Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Reminder About Nexus Atlas Content
by: Vini
-- 1:56 PM EST
The newly implemented Nexus Wiki tool that allows players to have a more complete and up to date Nexus TK Guide within KRU's pages is a blessing for the community and the opportunity for anyone to participate is very important in the process of making it as much complete as possible within a short time.
Yet, instead of deciding to write guides and explanations of their own, some people have been copying and pasting content from Nexus Atlas and without even caring about giving the proper credit. Please stop doing so. I know the intentions are good, but taking credit for other people's work is plagiarism. Nexus Atlas content is copyrighted and only group that has rights over it, besides Nexus Atlas Staff is KRU Interactive themselves (and perhaps Nexon).
Nexus TK Wiki wasn't created to be a copy of of Nexus Atlas. If you want to help, help by creating content that isn't already on Nexus Atlas. Our staff is working on migrating content from NA to the new Wiki. I'll be personally contacting each user who copied content from the site without authorization and hopefully they'll migrate their efforts into creating additional content.
I trust that most if not all who did, was doing with good faith, but bear in mind that taking credits for other people's work is dishonest and a disrespect for our current and past staff of people who devoted hours to create content to Nexus Atlas without even taking much credit, while some just press copy & paste as their own. I've received today a complaint from staff members about this practice and will take necessary measures to make sure their efforts (and of past members) are protected.
Vini Head of Nexus Atlas
Server reset! Trick or treat begins
To trick or treat at the Inns you first need a complete costume, head accessory and coat of same kind. Here is the list of the known dropped outfits you can get this year:
To get one you need to send away one of the spooky spooks. There are dozens of them: Yowling Spook, Flushed Spook, Spongy Spook, Squishy Spook, Crook Spook, Coy Spook, Moaning Spook and more. Here's how they look like:
 Once you grab a full costume (hat + suit) head to one of the kingdom's Inns or to wilderness village and say "trick or treat" while wearing the costume. The results of trick or treat are random and quite funny.
This is some costumes that only dropped in Tangun area in 2015 but There's no ghosts this year.:
Modified copy of 2015 post by Vini
 -Linuxkiddy's rotting in (fake)jail as a Nasty trick
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/28 SUBJECT: Server Reset - October 28th, 2016
- Trick or treat begins.
- Woonsoo will give you a new item 'Haunted shield skin', plus another new item 'Haunted shield skin dye', in exchange of your existing Haunted shield AND...
- A new fragile orb is available if you are a high stat poet, for a very moderate cost.
NexusAtlas: (Late) Halloween Event walkthrough
Happy Halloween~ Halloween Event walk through
Step 1:
Start off by making your way to south gate Kugnae and head east to Haunted Den shown in the image bellow.
 Step 2: Inside will be two NPCs, simply say House to them. You'll be given the choice of helping the Scholars or spirits. (Look below in later steps to determine which mark you'll desire.)
 Step 3: If you've chosen Scholar(if you choose spirits skip to step 4) you'll go to Kugnae haunted house to the room "Final Rest" you'll find the witch lord there.

 Click on The witch lord and he'll tell you to find three of each items
- Lifeless body - Potion of binding - Spare skin
Choosing yes you'll be taken to the battlefield where you will be able to defeat the ghouls and monsters around to collect the items.
Step 4: If you've chosen spirit(if you choose scholar skip to step 5) you'll go to Buya haunted house to the room "Broken floor" you'll find the spirit lord there.

 Click on The spirit lord and he'll tell you to find three of each items
-Lifeless body - Bottled Souls - Pure Essence
Choosing yes you'll be taken to the battlefield where you will be able to defeat the ghouls and monsters around to collect the items.
Step 5 profit (kidding):
Go back to either the Spirit or witch lord (whichever option you've chosen) And hand in your items. After you've handed your items in you'll be instructed to return to the Haunted Den to receive your reward and legend mark!
Haunted Shield: 400,000 Level 0 requirement BREAK ON DEATH! (Many different colors depending on what Sheild dye you apply to it.)
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Halloween Kruna?!
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 10/21 SUBJECT: Happy Halloween with a new item! Boo~
Halloween started. Few weeks ago, I already updated the Item Shop with the evil, devil, skull, blood, pumpkin, coffin, witch, ghost, skeleton, cat, bat.... all the items with scary names. One of them is 'Bloated Skelly'. Is the name scary enough? It is a new item and it is a bundle of 3 skeleton balooms. You can choose different colors. You don't have to hold them with your hands. But they are always floating behind you with a big scary smile and will follow you wherever you go. Isn't that scary? I hope this adds the joy of being scared to this Halloween.
Hmm...but scary items only? I love the angel costumes too. How about mix and match? :) What is your costume theme this year? I am going to add a few more items on the Item Shop for Halloween. Today I am posting first :) I don't know what I will have haha.. but I hope it helps you make your own costume.
I am always amazed at your sense of style. Every time after I update the Item Shop, I love to go out just to see you in new outfits. I am ready to go out to see your costumes. :)
Happy Halloween!
** CoverGirl
Usable Items (pass cursor over images for info)
Weapons (pass cursor over images for info)
Faces (pass the cursor over images for info)
Head (pass the cursor over images for info)
Mantles (pass the cursor over images for info)
Coats (pass the cursor over images for info)
Don't forget to try your luck with some of the amazing packages that are out!
Dino suits, Octopus Costumes and More!
Happy Halloween Month, Nexus!
NexusTK team? Server reset- Halloween event.
A new post will be provided with the information on the Halloween event has it becomes solved.
Ringing/Bloodstone has been reverted back to the original way.
Todays server reset comes with another Patch!
Mir did not post the latest DreamWeaver post, NexusTK did. Did Mir lose his job or is it a combined effort with more than one programmer now.
Only time will tell.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/21 SUBJECT: Server Reset - October 21th, 2016
- Halloween event
- Daily coin random box minor update, items are class specific now
- Old house rental refund available at the rental offices. (Players with large refund amount or extremely long rental period will be contacted individually)
- Some internal modification and tools built in.
NexusTK Team

