Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Attention: Forum Information
Edited - November 1, 2008
Thanks to the help of Aceostar, we completed the setup for the domain name of www.nexusforums.com. You will need to reset your bookmarks to this link.
Most people who use Nexus Atlas never venture into Nexus Forums. The majority of Forum users have answered a poll saying they wish the Forum web site no longer be compliant with Law 41. The Staff has not decided to go through with this but these changes have been made to make the division between the two web sites clear.
In preparation for that, all of the links to www.nexusforums.com have been removed from www.nexustlas.com. If that change is made all links in this web site will be removed.
This means that you will not be able to mention the Forums in the game or you may risk a warning AND possibly jail time. If you use Nexus Atlas but seldom use the Forums you may want to add your voice to this poll. You can only vote once! Click the blue link below to cast your vote.
Vote Now!AllyGator Original ArticleWhere Did the Forums Go?The answer is nowhere! There has been some debate there about whether the Forums should stay compliant with Law 41. The majority of Forum users want this change. Therefore we are in the middle of making changes to the site so that Nexus Atlas will remain compliant, regardless of what ends up happening with the forums. Until all of the changes are done you can click here to get to the Forums. You may want to set up a temporary bookmark while we're doing this work.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Server reset, Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Sa san names should be back to normal. The bug with Ghaleb form should work now on Trick or treat. The typo for the legend mark has been fixed. Mages clothes were added to the Tangun merchant Yubi
Large update for Item shop.
Other minor updates to be seen in time.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Revised Walkthrough
by: Rachel
-- 11:18 PM EST
I thinking of editing the walkthrough to make it more efficient and concise, but I opened the Community board today and found out that Rockmen beat me to it! He thanked me in his post but I think I really only told him about two minor changes that could be made.. I rewrote the walkthrough here only to clarify things by putting it into a single voice.
If you follow this walkthrough, it should save you a lot of time. I think it also might help you from missing important steps!
When you reach the coordinates listed, shout out the words. Even if the NPC has walked off, they might be able to hear your shout. If you use /s to shout, you can repeat the shouts quickly by pressing enter, up arrow, enter. This is the best way to find mobile NPCs.
1. Get a horse or mount and go to Tabae at the Islets (30, 42). Say, “Hello”
2. Walk into the building on her left to enter Yu Ryang Village (YR1). Follow the path north to Yu Ryang Center (YR2). Follow the path east to Yu Ryang Myoji (YR3). Follow the path north to the maze.
3) Find your way through the three mazes, following the scrolls and pennies, to enter the Haunted Woods (HW). Turn on click to move (Shift-F12) and click with your left mouse button to help you if you get stuck.
4. Find Cheyn near HW (221, 065) -Shout “Murder”
5. Travel north to find Jung-Su near HW (210,10) -Shout “Yon family”
6. Travel west to find AeCha near HW (115,15) -Shout “Yon family” again
7. Travel Southeast to find Eo Mo near HW (140,189) -Shout “Cheyn” -Shout “Yep”
8. Travel Northwest to find Kang-Dae near HW (70,60) -Shout “Gems”
9. Go to the Buya palace steps (73,54) to find the palace greeter Honi. -Say “Aecha” -Say “Song”
10. Find Yuangao near the entrance of YR2 (8,16) -Say “Tae family”
11. Head east to Aafke near YR3 (7,9) -Say “Pearls” 12. Walk back to YR1 to find Tinn near (1,3) -Say “Jung-Su”
13. Walk down a bit to find JooChan YR1 (14,11) -Say “Immortal Gem”
14. Go to Thane in the Wilderness (185, 19) -Say “Tinn”
15. Go back to the Tinn at the village, YR1 (3,7) -Say “Jin Ae”
16. Go back through the maze and find ChinHo, HW (46,129) -Shout "raogne woc" -Shout “Elder Cheyn”
17. Walk north to find Kang-Dae near HW (68,48) -Shout “Immortal”
18. Travel Southeast to find In Ho around HW (115,158) -Shout “redle ehcyn" -Shout “Funny monkey"
19. Head North back to Aecha around HW (103,26) -Shout “Fading sun, waking moon.” -Shout “Carefree days, yesterdays.” -Shout “Wistful dreams come to me.” -Shout “Guide me through my slumber.”
20. Go East to Jung-Su near (220,12) -Shout “Jin Ae” -Shout “Tinn”
21. Return to Cheyn HW (221,68) by heading South. -Shout “Funny monkey”
22. Go to Jin Ae near HW (100, 100) -Say "Tinn"
23. Return to the village and find Namit on the far right of YR3 (19,5) -Say “Fading sun, waking moon.” -Say “Carefree days, yesterdays.” -Say “Wistful dreams come to me.” -Say “Cheyn”
24. Walk to the left to Kimoni YR3 (3,5) -Say “Cheyn”
25. Go back through the maze to Soo Jin around HW (235 220) -Shout "Kimoni"
26. Return to Kimoni at YR3 (3,5) Say "Soo Jin hates your guts" to receive his heart.
27. Travel back through the maze to Soo Jin again near HW (235,220) -Shout "Take his heart”
28. Back to the village to Teikari at the top right of YR2 (18,5) -Say "Cheyn"
29. Walk to the left to Xiali YR2 (2,9) -Say “Cheyn”
30. Go back through the maze and Cheyn near HW (221,68). Don't worry, this is the last time you'll have to walkthrough the maze again. -Shout “Moon bread” -Shout “Wake up”
31. Return to the Tabae at the beginning Islets (30,42) -Say “Witch”
Thanks to Rockmen and LeiLei for working on this. And thanks again to everyone who helped figure out the quest!
You will have from Friday, October 24th till Early afternoon Thursday, November 6th to solve this case.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Event Coordinates
Haunted Woods (all NPCs move ALOT here so look around) AeCha - 103/26 Dong Jung - 29/244 Cheyn - 221/68 ChinHo - 046/129 Eo Mo - 168 177 EunHee - 036/185 Hye Su - 092/081 Hyun Ae - 008/032 In Ho - 119/158 Jin Ae - 100/100 Jung-Su - 224/016 Kang-Dae - 068/048 Kwang Ho - 183/90 Sang Ki - 197/20 Soo Jin - 245/234 Sun Hi - 112/228
Yu Ryang Village (only Tinn moves) JooChan - 014, 011 Tinn - 003, 007
Center Teikari - 018, 05 Xiali - 002, 009 Yuangao - 008, 016
Myoji Aafke - 007, 009 Kimoni - 003, 005 Namit - 019, 005
Thanks to SandPaper for this!
Halloween Maze
Another map brought to you from Nexus Atlas!

