll find several of those Spooky ghosts that drop the various costumes above. There are 16 types of spooky ghosts in total and their names are: Bandit Spooky, Bashful Spooky, Blushing Spook, Coy Spook, Crook Spook, Flushed Spook, Hooligan Spook, Howling Spook, Moaning Spook, Mushy Spook, Mushy Spook, Spongy Spook, Spooky Spook, Squashey Spooky, Squishy Spook, Villain Spook, and Yowling Spook.
Besides the full costumes they also drop some funny hats:
Nexus Atlas wishes everyone a Happy Halloween and enjoy trick or treating!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Disturbing Visions Plague Diviners!
In the last couple days quite a few Diviners have seen visions of some ghastly things. It is certain that we must all get ready for an encroaching evil, however it is up to each of us to decide what these visions may truly mean for us and how to truly prepare!
See each vision below:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Milana DATE: 4/2 SUBJECT: Augury of Darkness
Citizens of the Lands,
I come to you a bit unnerved as an Augury came over me as I napped in the shadows of the Tree of Reflection. My eyes glazed over as I felt the power rising through me and I uttered but only a few sentences to those around...
The earth around the roots are tainted with fright and despair. The famished are soon to rise from their tombs... So all should be aware.
Samhain is upon us and I can't help but think that some dark force is going to raise the bodies of those who have parted these lands... Could it be the Necromancer? Could it be Seokga?
I don't know, but I think we should all be prepared.
*signed* Lady Devoura
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: IcePixy DATE: 4/3 SUBJECT: ~*~Augury Vision~*~
Dearest friends and neighbors,
I fear something terribly nasty is coming our way...
As usual I was ankle deep in Oceana Hall's waters when my mind fractured into a kaleidescope. Shades of black and red swam across my eyes until I was standing in a state of bewilderment within a hair-raising fog. The damp and mucky ground I stood on muffled all sound as I spun in a quick circle to gain my bearings but was surrounded by a forest of the sort one wouldn't wish to be in alone.
As I completed my evaluation and spun back about I came face-to-face with a creature so vile! It's empty eye sockets and it's gruesome leer stretched it's parchment like paper until it tore and disgusting pus-coloured ooze ran out of the cracks. I uttered a silent scream, turned on my heel and raced across the uneven ground as the gurgling screeches of the creature giving chase followed me. The ground began to crumble and split forcing me to leap over the crevaces, mid-leap I tumbled out of the vision to find myself laying across my husbands lap in Oceana Hall, safe once more.
I believe this is a portent of things to come, I haven't had such a strong vision in quite a few hyul so I urge everyone to keep a careful eye out and please I beg of you do not go into any treed areas alone!
*;'IcePixy';* *;'The Oracle of Mirrors';* *;'Sea Primogen';*
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Asoma DATE: 4/3 SUBJECT: Augury Vision
[A torn sheet of parchment is pinned to the board and filled with a dense, hasty scrawl]
I must commit this to paper before the memory escapes me - I've just been struck by a vision that has left my hands shaking and nerves rattled.
As is usual for my afternoons, I was in the library lost in an obscure scroll of magical lore, this time relating the history of alchemy in a faroff kingdom. There was no warning, no careful parting of the veil of mystery - The vision impressed itself on my senses and held me in its grip in an instant. I doubt I could have awoken with any force of will.
I was deep in a thick forest, the night weighing heavily upon it. Even the moonlight seemed afraid to touch the ground, leaving me only my other senses to orient myself by. I felt ill at ease with the soil under my feet, a mournful cry echoed in my mind with each step.
In moments I was at an ancient tree whose gnarled roots dug deep into the earth. The source of those cries surely lay beneath... I felt a deep, striving hunger from under the tree as the dirt began to churn and gnash against itself. I wanted desperately to flee, but something held me frozen to the spot. I felt that gnawing hunger and baleful wail rising from beneath, and as it erupted from the earth I tried to scream -
- and I did scream, only to find myself in the library again, the other patrons staring at me with mixed looks of confusion and alarm.
I do not know yet what this vision portends, but for now - I will seek a strong cup of tea to settle my nerves...
Asoma Cavolei Dark Mi-Rae
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Silvarion DATE: 4/3 SUBJECT: Augury Vision
It was a bright sunny day, I was enjoying the breeze atop of our pavillion in the clouds.
I closed my eyes for a brief respite, only to be greeted by a terrible vision:
I stood atop of a foul looking mound, surrounded by tall gnarly trees. The stench of the dead permeated the thick and heavy air. It was hard to breathe, the evil is suffocating.
I was jolted awake by the sound of my spear hitting the ground. Unconsciously, my grip has loosened. I quickly penned down this vision as vividly as I can recall, and tightly gripped my weapon before crushing that Kindred talisman, rushing off to warn my kins.
Silvarion Devoura Dark Hyun-Jae
Keep an eye out for anything suspicious and if you see anything let a NexusAtlas Reporter know!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 107, 4th Moon, 6th Sun
Server Reset Updates
by: Vini
-- 10:00 AM EST
About 6 hours ago the Nexus servers were reset (daily reset) and it seems to have brought some fixes to both the Koguryo and the Nagnang Palace. Nothing new to Buya palace it seems.
Here is a copy of the reset notes as posted on the Dream Weaver board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/08 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Oct. 8th, 2019
Minor fixes to: - Nagnang palace - Kugnae palace - Yuri's Seamstress |
I didn't have time to go check what's new yet, but we'll update this post soon with what we find as changes.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 3~
Site navigation restructured - Welcome the Handbook Tab
by: Ferro
-- 12:21 AM EST
Our readers have asked and we have listened. The left menu navigation has been restructured to suit your needs. Many people used to comment how they didn't like having to go to second page of library to get to clans and subpaths section and therefore Vini asked me to make some changes.
The 2 pages of Library have now been split into two different sections: the library will have our more informative pages, while the handbook will be your quick guide to all info stored on our database.

The affiliates tab was merged into the Community tab, so if you want to visit the other awesome nexus fansites please use the community tab instead. The Nexus Atlas contact page has also been updated to make it easier to understand who helps with each section.

If you are having trouble with the new navigation, then please be sure to trigger a full refresh of the page. Holding shift or Ctrl while pressing your browser's refresh button should be sufficient to do this. So if you're seeing any errors try: Shift + F5 (Chrome) Ctrl + F5 (Firefox) These should clear your cache memory. Also if you find any pages still using the old navigation structure then please report that. Thank you.