New feature found in Client, Shift+F1 loads a website dedicated to helping other players.
Private Royal playdate
It was a day like no other for the royal children as they met for the first time in Nagnang's Memory Garden. Empress Lasahn and Prince Daeso were first to arrive with General Piff and LostandFound. King Mhul and the twins Prince Mobon and Prince Mingjung followed them with General Amatus.
 They were greeted by Sieo and General Neji and escorted into the garden where Princess Sutsang formally welcomed everyone and made introductions.
 A game of Tunnels and Warps broke the ice with laughter and cheers from the guests and even more cheers when Prince Daeso won the game. Everyone enjoyed the food at the picnic and the stories told by Aang continued to keep everyone entertained.
 Sieo presented Black Amber to each of the children as a farewell gift, with hopes that together they may solve this mystery. -Written by Wildhair.
Sieo has also written about the royal play date on CoTW found here
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
New Buyan Minister
by: Ferro
-- 9:03 PM EST
Those sneaky Buyans! They have been appointed a new minister, and no one bothered to inform us. Congratulations to LostAndFound on their new position as minister. I'm sure the Buyans will be thanking the previous minster, Sageri, for their past services. Thanks Sageri! May LostAndFound do as well as or better than their predecessor.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Small Kruna Update
Looks like two more dyable hairs were put onto the main page of the item shop! Enjoy ~
Main Page (pass cursor over images for details)
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
NA short planned server downtime scheduled for tonight
by: Vini
-- 11:50 AM EST
Nexus Atlas' webhost is scheduled to have a server maintenance taking place tonight, October 05, 2016 into the morning of Thursday, October 06, 2016. Therefore, this procedure will necessitate a few minutes of downtime on services provided.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hopefully we'll be able to minimize this period of downtime to something barely noticeable by the majority of players.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 83, Moon 2~
Server Reset-Warriors get their orbs back.
So long Mage week, Hello Rogue week... oh wait... good thing I didn't work on a rogue week image. #roguelifesmatter

-Added Minor quest locations to the front page to aid help in finding monsters faster.
The cave name is a clickable link to the closest location to find the monster.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: mir DATE: 10/4 SUBJECT: Server Reset - October 4th, 2016
- Mage appreciation week ends - Fragile orb of Sul slash tuned and stays for now. - Fragile orb of ripple stays for now. - Fragile orb of suppress is more potent - Group exp. bonus when all 4 classes participated - Testing new rental house system (entirely new code). New features will be added. Daily coin random box dispenses temp house coupons. Old rental cost will be reimbursed later. - Banked MQ run ends - And yes, Fragile orb of whirlwind ripple and lethal strike ripple are back
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Mage Appreciation Kruna & New General?!
As promised, CoverGirl has added an assortment of goodies to the item shop for the last of Mage Appreciation Week! From gift boxes, to new hairs & a freaky new coat!
Usable Items (pass cursor over item for details)
Head (pass cursor over item for details)
Mantle (pass the cursor over item for details)
Coats (pass the cursor over item for details)
New General of Nagnang
Previous Lt.General Neji has been appointed the next General of the RGN & Nagnang! Ex-General Arkanis had these last words to say:
"Neji, you were my first recruit to the Guard, for the past 8 years you have been my most consistently active and reliable Guardsman. You have show leadership through organizing and mobilizing the Guard when I was busy with other matters. You have shown innovation and vision through new ideas and proposals you have set forth. You have shown loyalty and integrity by being my trusted Lt.General who I have confided in with personal and state matters. You have shown spirit by sticking by your principles and ideals even when it is inconvenient to do so. You have shown guts by not backing down from a challenge even when your opponent appears to be far stronger and more fearsome. I believe with these qualities: Leadership, innovation, vision, loyalty, integrity, spirit and guts, you will make a fantastic General of Nagnang."
As Lt.General Neji thanked General Arkanis for his kind words, King ChaeRi also had something to say to Arkanis:
"General Arkanis, your service to me and my family as well as to Nagnang has been inspiring. You have dedicated more time than I could ask for reviving the army in your vision, and applying its strengths to Nagnang's needs. Your service as General will not be forgotten and it is my hope that we may see more of you yet in whatever path you choose."
At this time, Lt.General Neji was sworn in as the newest General of Nagnang.
We wish General Neji the best of luck on his newest journey as well as much relaxation upon his retirement to Ex-General Arkanis!