Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Saturday, October 31, 2009
New Spy Elder
It seems Reiko's short reign (two weeks) of eldership has come to an end and he has passed the position along to Rhetoric.
 Elder Rhetoric
Good luck Rhetoric. Thank you NagNag for reporting this information on NexusForums. -Musoyen
Server reset, Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello. Today there was a small reset to fix some stuff!
An emergency reset happened due to a bug with the horse races, they have been temporarily closed. Major updates to the new area.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chongun Major update
by: AkiKan
-- 9:09 AM EST
Here is one of the past major updates for the Chongun's. Their Immortal gateway was changed from this to this.

I'll add in the other room's that got updated later on.
I must say, Nice mapping skills whoever made them. Even has newer tiles that not alot of people see.
From the desk of, AkiKan
Server reset, Thursday, October 29, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 8:16 AM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Major fix for Pegasus
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor updates for Chongun
Other: * Skeleton was moved from North gate Mythic so players can get by * Minor updates for new area
From the desk of, AkiKan
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
New Position: Assistant Head Judge
by: Vini
-- 4:38 PM EST
A new position was announced today in justice system: Assistant Head Judge. The one chosen by Head Judge Teragg to be working as his right hand is Logorin. To those confused to what an assistant head judge would be, is like a primarch. Logorin will be able to help with most functions that only the Head Judge can do, but the judges will still be lead by Teragg himself.
Being a judge is a tiring position. It requires long hours of work, has to deal with many issues and has a lot of headaches. It's one of the most unpleasant positions to be in and it's hard for the good people who accept carrying such burden to suddenly become enemy of many people for doing what their job require him to do. Being Head Judge is just like that but in a larger scale. Let's hope this new assistant head judge position will help relief a bit of the pressure put on Teragg's shoulders daily.
 Congratulations Logorin and good luck on your new position. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 27, Moon 7~
New Subpath dye
by: Vini
-- 4:08 PM EST
As of today a new dye has become available in nexus, this time under the colors of the Chongun path. The steel blue dye represents those who uphold the virtues of honor, justice and compassion within Chongun warriors.
 Also today Kinung additions and fixes: * New Kinung History board is now in Kinung Town Hall * New merchants can be seen near the Market place * Minor changes to Kimoni Other: * New skeleton skull colors and suits added to item shop ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 27, Moon 7~
A lot of people have been asking for a walkthrough. The archons have told a few people that it is just a suggestion that we don't post it. Some players think it's best it's not in the news because they don't want to use a walkthrough. For the rest of us, click here.
Enjoy! Redacted
Halloween Walkthrough
Item Needed from Outside: - Sacred poem (1) - White potion (1) - Ink (1) - Key to Wind - key to Earth - Key to Fire - Key to Water ------------------------------------------------------------- Decayed Antechamber 016/002 to Fabled Archive 023/002 to Dead Room 009/007 to Bone Stew 019/007 to Silent Atrium 001/018 to Cairn Consortium 038/018 to Master's Workspace 031/002 to Summer Campaign ---------------------------------------------------------------- Master Workplace - 038,018
1. Walk around the room to the Big door. You must get the popup before you can get the spheres.
2. Go to Curtain - 29,03
3. Bookshelf - 40,20
4. Case - 22,36
5. Combination : Black - Cloudy - Clear
6. Read the Book, then go to the stairway
7. Enter the Wayward Enclave - Old Water bucket 08,06 - Keep walking till you get a random pop-up Choose "Tall" and You'll get a "Strange herb" Choose "Flask" and You'll get a "Alchemy Flask" Get these 4 items: Old water bucket, Strange herb, Flint and Tinder, and a Flask.
8. Go back to the Master Workplace, and Find the Alchemist Bench (21,15) The Order of the Potion is : 2 - 3 - 1 - 4, and You'll get a strange potion.
9. Then go to the Locked door, which can be found at the right of the Bench.
10. Once you arrived at Celestial void, follow the path. In the second room of Celestial void (014,002) - There will be a Pop-up.
11. Sent back to the Hall. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cairn Consortium - 001, 018 Enter by walking around the boxes near the door. 03,17?
