Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Note: In January 2006, NexusAtlas moved to a new server and a new ISP. In that
process the software that manages our news archives dropped its links. We do
not know exactly why that happened nor are we able to fix it without support
from someone who knows the software. Therefore, we are calling news prior to
March 2006 "Archived News" and it can be accessed by the link below.
If you want to see archived news,
click here.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Vortex Strangness Continues
There has been yet another report of unusual happenings in the Vortex. On October 13th, we reported that multiple bosses were spawning! Now they seem to be following players outside of the caves. There have been rumors of this before but now we have proof. Could this be merely a Halloween trick mug is pulling or a precursor to some dreadful event? In the meantime, be careful where you go AFK, the Vortex may not be safe!
 Hyul 11, 9th Moon
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Subpath Fair and Buyan Day of Honor
This was a very busy day. The Buyan Imperial Army Hosted "A Day of Honor" to praise and honor the hard working and dedicated soldiers that bravely serve and protect this glorious Empire. Inzen was busy hosting Horse races and later there was a memory game that Princess Lasahn attended.
There was a nice turn out for the Subpath Fair and everyone had fun. They all had amazing booths but my favorite is shown below. It is properly spooky!
 AllyGator Hyul 11, 8th Month
Subpath Fair Information~
by: Songa
-- 10:02 PM EST
The Subpath Fairgrounds will be officially opening tomorrow. (( They will be opened Saturday, October 27th AND Sunday, October 28th from 12 PM EST - 8 PM EST )) In order to get to the fairgrounds, you must enter a spooky portal! Ok, so maybe it's not so spooky .. But here is where they will be located:
Buya - North Gate - (069, 028) Kugnae - East Gate - (107, 106) Nagnang - South Gate - (077, 151) Wilderness - Wilderness Village - (208, 138)
Once inside you can find several booths, one for each Subpath.
Subpath | Coordinates
First Row Barbarian - 021, 035 Do - 057, 035 Chongun - 093, 035
Second Row Spy - 021, 058 Ranger - 057, 058 Merchant - 093, 058
Third Row Diviner - 021, 081 Geomancer - 057, 081 Shaman - 093, 081
Forth Row Druid - 022, 104 Monk - 058, 104 Muse - 093, 104
See you at the fair!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New Kruna items available
by: Vini
-- 8:41 PM EST
The new female immortal figure in the lands of nexus has already started showing new content. Zafirah, the KRU content manager (well known in Dark Ages) has posted on the Item shop announcement about the release of new items for this halloween theme.
Evil Wings and Ghost Coats

Lot's of people are buying them already. There's a flood of people with wings and coats around east gate Kugnae. 
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 11, Moon 7~
October 24th Server Reset
Server reset, Wednesday, October 24, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Nagnang Ministry receives new fair grounds. * Minor update for Silla clan. * Minor update to Buya’s main map. * Working on new additions to Buya Ministry (some updates have been completed for your new area)
Other: * Large additions for new Carnage event are underway and a minor adjustment for new players (in Tutorial area) when they leave carnage. * Minor update for Item shop. * Durability for the Angel wings was corrected. You can still repair these items for free from Hollan and Shilssu.
Subpath Fair!
by: Songa
-- 9:42 PM EST
The golden harvest moon has woken from his slumber, and the Subpaths have all come together, to celebrate the recent happenings of Fall. The ghouls and ghosts have all come out to play, but hopefully they will let you play with them!
Come one, come all -- to the Subpath Fair which will hold many fun surprises for you! It will be held for two fun-filled days, so everyone has a chance to have fun! (( Saturday, October 27th and Sunday, October 28th -- 12 PM EST - 8 PM EST on both days! ))
Hope to see you there~ :)
(Please direct questions about the Subpath Fair to myself, Songa! <3)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Photoreport for Halloween
Check out the newest photoreport which captures the fun of our latest event.
Halloween 2007
Additions to Quest Pages
Some people have been looking for information for the newest quests. The new Ogre quests and the Tangun quests have been added to the Quest Page. The only Ogre quests missing are those given by Komgo.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sacred Grove Entrance Changes
by: Vini
-- 1:02 PM EST
Just a while ago, Mugoman has announced the opening of the new entrance to Druid's Sacred Grove in wilderness. The coordinates to the new grounds are 173, 218 and the easiest way to reach it is by walking from north Kugnae gate to wilderness then go left just next to the fountain there.
Some other locations might be shifted sometime soon as well, seems Awen is on the move.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 11, Moon 6~
Haengsa and Eaengsa
Haengsa is hanging out in the Haunted Woods like the rest of us but the spooks there have him a bit frightened. The same can be said for his twin brother, Eaengsa in Tangun. Tangun has spooks wandering about freely and scaring all of the young ones. Amazingly both brothers want one set (hat and coat) of each costume because their wives are complaining about needing costumes. Both of them hate needles too! So bring one of each costume to them to get an award. Images of the costumes are pictured on news for October 17, 2007. Give the costumes in this order:
Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Panda, Monkey, Sheep, Pig, Frog, Yeti, Bloody mary, Dark poet ~ thanks to WikidWind for the order
Haengsa gives a gift of 5 pirate coins. Eaengsa gives a gift of a Pumpkin head.
* Hint to players who are having a difficult time with the cost of the Halloween quest. Do Haengsa's quest, get the pirate coins and buy a Blood. If you still need cash, give Haengsa costumes on another character, buy a Blood and sell it to raise cash to buy 20 Fine cloth.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Karma Bug
There was a reset a few minutes ago because the NPC Grandma Tii was bugged and people could receive the karma bonus more than once. GM mug came online to fix the problem and a reset completed that fix. Here is his post on Community:
If you did this twice you need send ticket right away.
If you did this more than twice you can send ticket but you will lose all karma on your account.
Bug abuse will not be tolerated in my game.
[signed in blood] mug
Halloween 2007