Check out this image to see mug's Halloween treat to all of us! Haunted Woods
AllyGator Hyul 19, 8th Moon
Halloween Event quest
by: Conro
-- 11:52 PM EST
Current walk through, as assembled by Springs on Community board.
1) Go to the building in the middle of Islets (near Shaman area 30, 42).
2) Go to Tabae outside of village. Say "Hello".

3) Find your way through the three mazes (follow yellow scrolls and pennies).
4) Enter the Haunted Woods.
Go to about then say "Murder" To Cheyn (221 065).

Go to about then say "Cheyn" to Eo Mo (140 189). Then say "Yep" to him.

Go to about then say "Yon family" to AeCha (115 15).

Go to about then say "Yon family" to Jung-Su (210 10).

Go to about then say "Gems" to Kang-Dae (70 60).

Go to Yu Ryang Center (2nd room) and then say "Tae family" to Yuangao (08/16).

Go to Yu Ryang Village (first room) and then say "Jung-Su" to Tinn (01/03).

Brought to you by Springs, theSavior and Harkonnen. With help from Jyck for finding the palace and song.
5) After speaking with Aecha (as stated above), say "Aecha" to Honi at Buya Palace (73/54). Now say "song".

Now go back to Aecha and sing the song line by line:
Fading sun, waking moon. Carefree days, yesterdays. Wistful dreams come to me. Guide me through my slumber.
6) Go to Namit (Yu Ryang Myoji 03/15) start singing song. You only need to sing the first 3 lines till he begs you to stop. Then say "Cheyn".
7) Now go to Kimoni (Yu Ryang Myoji 03/05) and Namit (far right side) in Yo Ryang Myoji and re-sing the song to Namit and then say "Cheyn" to both of them.
8) Next Soo Jin (235 220) and say "Kimoni".

9) Next go back to Kimoni in Yo Ryang Myoji and say "Soo Jin hates your guts" and receive his heart.