Set the 4 Statues with these directions: Head -005,008 - Down Blade - 011,008 - Blade up Arm - 006,012 - Right Shield - Bottom Right - Left Flank This opens the door so you can leave. Walk out of the room to the south. You will enter the Endless Corridor.
Endless Corridor Walk down and you'll be in a maze with with a crosswalk. Walk to the center of the corridor; follow this: Right - Up - Left - Right
Back to Decayed Antechamber ------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Campaign - 032,002 Walk into the statues and they will disappear so you can walk.
1. Summer Campaign - Up 3x - Right 2x - Up 2x - Right 1x - Up 2x - Left 2x - Up 3x 2. Winter March - Up 1x - Right 1x - Up 3x - Left 4x - Up 4x - Right 2x - Up, Right, Up 3. Assault by Fire - Up 2x - Left 3x - Up 2x - Left 1x - Up 2x - Right 3x - Up 1x - Right 2x - up 3x ------------------------------------------------------------- Fabled Archives - 1st Door at the Left side of the hall.
1. Walk to (015,003) Compass Directions: - Down with Slash - Up - Up with Slash - Down And you'll arrive at Aether Flow. You give your Ink, White potion, and Sacred scroll.
2. In the Aether Flow, walk to the North till you see a Table. Have a Sacred Poem, Ink and White potion with you then. Click the table and you'll be summoned to Maleficium Chamber. Put your keys on the small red squares. N - Key to Earth W - Key to Water S - Key to Fire E - Key to Wind Once you've done this, Walk to the Center (028,012) of the room. You'll be sent back to the Decayed Antechamber 015,002.
3. Back to the Master's Workplace (039,017) and enter the trapdoor to the Celestial Void.
4. Walk to the top right and walk turn around the wall to the south. Enter the 2nd room and take a Stairway to Deteriorated Attic. (If you can't enter then you have already completed the quest. If it doesn't take you to the attic, then go back and do the other parts first.)
5. Find the Dead body and click it and there will be 2 options. Choose "Bury the Alchemist Body" and you will have it in your inventory.
6. Once you are going to walk out the room, there will be another option. - If you choose to drop the body, You'll get a new mark "Stole the secret of the Alchemist".
Reward: 50 pirate coins, Jaded dye (12) or Murky dye (12)and a new legend mark.

- If you choose to bury him, then you'll be sent out of the room and back to Decayed Antechamber.
7. From Decayed Antechamber, walk to 20,07 and you'll enter the Silent Atrium. Keep walking to the North (to 014,10) and Bury the Alchemist next to his wife.
Reward: Alchemist Outfit, Karma, Minor quest exp, and a new legend mark.

 Here's a rough map:

Server reset, Friday, October 23, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 1:02 PM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
You should be able to trick or treat in your new gift package outfits.
Fix for boards in Buya
Blocked area for Wayward Enclave has been updated so you can get into that blocked area.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Major updates for Chongun
From the desk of, AkiKan
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Halloween is here!
by: Vini
-- 8:32 PM EST
It's time for spooky creatures, crazy costumes and scaring your friends for fun. This year the kingdoms seem to have experienced the dark airs in most of the common places, like east gate Kugnae. These have been filled with skulls, spider webs and bones. The trees have lost their leaves and the feelings of fear have mixed with the fun of celebrating this time of the year. Trick or treat is back with the common results that normally gives. Those willing to attempt for unique dyes as result for treat will have to remember that to be able to trick or treat they'll need to be wearing a full costume and go to the nearest inns.The x different combination of costumes can be easily obtained by slaying the spooky spirits which appeared everywhere in the kingdoms.
