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Server Reset October 31st, 2014
by: Loxie
-- 9:29 PM EST
* Happy Halloween! :)
* Fixed a bug where a weapon skin applied to a weapon whose base color is already shifted will cause the weapon skin's color to be shifted as well
Minor updates for: - Ministry of Buya - Dharma clan - Viper clan
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Sever Reset October 29, 2014
by: Loxie
-- 9:54 PM EST
* New Halloween themed itemshop items now available: check out new costumes and weapon skins (along with the trick or treat bag) available in the itemshop!
Minor updates for: - Destiny clan - Oceana clan - Alizarin clan
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Haunted House Event!
by: Rachel
-- 7:49 PM EST
Shortly after a reset today, and a post from Stein, the entrance to the Abandoned House was found inside the Buya Haunted House (In the room "Condemned" at the coordinates 07/08)
Inside, you can find the bosses from last year's underworld event. The bosses return in new forms until you kill their sixth form.
Their AI is similar to Lost Mine leech bosses. They cast Hoche to prevent curses and they dispel if they're slept. Blind seems to work very well on them.

The Demented Crafter can drop a Broken Modulator (Confirmed by Rachel after a grueling 35 minutes!) I've also heard he can drop 10 cloth, 10 fine cloth, or a red potion. Loxie tells me that the boss can also drop a full Skill Modulator.
Beard doesn't respond to "Broken modulator" anymore, but it seems that TaikPae can fix them for us!
(I believe this means you need to send an n-mail to "TaikPae" rather than visit the NPC in Kinung)

Claw can drop a Claw mantle. (Confirmed by BagOfChips)
The Hollow Ghost (Spirit with a brown hat) can drop a "Scroll of mortality" but it might not have a purpose this time around.
Thank you to BagOfChips, Obduracy, Snack, and Loxie for information! Also thank you to Vini for posting useful information and images in the event last November!
Goodbye to all
by: Akiudo
-- 3:17 PM EST
Hi guys,
Firstly I've just stepped down and Koohwen has become the new primogen of Silla. Please congratulate him in this new position he now holds, due to previous experience I am very happy to leave Silla in his capable hands.
I am leaving the kingdoms as soon as my registration runs out and will not be returning until Oh san is released (which we all know is unlikely considering the amount of attention shown to the game by KRU). Ironically I will be leaving as soon as they host an event (yet again a recycled event but nevertheless one we can all appreciate as it brings the always in demand skill mods - happy hunting)
I've been complaining about the way this game is run for a long time now and no matter what is said I really don't see any changes and many a player will agree with me that there is barely anything different about this game from 3-4 years ago except we probably disconnect more frequently. With that I just unregged account by account (of which 6 I own) and now I have ridden my direct debits of all KRU activity.
I do genuinely hope that KRU finally wake up one day and see the error of their ways in the severe lack of content they are depriving you all of and make amends but for now I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy what you pride yourselves to do whilst you continue your gameplay on Nexus.
All the best,
- Akiudo
Kingdom Arena League
by: Loxie
-- 10:49 PM EST
Dear Loxie,
Below is a letter I have been mailing all Primos and Elders regarding my event, please read it just to get a feel for what I'm trying to do. I've contacted you because you're the most active voice on Nexus Atlas, rather then any sort of monetary or mark contribution, my only request, if it is possible is for you to post on Nexus Atlas regarding the event so it gets some good publicity. Details can be found on Community Events.
Thank you ---------------------------------------------------------------
You are being contacted regarding a very unique opportunity. The KSG has proudly put together the first ever Kingdom Arena League - Our goal with this league is to bring a brand new, never before seen event to the lands while providing a fun and exciting experience not only to participants, but to observers alike. Through this event not only do we hope to spark a new, genuine affinity for the kingdoms but we also hope to start a movement that will get the kingdoms buzzing again and restore some wonder to lands in which excitement is a rare commodity. We hope that this event will not only touch those who roam the kingdoms today but re-attract those that have departed for stranger lands.
The spirit of competition will thrive in our kingdoms, and with any organized sporting event we would like to offer you an opportunity at involvement with this new and innovative idea. We humbly request that you assist us in promoting this event; encourage your walkers, clan mates, friends and family to participate - whether by creating a team or supporting our competitors through observation.
In promoting this event you may even have the opportunity to promote your clan or subpath by having your name engraved on one of our participating teams through Sponsorship. Should you have any interest in sponsorship please contact us and we will provide you with the names of team captains and you may negotiate however you see fit.
Last but not least - we implore you to provide additional incentives for community participation - whether it be donating money, items, or marks to the victor. Should you wish to make a donation please contact Destine - The KSG will assure your clan or subpath receive recognition for your generosity and it will be attached to all promotions for the event.
You and your organization can make a real difference in bringing this unique experience to fruition and giving back to the people of the community.