10) Then go back to Soo Jin and say "Take his heart" .
11) Now go to Thane in the Wilderness (185, 19 - The guy who sells mining shovels) and say "Tinn".

12) Now go to Tinn in the village and say "Jin Ae".
13) Now go to Jung-Su (220 12) and say "Jin Ae" and then "Tinn".
Thanks to Brunster and INFLAMED for finding Jung-Su!
14) Now go to Jin Ae (94, 96) and say "Tinn" and get your MQ and experience for this part.
15) Now go to Aafke and say "Pearls".

16) Now go to JooChan (Yu ryang village grey beard smiling man right by the entrance) and say "Immortal Gem".

17) Now to to Kang-Dae and say "Immortal" this finishes the third quest and gives you another MQ mark and exp.
18) Go to ChinHo in the forest and say "raogne woc".

19) now say "Elder Cheyn" to ChinHo.
20) Now go to In Ho 115, 158 and say "redle ehcyn" to him. Now say "funny Monkey" to him.

21) Now go back to Cheyn and say "Funny Monkey" and that completes this tangent you get morphed into a weird monkey every time you say it.

22) Now go to Teikari in the second room of the village and say "Cheyn" twice.

23) Go to Xiali who is in the same room just on the left side and say "Cheyn", she gives you a piece of moon bread.

24) Now go to Cheyn and say "Moon bread" he will take it from you and realize he is dead.
25) Say "wake up"
26) Go back to Tabae (woman in white in islets outside) and say "Witch".
27) Get legend mark "Helped solve the murder of Cheyn" and a spooky-looking mantle!
 The cape

CREDITS: Springs, spyVSspy, xfirestormx, xItachiX, Harkonnen, Inflamed
THE END... Yes it is the end!
Hyul 19, 8th Moon
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Immortality Shield - Sa san Poet Shield
Cristiana has the first Sa san poet shield. She shared these stats.
 Immortality Charm Durability 300k/300k AC -6 Vita 4,000 Mana 8,000 Will +6 Grace -1 Regen +10
Congratulations to all of the first shield owners. That's a TON of shards!
Halloween Dyes
Halloween is approaching and the goblins and witches are amongst our presence once again! Festive Trick or Treaters can now find themselves sporting the normal LinSkrae and Grin dyes while this year there are three NEW dyes that you may get from trick or treating! These dyes are permanent as verified by mug, and will remain after the Halloween festivities have ended.
 Three new shades of pink, all different dyes you can obtain from trick or treating.
Thank you Twiddles, Nibbles, & DarkChild for being such lovely models!
Noble Shield - Sa san Warrior Shield
AznCloudBoi has the first Sa san warrior shield.
 Noble Shield 300,000 dura - 10 ac 16k+ Vita -4 grace +6 Regen +6 Protection
Masters Ward - Sa san mage shield
winroute was the first to obtain this item.
 Masters ward (Sa san)
Durability 300k/300k Armor -6 Mana +16k Will +7 Grace -10 Regen +6 Protection +6
Sever Reset, Friday October 24th
Server reset, Friday, October 24, 2008 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
It's Halloween again! Spooks are on the rise around the Kingdoms dropping goodies for everyone to use! Trick or Treat is back as well so enjoy!
There is a new Halloween event (See Whispering Winds for more details).
Subpath additions and fixes: Minor correction on Sa san name for Geomancers
Fixes: Minor fix for a few merchants missing lower spells for Sa san players Minor bug that would not allow female warriors to turn in their Wind plate dress has been fixed (This is for Sa san only) Bug that allowed invisible rogues to enter Crusades has been fixed Halloween items are back up in the item shop with more to come!
XoXo Kikoura
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mystic Buckler - Sa san Rogue Shield
Emissary santa is the first Sa san player to get a new shield. She's shared the stats and the image.
 Mystic Buckler Rogue Shield 300000/300000 -8ac +8000 vita +8000 mana -2 Grace +6 Regen +6 Protection
AllyGator Hyul 19, 7th Moon
Sa san Dye
Yup another green dye! deX, goldenflames and Lauz model the new Sa san dyes!