 There are also dark airs coming from the forests of Kinung Town. It seems the Yon and Tae families are having trouble with ghosts. The "Curious" cat that appeared days ago in Kinung has moved to the Desolate Swamp. For those who are willing to venture into this sinister place, just follow the cat's track all the way in Forest of Elders (North of Kinung) to the southeast of the area.  It might be a good idea to bring a lantern as the haunted mansion of the alchemist seems to be a really dark place to walk around. Lanterns are easy to make, just need wood, paper, hot coal and beef all mixed together. Inside the mansion there are plenty of puzzles and very little risk of death, but in case a tricky ghost does hit you, the "Curious" cat which is now inside the Faded Archives can assist you getting back on your feet. There's quite a few puzzles inside so probably you'll need to visit the cat sometime. Here's a legend mark that some community members earned already:  It's not known if this legend mark is just a first step within the event or if it is the end of it. Time will tell. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 27, Moon 6~
Server reset, Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Due to popular demand we will release the Gift from last years Halloween item shop again. This box will only be up from today till Monday morning. This package contains the following items which are listed up on the Item shop website. Do not get it mixed up with the one for this year because we will NOT exchange the pumpkins. Please read before you purchase. One says New at the top and the other says Popular.
Purple dragon package Green dragon package Black dragon package Blue Ogress package Blue Ogre package Kitten package Cat package Mask package Skeleton package Slimey package Bizarre package Evil package Skull package Care package
************************************************************ The Secrets of the Alchemist Halloween event opens today.
The spooks are back bringing you costumes to wear for trick or treating.
Some crazy things have happened around the Kingdoms and Mythic, it is really spooky now.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Shaman
Other: * A few new items will be added to the item shop later today. Please don't forget to check it out. * You will now be able to bank your Emerald witches dress and hat (name was misspelled an couldn't be banked, just take to any seamster or seamstress and ask them to un-engrave it and it should bank.)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Switch in Chongun Elders
by: AkiKan
-- 7:14 PM EST
Today the Great Heira stepped down from being Elder of the Chongun. She passed on the Elder-ship to once before elder SilentS.
 We wish the best for her, and hope SlientS has fun being Elder once again. From the desk of,AkiKan
Halloween Event Preview
by: Vini
-- 7:26 AM EST
Mug was kind enough to share with Nexus Atlas readers a preview of what's to come in tomorrow's event. Here's an image of the entrance to the Halloween event and as we can see, the cat in Kinung is involved.

One big thing I have to announce is that Kinung Council has kindly asked if Nexus Atlas could avoid posting a walkthrough this time. The walkthroughs of Kinung events were banned from in-game, but technically Nexus Atlas is still able to. Yet, as they informed this event is unlike any other and posting a walkthrough would ruin the whole fun of the event and destroy the hard work put into bringing the event to community. Here's what is posted about the event in Whispering Winds board: Driven by the dissenting voice of his fellow Elder and guided by the encouraging meows of the cat he's come to know as Curious, the old man, Cheyn, has finally unearthed what appears to be the Alchemist's and Curious' home.
Hidden by a thick forest and glaring out over an impenetrable swamp, an unnervingly old house glowers across the landscape. Staring upon it for the first time, Cheyn, considers the dilapidated building, foolishly even considering for a moment if merely looking at it would make it fall down. As he ponders on it, the cat, tucked under his arm, starts squirming and meowing heavily.
After a time, Cheyn loosens his grip and Curious wriggles free and bolts toward the house. Cheyn looks on with astonishment, as with what must be much practice, the cat deftly makes its way across the thick swamp and toward the house in mere moments.
Once upon the doorstep, the cat turns around one last time to look directly at Cheyn. Curious rolls over slowly and meows back at Cheyn, in what looks like affectionate gratitude before casually entering the foreboding building.
The old man can't help but to release one momentary smile, but what of this house? The cat's origin has been found, but what mysteries still lie within this strange abode? Does it hold treasures or traps? Who will be bold enough to brave the tricks within and seek the secret of the Alchemist?
((Please keep in mind that Kinung is a strict Role play town. If you speak out of character you can be removed from the town.))
((Players will have two week to finish the quest. The event will run from Thursday, October 22, 2009 through Thursday, November 5, 2009.)) Enjoy tomorrow's event and happy halloween. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Head Editor of Nexus Atlas News~
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Server Reset
by: Vini
-- 10:29 AM EST
Just now, the storms of change have hit the lands of Nexus once again and here's a summary of all what changed today:
* Bug fix on the diamonds cost for Jade as well as a few others that should have been upated. * Major update for Pegasus * Minor fix for Merchant * Major finishing touches for Halloween event that will begin the 22nd * Minor update to the ground tile of the clan swords * Minor fix for the Wintery kimono (name was misspelled an couldn't be banked, just take to any seamster or seamstress and ask them to unengrave it and it should bank.) * Major fix so if you do Sublime ally it still counts as a Greater.