The Contribution does not need to be in coins, any mark you see fit is equally valuable.
Current Contributors -
KSG - 5m donation - Tournament Win Mark Destine - 5m donation
On behalf of the KSG and Kingdom Arena League - Your time is greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Subpath Fair
by: Loxie
-- 6:52 PM EST
The subpath fair is in full swing! Meet with each path and if you find one you're interested, let them know!
Fair Schedule During the subpath fair each hour is limited to one lesson, however, while some paths have scheduled a definite event for each hour, this isn't necessary. All paths are able to host games throughout the night - with the exception of when the fair closes and opens.
Friday, October 24th, 2014
7pm EST- Opening Introductions/Ceremony Ritual of Divination - Diviner is opening the festival with a ritual of Divination. (Diviner - 21,81)
8pm EST- Introduction to Monk A basic course on the core concepts and ideas,and beliefs of the Monk path. (Monk - 57,104)
9pm EST- Introduction to the Chongunate This will be an information, Q&A, and general,Crash course into the world of the Chongunate. (Chongun - 93,35)
10pm EST- Introduction to Do An introduction to the Do subpath which will go,over the following topics: History, Title, Explanations, Codes of Conduct, and Core Beliefs (Do - 57,35)
11pm EST- Introduction to Shamanism A lesson on the Principles of Shaman (Shaman - 92,81)
Saturday, October 25th, 2014 3pm EST- Opening Introductions/Ceremony (Druid - 21,101)
4pm EST- Introduction to Druid A lesson on the basics of what being Druid means. (Druid - 57,104)
5pm EST- Merchants - What are they all about? Identifying the different types of Merchants, their characteristics and beliefs (Merchant - 93,58)
6pm EST- The Art of Muse The basics of what a Muse is and what it means to be a Muse. (Muse - 92,014)
7pm EST- Introduction to Geomancy A basic class, introducing the core beliefs, traditions, and values of the Geomancer family. (Geomancer - 57,81) Bridge of Flowers Be the last one standing on a flower to win (Druid - 21,101)
8pm EST- Analysis of Buddhism A course describing the history of Buddhism and the ways it has been shaped by culture over time (Monk - 57,104) Fortune Revealed Diviners perform divinations for participants (Diviner - 21,81)
9pm EST- Special presentation (Spy - 21,58)
10pm EST- Basics of Wilderness Survival Spend time with the members of the Ranger path to discuss a Ranger's skillset - and how it lends itself to surviving in the harshest of conditions (Ranger - 57,58) Weapon Dance Participants dance around a series of weapons. Stand on the correct weapon or you're out! (Do - 57,35)
11pm EST- History & Lore A lesson on the Original Eight and Shaman lore (Shaman - 92,81)
12am EST- Light Show Ending the night with a Muse light show (Muse - 21,101)
Sunday, October 26th, 2014
4pm EST- Do Performance Do will do a demonstration of a weapon form. (Do - 57,35)
5pm EST- Barbarian Class Placeholder for Barbarian. (Barbarian - 21,35)
6pm EST- The Art of Muse The basics of what a Muse is and what it means to be a Muse. (Muse - 92,014) Jan Ken Pon The classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! (Monk - 57,104)
7pm EST- To be a Monk What does it mean to be a Monk? How do you become a Monk? A short lesson on core concepts will be followed by Q&A. Ask about our ideals, believes, and ways! (Monk - 57,104) Royal Revels Roadshow Royal Revels Reading travels to the Subpath fair. (Muse - 21,101)
8pm EST Do Core Beliefs & Message to Seekers Explanations of foundation concepts to a Do and advice to seekers and those interested in Do. (Do - 57,35) As Grouchy As Each contestant has five minutes to complain about the topic of their choice. (Diviner - 21,81)
9pm EST- Divination Methods A lesson on various divination methods and how to adapt or make your own. (Diviner - 21,81)
10pm EST Scouting Trip/Closing Ceremony Scouting trip and announcing the winners for costume contest, booth contest, and treasure hunt. (Ranger - 57,58)
Costume Contest
Dress up in a costume and visit the paths. Each path will take down names of their favorite trick-or-treaters. At the end of the festival, after the scouting trip, the trick-or-treaters return for the tallying of votes and announcing of the winners.
First Place: Free Extended Title (must be RP appropriate) 2 million gold Ba Gua reading Random Kruna Package
Second Place: Free Extended Title (must be RP appropriate) One Free Engrave 1,010,000 gold Qi Shard
Treasure Hunt
Each path has chosen a token. These are unique to the path and chosen by them to hand out during the event. Visit the paths to collect their token and have your name written down as checking in. Collect all and turn them in at the end of the fair to be entered to win the treasure hunt prizes.
Some paths give them out for stopping by and saying hello, some for asking, and some for winning or attending events. Keep an eye out for paths offering tokens and grab one while you can!