Vortex Sa San Items
Check Antique Hand Items in the Armor section as the latest information comes in. This post will also be updated when Nexus Atlas learns the new stats.
Antique bone charm Dura: 260K AC: -16 Hit: 12 Dam: 0 Mana: 15,600 Vita: -10,400 Might: 7 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique claw ** Dura: 260K AC: 0 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 0 Vita: 0 Might: 0 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique daemon heart Dura: 260,000 AC: -16 Hit: +11 Dam: +7 Mana: -5,200 Vita: +13,000 Might: 0 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique hand drum Dura: 260K AC: -13 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 3900 Vita: 2600 Might: 0 Will: 6 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique luck amulet Dura: 260K AC: -15 Hit: 0 Dam: 10 Mana: 7,800 Vita: 1,300 Might: 4 Will: 0 Grace: 5 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique lurid eye Dura: 260k AC: -14 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 5,200 Vita: 0 Might: 0 Will: +7 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique magus scroll Dura: 260k AC: -14 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 7800 Vita: -5200 Might: 0 Will: +7 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique mystic herb ** Dura: 260K AC: 0 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 0 Vita: 0 Might: 0 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique occult sphere ** Dura: 260K AC: 0 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 0 Vita: 0 Might: 0 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique royal seal ** Dura: 260K AC: 0 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 0 Vita: 0 Might: 0 Will: 0 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique spirit mask Dura: 260K AC: -15 Hit: 6 Dam: 8 Mana: 3,900 Vita: 600 Might: 3 Will: 0 Grace: 6 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
Antique steel bracelet ** Dura: 260K AC: -13 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana: 5200 Vita: 2600 Might: 0 Will: 7 Grace: 0 Protection: 0 Regen: 0 Wisdom: 0
** None found yet
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Server Reset for October 16th, 2008
Server reset, Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Updated the Sa san spell for Mages heal. The amount was not updated so it has been corrected.
The new dye for Sa san is here!
Work has been started for Halloween event.
More older maps were updated.
Subpath additions and fixes: Minor update for Do path (corrected Legend mark name and quest names)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nexus Atlas Updated With New Information
I've been seeing posts on the Community Board asking for various bits of information. I've revised the Minor Quest page to show the new creatures. If you know of something that isn't on the list please let me or Vini know and we'll update that list.
Sa san weapons are listed but some pieces of information are missing. I have no data for the poet weapons yet.
The new Sa san shield graphics doesn't exist yet and I haven't got the stats. Please contact me or Vini for that too.
As soon as I have all information about Sa san spells I'll be adding that too.
All of the new map areas have been added except for the 99 level of the Malevolent Clan. I've made a map for that section which is the walled area inside the larger map. The creatures shown on that map page ONLY appear in the 99 section. I'll fix that map to better show the areas.
Please contact me if you find information missing or incorrect. If you can't find Vini or me in the game, then please take a screenshot. As they say in the forum, it don't exist without a screenshot. LOL
AllyGator Recorder of Sa san info
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sa Spell Information
Forums users have been supplying spell information but there are bits that are missing. When the complete information is found we will post it for all to see. We'll also add it to the spell pages.