Special thanks to GM Mug for posting this list on Dream Weavers board.

There's also a new item available for purchase in Kruna shop since today's reset: gift pumpkin. The gift pumpkin gives random kruna items set and also a new bank slot. Quite similar to other items released on other special dates and can be given to other members of the community. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 27, Moon 6~
Disruption in Kinung!
by: Living
-- 7:17 PM EST
This evening, the village elders have reached an impasse in the interpretation of a small cat's recent presence in Kinung. Cheyn and Teikari, the elders of the Yon and Tae families, are in fierce contention and met outside the town hall with much of the community present and buzzing about.
 Cheyn and Teikari get split support by community members. So heated were the arguments that they ended tonight in a break of the truce between the two families! Is it possible that some of our foolhardiness in the treatment of our neighbors in the community recently in the mines may be spilling over into our friends in Kinung? We may have to act, and soon, to prevent further disruption in the peaceful town. Recently, an eerily still wind has fallen on the sleepy town of Kinung. Several days ago, the villagers marveled at the ambition the community showed in their furthest excavation of the mines near the northern pass. Strange and radiant diamonds have flooded the lands, and greedy merchants had hoarded precious materials for their creation and guarded their treasure with an iron fist.  Undead creatures appeared outside Kinung Town Hall and interrupted the discussions. The villagers of Kinung saw this as a cruel awakening! Such malice, such greed was a rare sight indeed from the people who had brought the lot of them back to life. Hopefully, we can dispel this bad blood and restore peace between the two elders. Living Hyul 27, 6th Moon --------------------------------- Nexus Atlas is happy to welcome our newest reporter addition: Mr. Living. He'll be helping with generic news and catching up with culture events such as this one. We're looking for images of Cheyn and Teikari profiles. If anyone took screenshot in .bmp form please send either to Living or myself. Once again, welcome to Nexus Atlas Team reporter Living! -Head Editor Vini
Pre-99 bugged diamonds
If you are attempting to create a pre-99 diamond (Jade/Forest) please make sure you have 50,000 coins on you before attempting to create it. The NPC says it only requires 30,000 coins, however, this is wrong. If you attempt to create the pre-99 diamond with only 30,000 coins it will take your items and NOT give you a diamond.
If this bug has happened to you please send a ticket and be specific.
The lonely cat in Kinung
by: AkiKan
-- 11:52 AM EST
Today a little cat named Curious showed up in Kinung. This is what Curious had to say.

Cheyn's reaction -
Greetings to all of you,
Tonight, the Councilors, Teikari and I were much blessed by the company of some wonderfully helpful citizens of the Three Kingdoms. These outstanding folks helped me unravel a few old memories and, with their aid, I managed to provide a little insight on our curious new feline friend.
I recalled to them a tale of my youth. One in which an old, pallid man came to visit the original Kinung, followed by curiously blue looking cat.
He appeared from the Forest of the Elders every so often. As a child, I had little contact with the man , but he clearly made a lasting impression on my parents and many other villagers.
I recall distinctly being told that I was not to approach him and stay well away from him. I recall my father talking about him to a friend, saying he also bought the strangest items. First hand, I can also tell he carried with him the oddest odour of burnt herbs. He also had the must repugnant green sludge on his boots.
The most curious thing about this cat, however, is that I sighted him over a hundred years ago!
How on earth a precious little fellow like that can survive so long is beyond me, but being a fellow that has been brought back to life myself, I know these things are possible.
If anyone, with any expertise in this area, could take a look at our little fellow and propose a theory of how he came to be dwelling in our land, I am certain Kinung would be most obliged for your aid. With your help and expertise, perhaps we will be a step closer to finding the cute little fellow his home.
From the desk of, AkiKan
The return of Diamonds!
As the Lost mines close, Shizirita has ventured out of the dark and gloomy mine to create diamonds for us once again! This year, she has created two new kinds of subaccessories for those of the Sa san rank. If you are Sa san you can now create a Radiant or Torrid diamond.