Barbarian - Unknown -21,35 Chongun - Unknown -93,35 Diviner - Fortune Cookie -57,35 Do - Foxblade -57,35 Druid - Voodoo doll -21,101 Geomancer - Geomancer Token 1 -57,81 Merchant - Unknown -93,58 Monk - Unknown -57,104 Muse - Tanso -92,014 Ranger - Unknown -57,58 Shaman - Angel's Tear -92,81 Spy - Unknown -21,58
First Place: Check for 100k One Free Engrave 2 million gold Ba Gua reading Random Kruna Package
Second Place: 1,010,000 gold Qi Shard
Path Booth decorating contest
During the fair you may notice subpaths decorating their booths. Stop by each path and see the display they've set up, and if you find one exceptionally impressive fill out the voting form and send it to 'Trustie'. Voting ends at 10pm EST on Sunday the 26th.
The path that receives first and second place will determine what they do with their prize - whether it goes into the path bank, to event hosts for the path, or to the person who decorated the event.
-------------------- Booth Vote ------------------------ Name: First Place: Second Place:
First Place: 2,250,000 gold Non-bonded flower bouquet Ba Gua reading Random kruna package
Second Place: 1,010,000 gold Qi Shard
Server Reset October 17th
by: Loxie
-- 9:06 PM EST
Minor updates for: - Do subpath - Chongun subpath - SunMoon clan - Tiger clan - Bear clan
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Kugnae west gate is under attack
by: Vini
-- 9:39 PM EST
After an anonymous threat was delivered to General SonKnuck of Koguryo Royal Army, he and his men began patrolling Kugnae gates tonight accompanied by King Mhul himself.
By the time they were crossing southwest of Kugnae, between south gate and west gate, screams of despair began to echo through the kingdoms as a group of grizzly bears escaped from the Ancient Training Grounds and began to attack people at west gate.

With the help of citizens, KRA soldiers were able to contain the grizzly bears and lock them back to the Ancient Training Grounds. Soldiers are now investigating what might be the cause of the Training Grounds portals to have failed and who was behind it, as this was surely no accident. The source of the threat must be the main lead to figure out what happened today which caused the death of many people.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 67, Moon 5~
Server reset notes
by: Vini
-- 9:36 PM EST
There was a server reset today to add minor updates for the following subpaths: - Chongun - Shaman - Do - Merchant - Muse
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 67, Moon 4~
Avast Antivirus is flagging Nexustk.exe as false positive
by: Vini
-- 11:35 PM EST
As posted by Stein on Dream Weaver board, several community members have alerted that Avast antivirus is flagging Nexus as a virus and deleting the executable and quarenting the file. KRU Interactive has already contacted Avast representatives to try to get this resolved as soon as possible. While then, if you really wish to keep Avast as your antivirus SpyVsSpy posted some guidelines on community board to unflag your Nexustk.exe from their virus database.
For those that may wish to keep Avast another option is to white list your NTK folder.
To do so open Avast Go to Settings--> Antivirus--> Scroll down to Exclusions Add the folder NTK is in.
You can either restore the copy Avast removed or reinstall NTK... just whitelist the folder it will be in first.
Of course bear in mind that Avast will now skip over the selected folder in scans so drill down as much as possible and remove the exclusion once this issue is resolved. |
While seeing a case of false positive from Avast, you might also wonder if it's time to migrate to G Data, Norton, Bitdefender, Kaspersky other licensed security softwares which will better protect you from phishing, hacking, etc.
Today there was also a minor reset with updates for: - Fox Hunt system - Fixes for Diviner subpath (His thread of Fate can now be worn by male Diviners and both version can be earned by non-diviners)
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 67, Moon 3~
Threads of Fate
by: Vini
-- 9:33 PM EST
There was a server reset today which added an update for Diviners, their unique subpath coat: the Threads of Fate.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 67, Moon 1~
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
The Subpath Fair is coming to town
by: Loxie
-- 10:30 AM EST
On Friday, October 24th to Sunday, October 26th the subpath fairgrounds will open its gates and the paths will be holding a three day festival! There will be lessons and events for you to attend each evening, and if you find the path you've longed to join there will be an expedited seeking process to determine whether or not you'll begin training! Each path has their own method, so I can't really describe more than that - except that you'll know if you've been accepted immediately.
Come meet the subpaths, mingle, and have fun! Expect to see a costume contest, trick or treating, and prizes galore. Each path has a token you'll have to find, either by attending their events or trick or treating for it. The most unique costume will win the grand prize for the night - but make it appropriate, guys. This is in the spirit of fun and not a place for you to perpetuate your grudges.
Some really fantastic unpathed people ask how they can help. Hold on tight! There may be some things for you to do on the day of if you're interested. For pathed people interested in joining in, sign up! This is one festival you won't want to miss.