Sa san mage
Sa san Poet
Sa san Rogue
Sa san warrior
Seyn Walkthrough
by: Aens
-- 7:56 PM EST
After obtaining Sa san
1) Visit Seyn in center of Vortex and say 'Hello' 2) Say 'Hello' again, he will tell you to return when you are humbled by the totems. 3) Go to Baekho shrine 4) Say 'Sa san' 5) Say 'Metal' 6) Collect 5 Metal, return, say 'Metal' again 7) Collect following items, then say 'Baekho' - Baekho key - Blood - Gold acorn - Whisper bracelet - Tiger's favor
8) Say 'Baekho' 9) Items will be taken, you will receive 'Baekho essence'
10) Go to Ju jak, say 'Sa san' 11) Say 'Hot coal' with Hot coal (5) in inventory 12) Collect following items, then say 'Ju jak' - Ju jak key - Surge - Gold acorn - Holy ring - Rooster's favor
13) Go to Hyun moo, say 'Sa san' 14) Say 'Moon wine' with 5 Moon wine in inventory 15) Collect following items then say 'Hyun moo' - Hyun moo key - Charm - Gold acorn - Sen glove - Snake's favor
16) Go to Chung ryong, say 'Sa san' 17) Say 'Golden rabbit' after slaying golden rabbit 18) Collect following items then say 'Chung ryong' - Chung ryong key - Spike - Gold acorn - Titanium glove - Dragon's favor
19) Return to Seyn and say 'Four guardians' 20) Your essences you collected will be taken, and your mind will expand as it learns a new spell.
**New spells to be posted**
Props to AznCloudBoi, Sindella, Tengen, Conro -Aens
Sa San Subpaths Names
by: Vini
-- 12:56 AM EST
With the many people reaching Sa san today people start to wonder what will be the name of their subpath called. Here's a list of the subpaths who have reached 4th mark and their respective names:
Barbarian = Behemoth Chongun = Samurang Chung Ryong = Champion
Baekho = Marauder Merchant = Magnate Ranger = Marksman Spy = Emissary
Ju Jak = Catastrophe Diviner = Visionary Geomancer = Dizhu Shaman = Kamang
Hyun Moo = Guardian Monk = Bhavana Muse = Luminary Druid = Nwyfre
Congratulations to all who have reached Sa san already and a good luck to all who are doing the 4th mark trials.
~Vini Normad'or~
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Mystery of Seyn
by: Aens
-- 6:38 PM EST
Who is this man that haunts the center of Vortex? For now his purpose is unknown, but many are speculating that he may hold the final secrets for those that have reached the Fourth Mark. For now his words are vague and only heard to those of Sa San rank. It seems that he is the next step towards greatness in the lands.
Some have begun the trials of Seyn. It seems that he is requesting items in riddle forms. No details have surfaced yet but a few have reported that they are a few steps into the quest.
 Here is the opening dialogue that a Sa San character can have with Seyn. He will only talk to you once until you have completed his task.
*The hooded presence extends a wavering hand towards you *
Come closer, child. I can tell that you are thirsty for the great secrets of the Nexus. Many like you crave power, even the Nexus' greatest legends thirsted for power. Yesss...Many have sword to use the gift of power for good, but the end result is often a sinister opposite. What makes you think you are any different?
*grabs your shoulder*
You have roamed these lands for too long forgetting the greatness of the four guardians: Hyun Moo, Ju Jak, Baekho, Chung Ryong. You forget the source of your power. You are no different.
*smirks and turns away*
Sa San Achieved!
by: Aens
-- 4:10 PM EST
It's happened, the first Sa San players of Nexus have surfaced! xFirestormx (Spy, Pegasus Clan) has become Nexus' first Sa San. Although xFirestormx was the first, he came with a large group of players, most of whom are from the Pegasus Clan, that worked together to defeat Nngh-Zan's Council and Nngh-Zan himself! A special congratulations is owed to the Pegasus Clan for being a power house in NexusTK, working together to accomplish the Fourth Mark over the past three days. A special thanks is also owed to Drywater for keeping Nexus Atlas updated on the Sa San progress.