Shizrita: "Jinn told me about the outside world but I was too scared to come out here, let alone meet any of you. But when I was sneaking around the caves I saw some of you were very friendly. Yithly told me you all loved the items he made you last year..so I asked him if I could sell them this year. Maybe I will take some of the gold and Jinn and I can get married!
Click here to see the different diamonds and their stats. I have updated it with the new Sa san diamonds.
Jade Diamond - Level 50 fighter Cost to make: Diamond, 10 amber, 5 White amber, Titanium glove, Whisper bracelet, Spike, Blood, 50,000 coins
Forest Diamond - Level 50 caster Cost to make: Diamond, 10 amber, 5 White amber, Holy ring, Sen glove, Charm, Surge, 50,000 coins (although NPC shows it needs 30k, it needs in fact 50k)
Azure Diamond - Level 99 fighter Cost to make: 2 Diamond, 20 Dark amber, 5 White amber, 2 Titanium glove, 2 Whisper bracelet, 2 Spike, 2 Blood, 60,000 coins
Lazuline Diamond - Level 99 caster Cost to make: 2 Diamond, 20 Dark amber, 5 White amber, 2 Holy ring, 2 Sen glove, 2 Surge, 2 Charm, 60,000 coins
Night Diamond - Il san fighter Cost to make: 2 Diamond, 30 Dark amber, 5 White amber, 3 Titanium glove, 3 Whisper bracelet, 3 Spike, 3 Blood, 150,000 coins
Shade Diamond - Il san caster Cost to make: 2 Diamond, 30 Dark amber, 5 White amber, 3 Holy ring, 3 Sen glove, 3 Surge, 3 Charm, 150,000 coins
Crimson Diamond - Ee san fighter Cost to make: 3 Diamond, 10 Yellow amber, 10 White amber, 4 Titanium glove, 4 Whisper bracelet, 4 Spike, 4 Blood, 240,000 coins
Cerise Diamond - Ee san caster Cost to make: 3 Diamond, 10 Yellow amber, 10 White amber, 4 Holy ring, 4 Sen glove, 4 Surge, 4 Charm, 240,000 coins
Searing Diamond - Sam san fighter Cost to make: 3 Diamond, 20 Yellow amber, 10 White amber, 4 Titanium glove, 4 Whisper bracelet, 4 Spike, 4 Blood, 480,000 coins
Lucent Diamond - Sam san caster Cost to make: 3 Diamond, 20 Yellow amber, 10 White amber, 4 Holy ring, 4 Sen glove, 4 Surge, 4 Charm, 480,000 coins
Torrid Diamond Sa san fighter Cost to make: 4 Diamond, 20 Yellow amber, 15 White amber, 4 Blood, 4 Spike, 4 Titanium glove, 4 Whisper bracelet, 720,000 coins
Radiant Diamond - Sa san caster Cost to make: 4 Diamond, 20 Yellow amber, 15 White amber, 4 Holy ring, 4 Sen glove, 4 Surge, 4 Charm, 720,000 coins
Shizrita added by AkiKan
Server reset, Friday, October 16, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 10:03 AM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes: The Lost mines are gone but never to be forgotten and who is this cute little goblin girl in Northern Pass? *lightly nudges a pesky cat away* And could someone please find out who owns this cat in Kinung? Other: * Minor updates for new Kinung Halloween event
From the desk of, AkiKan
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Server reset, Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
-Fixed leeches so they won't run away. -Major updates for Kinung Halloween event. -Rambling thoughts is back with new rules.
The new Rambling thoughts board rules are: Please ensure that your post reflects: 1. No insults towards another player and/or organization a) This includes but is not limited to: the Justice dept., Carnage dept., etc. 2. No insults or derogatory comments towards our GM or KRU Int. 3. No Petitions
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
New Tutors of the Kingdoms
by: AkiKan
-- 8:20 PM EST
Late last night Koyasoto announced over clan chat the new tutor of the Kingdom's and Tangun. The new tutors are.
 Better luck next time to those who applied and didn't make it, like Musoyen and myself. From the desk of,AkiKan
Happy Birthday to AllyGator
by: AkiKan
-- 9:52 AM EST
Server reset, Monday, October 12, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 8:40 PM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Stat increase on lvl 1 monsters in lost mines event.
Major updates for Kinung Halloween event.
From the desk of, AkiKan
Saturday, October 10, 2009
New item: Craftings Bags
by: Vini
-- 6:30 AM EST
A new type of item has been released for the Kruna shop last thrusday and has proven to be quite useful: crafting bags. There's 6 different types of it, ore bag, metal bag, wool bag, ginko bag, cloth bag and amber bag.
 Their purpose is simple. Each allows the owner to carry 5 batches of the crafting item at once, without having to deposit the item. This means citizens will be able to carry with 110 pieces of metal instead of just 22, or 150 Ginko wood, 125 wool, 500 amber or even 100 white amber at once. Along with this release, there's quite dozen more new options available for halloween kruna items. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 27, Moon 3~
Lost Mines: Continuation (Part 2)
This is the walkthrough for the second part of the event. It is not complete, this post will be updated when it is finished.
Items you need: 3 Dry wood (Drop from 10 carat rabbit) 5 Straw (Drop from SMALL rabbit mobs) 10 Coal pieces (Mine for in LMs) 1 Wooden acorn (Drop from Dead watchmen (white zombie mobs)) 18 Golden acorn (Drop from squirrels) 21 Silver acorn (Drop from squirrels) 8 Bronze acorn (Drop from squirrels)
1. Bring items to Hot Forges and walk up to a forge.
2. Bring the wooden acorn to the flame NEAR the forge to ignite it, you will receive "Burning acorn".
3. Take this to a forge and it will light the fire, wait about 10-15 minutes.
4. Walk up to forge again. It will ask you if you want to melt acorns, and then it prompts you for each separate amount of acorns. Enter these numbers... and then wait.
When you have placed in the right amount of acorns, you must wait 30 minutes at the forge for them to melt. Afterwards, when it is ready, it will take the mold from you, and you must wait an ADDITIONAL 30 minutes for the key to cool down.
5. Make sure you have your key mold on you. If so, you will receive a key. Take your brand new key to the Main gate and hunt leeches!
6. Leeches drop Leech juice which restores 33% of your vita and Leech goo. You can take the goo to Sithly and exchange it for items. One goo for 1 item.
Later on? There is a door at the end that says Storms. We assume that is where the big bosses are found.
Kinung Council Applications
Surround yourself with imagination and contribute your creativity to help role-play increase and prosper into the Kingdom of the Winds! Will the winds whisper the legend of your deeds forever? Do you wish to encourage the discovery of the new role-play town (Kinung), share your knowledge with others, and serve your kingdom? We seek you, who will remain true to the Nexus vision and its reason for existence. Such a position will require devotion, so should you have limited time, please do not apply.
The chosen players will become the Councilors of Kinung. They will regulate rules, politics and everything needed to promote role-playing. They will work with players on the literature, history, philosophy, biography of our heroes, and the lore of Nexus. They will work on painting, music, events, stories and poems, magic, politics, economics and much more! This is your chance to get involved in this new and exciting area of the game, with its own system. Get yourself involved in Kinung by overseeing and helping evolve a new society. Many adventures await you and you will make history. Unravel Kinung's mystery and help share its many unique aspects!
Rule Change: You may be a Kinung Councilor while holding another leadership position, but please be able to dedicate the necessary time to both.
# Those whom have received banishment or bear a current (red) jailing (on any character or any account) are not eligible. # Applicants must be registered patrons. # This position is, of course, reserved for role-players. Councilors will provide role-play for Kinung as well as the Nexus in general, therefore we require that all applicants role-play.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact Daejang or Soldaris.
Please copy and paste the following questions and answer them all as best you can.
All answers must be sent to Daejang and Soldaris.
** Application **
Question 1: Which character do you play the most and would like to be a part of the town? (Please keep in mind that only ONE character can be used, even if you have multiple accounts)
Question 2: How many hours do you spend playing Nexus per week? Do you feel you will be able to devote enough time to this position to do a good job?