Sa San Mage Spells Wisdom of orb - New heal Frozen Tundra - room or group paralyze, not sure yet Incantation of Chains - longer paralyze Mask of Horror-Morph

Sa San Poet Spells Sa heal: +100k, 6k cost per cast Cost:(4)Fragile rose,(3) Charm,(1)Angry heart,450,000c Sa bolster: -8AC, 37s duration Cost:(4)Sen glove,(2)Charm,(2)Angel's tear,180,000c Sa dishearten: +12AC, 18s duration Cost:(100)Angry essence,(2)Corrupted ring,(4)Sen glove, 150,000c Sa CotW: 1 Cotw, like the other san's Cost:(1)Angry heart,(2)Sen glove,(3)Charm,50,000c Sa ASV:1 spell = Valor, Armor, Sanc Cost:(6)Pearl charm,(2)Charm,(100)Angry essence,120,000c Sa Group ASV = 1 spell = Valor, Armor, Sanc, 300s Aether Cost:(3)Scroll of protection,(3)Charm,(2)Scribe's book, 250,000c -Drywater Group ASV

Sa San Rogue ChenLee's Remedy-Self Heal 8k Vita for 5.3k Mana. ChenLee's Wink-Target Heal Life Force Channeling- Takes mana to heal your vita and increases your rate of regeneration for a period of time. Aura of Vengance-Scourge Spell. It casts in the 4 spots around you and lasts about 10s with aethes of about 8s
Sa San Warrior Soul Shout-4 way stun that lasts 5 seconds, takes 10k mana Changsu's Vigor-2.2k self Heal takes 1.9k mana to cast. Renew-4k mana to cast, causes 3k mana regen per second. when casted warrior will say *Meditates* in blue text. 600s aehters.
Sa San Weapons Sa San Spike
 Sa San Blood
 Sa San Charm
 Sa San Surge

For now there is no Sa san Dye that can be purchased at arena npc's. There's a rumor that you must complete Seyn's Sa San Quest to recieve the final spells of the Fourth Mark. To begin the quest Sa San players must contact Seyn at Vortex Center. **More updates as they surface
Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan!
by: Aens
-- 1:53 PM EST
Hello, Today some Pegasus Clan members (and others) defeated the Council of Nngh'Zan, which is the second to last step before defeating Nngh'Zan in order to complete the San san skill trial.
In order to begin this quest you will need to make it through the Gauntlet to Nngh'Zan's Courtyard.
1. You will need a Radiant Crystal (black: poet; blue: warrior; red: mage; white: rogue), which can be made from combining the Crystal drops in Nngh'Zan's Doorstep
2. Once you have your Radiant Crystal, enter the Gauntlet and move from Red creature to Red creature
3. The Red Creatures will keep you alive so long as you are standing next to them following the "Bzzzz". This means you only have so much time to move between the different Red creatures before you die.
4. Not standing next to a Red Creature following the "Bzzzz" will instantly kill you (PK Death) and send you back to the beginning.
5. Skip between the different Creatures until you reach coordinates 004, 022 and enter Nngh'Zan's Courtyard.
Note: Using a mount will make this much faster First completed by CueGirl and Aubrey
6.Once inside Nngh'Zan's Courtyard you will need a large group to venture in after Nngh'Zan's Council.
7.Once your group has entered the Council room they will need to begin killing a SINGLE set of paired monsters. Continue killing single sets of paired monsters until they have all been defeated. If your group does not kill the paired monsters together the monsters will simply re-spawn.
9.Once the Nngh'Zan Council has been defeated your group can venture in after Nngh'Zan, who has yet to be defeated.
When this is all completed you recieve a new mark..

Group Members Drywater, Cristiana, LadyBug, HoLangI, ChinChin, Santa, Kamykaze, Nutase, Keum, Taleen, Winroute, Aubrey, xFirestormx, Werrty, Cuegril, Kikijr
More detailed info to come. Aens
Sa san Trials
SilentS put this list together from information on the Community Board. Also thank you to Batumi for helping to compile information regarding the Malevolent houses!
 Knowledge: 10 billion exp (Others can give you theirs. Given in 1 bil increments)
 Sacrifice: 200,000 vita or 100,000 mana (Others can sacrifice theirs for your. You can give any ratio as long as it adds up to 200k vita or 100k mana overall Ex: 150k/25k split)
 Dedication: Bonded wind armor and Bonded sun armor (you lose them, recommended you do this one last)
 Spirit: Bonded Faerie Light or Bonded Staff of elements. (It does not take it. You KEEP them. You only need to have one or the other in your possession)
 Persistence: Malvolent clan trial (50 houses total)

 Wealth: 10 million coins
 Endurance: 400 Minor quests (You can do more than 1 a day now if you are low on quests. us quest hounds can still only do one. Those of us who have more than 400 cannot do more at this time).
 Skill: Nngh'zan (Part 3 of the Ogre instances) 1) Overlord 2) Seal Of Nngh'Zan
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Malevolent Clan
Here's a bit of news as it's happening.
 DarkMaverick and a group of hardy adventurers are fighting their way through the homes of the Malevolent Clan. He reports that players are falling fast as the danger grows. Those who have entered the new cave in Hamgyong nam-do report finding these monsters:  - Crystal whisp  - Field rift Remember anyone 99+ can hunt down the Malevolent Clan. Happy hunting! New map page and unfinished maps can be found here. AllyGator Map Goddess
Nngh'Zan and his Council, so far..
Thank you NeoCloud for this information!
The entrance to this new quest is located in the lower right portion of Hamgyong. You must have completed the first two quests (Overlord and Break the Seal) to get in. There are two rooms so far. The first is "Nngh'Zan's Doorstep" and has monsters that look like a bunch of floating, small eyeballs called "Crystal Whisp's." They drop various crystals (green and white I've been told so far), but there is no known use for the crystals yet.
The second room is appropriately titled "The Gauntlet" and has flame-like monsters called "Field Rift." They don't attack, but as soon as you get about half way through the room (or sooner in some cases) you get knocked back to the start of the room and dead. It is a pk death! Also, when entering you "Feel a surge of energy pass through you" and your coat (should you be wearing one) changes colors. Even Winroute couldn't get through so there must be another step to it so you are protected from being thrown back.
Perhaps this is where the "There is said to be a trail to find safe passage to the dark room where a lonely ogre seeks to take revenge on the powerful Nngh'Zan." comes from.
Time can only tell...
 The Entrance
 Crystal Whisp