Question 3: If you have had any in-game positions on your characters (ex. Subpath or Clan leader, Minister, Carnage host, Judge, Subpath Guide, Clan Council, Tutor, etc) please list them. In-game positions will not determine the outcome of your possibility of being accepted.
Question 4: What are your feelings regarding Kruna items? How could you better incorporate them into Nexus?
Question 5: What role-playing events have you been involved in before?
Question 6: What are your thoughts on role-play and how we could increase it throughout the entire game?
Question 7: Why do you think you would make a good representative of the RP Town?
Question 8: Please give a brief background of the character you are applying on.
Question 9: The RP Town is a place where role-playing ideas may prosper. Please submit in few lines a briefing for a role-play event. Your idea must include already existing contents (i.e. no new event characters, maps or items).
Server reset, Friday, October 9, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Minor bug fixed with Lost mines monster that was not dropping the item needed for the spark.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Major update for Pegasus * Minor update for Covenant
Other: * Minor updates for new Kinung Halloween event
Nagnang's newest official clan!

Nagnang's newest official clan, Viper!
Last night, Thursday October 8th, 2009, was Viper's final night of probation. The final vote was positive and Viper was permitted to become an Official Clan of Nagnang. Viper started its journey almost a year ago and has grown tremendously, hoping to continue to grow as time goes on. The current primogen, Arthias, wishes to say thank you to all those who have put in hours of hard work and sweat in to what Viper is today. It could not have been done alone. Congratulations, Viper! You did it! ~Musoyen *Edit by Vini: The link to Viper's clan has been added to Users list section that can be viewed here at Nexus Atlas. Along with it, the Covenant has been moved to it's proper location among the other clans although it was formally an army.
Lost Mine's Weapons and Summons
by: AkiKan
-- 1:21 PM EST
Bat stick
Flower Fan
Kitten Claw
Ninja Lance
Piggy Dagger
Turtle Staff
Wolf Sword
From the desk of, AkiKan
Lost Mines: Basic Information (Part 1)
No one has yet completed the event. Here is what is known so far...
 Rooms: 1. Mine entrance - exit east, new legend mark 2. Squirrel Passage - exit south 3. Inner mines - exit south, kill animals, mine for items 4. Deep mines - exit north east, kill animals, mine for items 5. Hot forges - exit west, get cup from Drunk smith (wanders around), water from the basins 6. Harvesting farms - exit north, it's unknown if you can actually farm here 7. Sorting area - exit east, NPC Pelder 036/034 8. Underground grove - exit north 44/03 to Main Gate, exit South 22/56 to Prisoner's tent 9. Main Gate - exit south, NPCs Jinn 021/033, Jung 003/006 10. Prisoner's tent - walk south and east to get to ... 11. Carpenter's tent - You cannot exit the area of the Carpenter's Tent. Sithly, new weapon, new legend mark, mine for Fresh peas.
Courtesy of MissTaken
Items you need: Sickle 7 Dry wood 5 Straw 10 coal Mud Clay
Buy a Sickle from Ssal's Market (south of the Kugnae Palace) before you go in. Small rabbits drop straw. Large rabbits drop dry wood. You have to mine to get 10 coal or just buy it in Sanhae Village. You will also need to mine to get mud and clay.
1. Talk to the Drunk Smith in the Forge Room and get a empty cup. 2. Walk to a nearby water basin (walk in FRONT of the water) and fill up the cup. 3. Take the full cup, Mud and Clay to a mortar/pestle you recieve soft clay. 4. Take soft clay to Jinn on the lower right side in the Main Gate room and say 'Key' and then ;Girlfriend'. He'll give you a key mold. 5. While in Main Gate, click Jung on the upper left side, say 'Jinn' after the popup, followed by 'Boss', and then 'Duplicate Key'. He'll give you a key. 6. Head down south through the Underground grove. Enter the Prisoners tent and click the NPC. Farm 5 fresh peas while there. Gate out. 7. Go to Pelder (Sorting Area) and say "I'm human". Let him tug at your face, do not bite him. Say "Fresh peas". Say "Dry wood", he takes 4 dry wood and gives you 1 Hard wood. 8. Go to the Prisoner's tent then to Carpenter's tent. Click Yithily. Say "Hard wood". Say "Shizirita", "Now", "Johaih". You get to choose a new weapon and receive another legend mark.