Leeching on a whole new level
by: Rachel
-- 5:05 PM EST
So much for any kind of anti-leeching measures in Nexus.
For Sa San, Mug lets other people do your hunting trials for you. They can provide you with the stats and experience you need to complete both the Knowledge and Sacrifice trials.
In saged responses to player complaints, Mug said that he doesn't understand the problem and that we should convince archons to make laws against charging for these leeching services.
The payment isn't the problem. The fact that you don't have to work for your own advancement is the problem. It's like character sharing or auto-hunting. You are advancing without doing the work yourself. Therefore, it makes the work meaningless.
Post your thoughts on NexusForums.
The Arrival of Sa San, and other changes!
Nngh'Zan and his Council: Deep within the earth is a battle brooding into war. The Nngh'Zan, a dark and manipulative being unknown to many, has turned the underworld into a crazed bloodbath. The creatures of the underworld have drawn their weapons against each other, slaying those who oppose the direction of the Nngh'Zan. The ogre tribe in particular has become a frenzied band of murderers and deceivers.
Some mortal minds are aware of the presence of the Nngh'Zan, but have not yet found a reason to fear his presence. Soon, however, having already defeated his Overlord and breaking the Nngh'Zan seal, they will discover the hatred of the underworld's rising leader.
Nngh'Zan and his council have neared their goal in ruling over the creatures of the underworld. It is only a matter of time before they embark on their ultimate goal in ruling over the mortals in the land of the living. There is said to be a trail to find safe passage to the dark room where a lonely ogre seeks to take revenge on the powerful Nngh'Zan. The council comes with a force that only the strong and knowledgeable can suppress, but are the powerful mortals willing to set aside their differences and band together to defeat the Nngh'Zan himself?
The Malevolent Clan: Hidden for the mass, a violent military group has formed a camp south of Koguryo. They call themselves Kaojin, but considering their nature, we might very well call them ‘The Malevolent Clan’. They have given up their free will to follow the orders of their iconic leader, Saulabi Wansu. Power is everything to them. They organize their ranks not by experience or knowledge, but by a hierarchy of bloodthirsty strength. Very little is known about their culture, or their origins, but it is believed they have gathered troops from nearby lands. Of Saulabi Wansu, this much is known: he is a revolutionary maniac that desires to conquer the kingdoms and build an empire of his own. Surely he has lived through many challenges to reach the point where he finds himself ready to achieve this goal. This may all sound too hard to be achieved by such a mysterious man, but I must beg you, loyal citizens, to not underestimate this man! His strength is said to be unlimited, and his soldiers consider him to be a demi-god! Arm yourselves and help destroy this malevolent clan and their revolution once and for all! Should you choose to ignore this warning, these cruel enemies might tear this time of peace apart…
Seyn's Arrival: Drawn to a calling by a threatening power, the Totem Guardians descended into the mortal realm seeking a sanctuary to summon the beckoning domination. With the assistance of concerned followers of the guardians, the community banded together to successfully lead their Guardians to the center of the wilderness where the arcane power repelled their presence. Chung Ryong’s valiant warriors were the quickest to trudge onwards, Hyun moo’s devoted poets guided their master with comfort and resolve, Ju Jak’s mages fiercely led their guardian to its sanctuary with a means-end passion, and Baekho’s cunning rogues proved to be the most tactful.
Upon the Totem Guardians finding their sanctuary, their disciples beckoned the power that summoned their masters. To their call, a fleeting figure of unearthly stature appeared from the darkened outskirts of the wilderness. His name is Seyn, and his message is blunt: "Only those with the pure of heart will be given the approval by the totems in harnessing a power once embodied by the Nexus’ wickedest enemies."
Encaged beneath the center of the Vortex is a power suppressed by the will of the Totems. On its surface, Seyn mysteriously and questionably treads a path. He awaits those who have earned the fourth mark of honor, Sa San, and only those who have been humbled by the Totem Guardians.
Minor Quest Changes: There have been major updates with the Minor quest section of the game.
New and even unregistered players will be able to start Minor quest. New players can find Minor quest on the merchants Chaoxiang, Soin and Mi-jue inside Tangun.
For older players a new system has been added to let you do more than one Minor quest a day depending on your age and how many Minor quest you have currently completed. You will only receive experience on your first Minor quest each day. Any extra quest you complete during the day will receive no additional experience.
There has been an increase for Il san, Ee san, Sam san and now Sa san experience once you complete a minor quest.
Group of Thirteen: Groups of players have noticed stronger forces are coming out and attacking their Kingdoms. A mysterious mist has passed over all the lands and the citizens notice they may now groups thirteen lucky people while fighting these forces.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Disciples
 - Thank you Bobert for the lighter picture - In the wilderness today, the community was able to put a face on the strange totem statue occurrences. SungIl, disciple of Hyun moo, JiYun, disciple of Baekho, Huie, disciple of Chung Ryong, and Idori, disciple of Ju Jak all braced the return of the totems. Yet, there was a new follower with them. His name is Seyn and he is a follower of Sa San. He had some words to say: To the wilderness, he shouted out: "Your powers have beckoned an evil greater than any other. I am impressed by your efforts, especially the warriors of the Chung Ryong who first lead the great god to his sanctuary," He then informed us only the large crowd of the wilderness will be able to hear his sages. He stressed his voice: "The great power of the enemy will be learned and harnessed by only the pure of heart. Great threats will be summoned to your lands -- a clan will fall. Creatures of the underworld that challenged the might of the underworld will come forth and challenge the living. The totems will remain... I will await you, Sa San Mortals... until then," They were gone. Leaving the totems where they sit now by their shrine.Tomorrow is our update day and mug assures the community of a "large" reset. What is in store for us? Was this a warning? What clan will fall? To be continued... XoXo Kikoura
'Winds Legend' in Wilderness
by: Conro
-- 8:56 PM EST
Strange, targetable statues have been found in the Wilderness sheep fields today, sparking speculation that they may have connections with the new Sa san quest due to be released in the future.
The statues resemble the four totems of Korean Mythology, the same the NPC Paths follow. Each statue is found in its direction it is associated with: Hyun Moo of the North, Baekho of the West, Ju jak of the South, and Chung Ryong of the East.

 These statues are the latest in a string of sightings in the Nexus, including a new cave formation in Hamgyong Nam-Do, glowing markings in the center of Vortex, Sa san Haven in the Arctic lands, and the resurfacing of Arctic Village. - Conro
Outcasts in the Vale
Someone sent me a few screenshots showing some fun in the Vale the other day. Apparently the Outcasts were having fun with a few citizens.
 AllyGator Hyul 19, 3rd Moon PS Yes this isn't real news but don't you wish we had more Vale fun?
New Barbarian Elder(s)!
by: Aens
-- 8:03 PM EST
No lies, Winder has decided that his time as the Barbarian Elder has come to an end. In his long tenure as elder he has done alot of hard work, and he will be missed by many. Chosen to take the title as elder is Orion. After much celebrating for the new elder, Orion went ahead and passed eldership to Gobiin!
Congratulations to Gobiin as he takes on his new role as Barbarian Elder and a big thanks to Winder and Orion.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shift in Tiger leadership
by: Vini
-- 12:38 AM EST
KUGNAE -- Few hours ago, the Primogen of Tiger clan of Koguryo, Apollosworld, has announced he has stepped down from his position and passed the duty of leading the tigers back to Ordos , his sucessor.
To Ordos, becoming primogen again is nothing new, but surely such change comes with the hopes of big improvements to the koguryian clans. Congratulations Ordos and thank you Apollosworld for all you've done.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 19, Moon 1~