Not part of the weapon quest: 1. Take 5 Straw, 3 Dry wood, 10 Coal pieces and walk in front of the forge in the forge room. 2. He'll ask for something to create a spark.
Edited from Riane's post
Weapon Info
Stats: Durability: 60000 Damage S 30m70 L 40m70 Hit -1 Any class lvl 11
All the animals are things not seen before in game.
Courtesy of Riane
  Turtle staff, summons Staff turtle AkiKan and Musoyen are working on images of the other weapons and creatures they summon.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Server reset, Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Lost Mines is here!
A new special usable item will be added to the Item shop!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Update for Lost Kingdom * Major update for Pegasus * Update for Silla * Minor update for Covenant
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor fix for Diviner * Muse receive new room
Carnage additions and fixes: * Another minor update for Yusa Pit
Other: * Large updates for new Kinung Halloween event * Minor update for Kinung archons * Minor updates for new area * Large update for item shop
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
New (or old) Spy Elder
 Elder ReikoA shift in Spy has occurred today. In May of this year, Misled was the Elder of Spy and stepped down, passing the position on to Reiko. Sometime there after, Reiko stepped down and passed the position back to Misled, who has now once again passed the position back to Reiko. Thank you Misled for your time you have devoted to the Spy path as Elder and good luck again to Reiko. ~Musoyen
New Elendhirin Primogen

A while ago, Primogen Chantrea of Elendhirin stepped down from her position within the clan and bestowed TygraStarr as her successor. We thank Chantrea for all she has done for the Elendhirin Clan in the last while, and congratulate TygraStarr on her ascension to Primogen. Thank you to Pdlo for notifying us of this change. ~Musoyen
Daime's stance on 3rd party usage
Earlier today Archon Daime posted on the community board stating his stance on third party program usage. To sum it up in one sentence: Don't be an imbecile and cheat, you will get caught. Don't forget that if you get banned in Nexus you will not be allowed to hold any position such as Archon, Judge, Elder or Primogen. It's just not worth it!
Using or promoting any third party programs for the purpose of gaining unfair advantage in Nexus is considered cheat/hack, and it will warrant punishment, including character/account banishment. We WILL be taking a more active stance on spotting out these cheaters in efforts to make all aspects of nexus more enjoyable for our players, this includes all carnage events as well as hunting grounds.
Two examples, but not limited to, of such cheats are,
- Using keyboard modifying programs which allow you to move faster.
- Using any keyboard macros other than the ones provided to you in the game.
Don't do it. It's unfair, ruins fun, and ruins Nexus. For those who think that using such cheats are fun, let me remind you that it would'nt be very fun to use them if you don't have a character. Don't risk it. It's not worth it.
Written by Wony (Edited by Daime Hyul 27)
New cash payment option
Today, mug posted on the community board about a new cash payment option for players who wish to pay for Nexus VIA other payment methods.
Kru Interactive has partnered with Rixty to provide players with a cash payment option for all Kru games. Players can purchase a Rixty Code with cash at any Rixty store location, including any Coinstar machine location. Players can then redeem the Rixty code for the same cash value, and purchase a registration or kruna coupon at the Rixty website. For more information please visit www.rixty.com
Rixty Promotion
From October 5th to November 1st 2009, Rixty is holding a special launch promotion. Rixty users who cash in $30.00 or more at a Coinstar machine and redeem this value into their Rixty account will receive an extra $5.00 deposited directly into their Rixty account. (no mail-in or promotion signup required)
Click HERE to learn more about this new payment option via Rixty!
Server reset, Friday, October 2, 2009
Hello everyone! Today the server was reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor fixes for Covenant clan * Minor update for Dharma * Minor update for Alizarin
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Muse * Diviners receive a new map and merchant
 Hsien Courtyard
Silk * Major update for Do path
Carnage additions and fixes: * Minor update for Carnage * Minor update for Elixir * Minor update for Yusa Pit

Other: * Large updates for new Kinung Halloween event * Large updates for Lost Mines coming next week * Large updates for new area
Map & NPC Added by AkiKan Thank you to ColdPrincess who showed me the map.