A bit thank you for the efforts of LOTS of players here is the walk through for the event: (See Tangun alternative below) 1.) Say "Grandson" to Grandma Tii, north of south gate Kugnae. 2.) Go to the Haunted Woods (one entrance is west of east gate, Buya), and find Yim at (240, 210) and say "Grandma Tii". 3.) Go back to Grandma Tii and say "Yim". 4.) Go to (150, 5) in the Haunted Woods (Buya 118, 89) and say "Yim" to the Invisible Friend behind the cave. 5.) Go back to Yim and say, exactly: "Doo doo dee doo, rat tails in my shoe." (You need the period!) 6.) You now must scare the Invisible Friend by saying "BOOGIE BOOGIE BOO!" to him while wearing a Monkey hat and a Pig suit. 7.) You now must bring the Invisible Friend some things. Here is his clue, verbatim: "Bring me things to make funny. You will need funny hat, something to cut, something to fix, something for me to eat, something that shine, something new for me to wear." You must have in inventory (items will be taken) the following items: Sheep Hat Blood Stack of (20) Fine cloth. Stack of (100) Rat meat. Spring Robes 50,000 Coins. The reward is a giant pumpkin head! (This item will remain after Halloween) 8.) Go back to Yim (240,210) and say "Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck!" Pumpkin head must be worn or else Yim won't respond to you. 9) Go back to Grandma Yii and say 'Invisible friend' and get way-cool legend mark -- 'Tricked Yim with Terror of the Pumpkin' and some karma (SandPaper with the finish) "The Tangun Alternative" by Tilak(()) You can also get the pumpkin head, but not the mark, with a registered character under level 50 by seeking out Haengsa. You have to collect a few costumes that Haengsa will tell you about. ("Ribbit" is frog) (Bamboo is panda) (Wiggles nose is bunny) etc ... WARNING: If you say 'Invisible Friend' more than once, you'll get karma over and over but that's a bug. Don't get jailed for bug abuse folks!
~ thanks to Dippie
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Kruna Shop Update!
by: Nagnag
-- 4:03 PM EST
NEW HAIRS- only 100 Kruna EACH! NEW HAIR DYES- only 20 Kruna EACH! COSTUME COATS- starting at only 300 Kruna ! COSTUME HEAD ACCESSORIES- starting at only 200 Kruna ! BUTTERFLY WINGS- starting at only 415 Kruna ! ANGEL WINGS- starting at only 450 Kruna ! And to "top off" the holiday... WITCH HAT head accessory - for only 400 Kruna !

October 16th Reset!
Server reset, Tuesday, October 16, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Halloween is here!
When the winds become cooler and the days become shorter, mischievous spooks are out and about, or so we think. Speaking of mischief, it seems that a worried Grandmother is looking for her grandson who naively chose to sneak off to find his “invisible friend.” If adventurers assist her, they are promised a few scares (and laughs, at that).
Haengsa is back with a new quest! Was he really missing?
Eaengsa! It’s Haengsa’s twin brother!!!! He is in the Tangun asking for help from the younger players. He has a very special quest for them!
You can now say Trick or treat to the following merchants: Ox, Taur, Rotah, San-Tae, San-Tei, San-Ten, San-To, San-Tu. In Tangun you can speak with Chinagada and Pegi.
Players are now able to visit the face changer to get new eye color. Please keep in mind not all eyes will work the same. We will look into making some of the eye look better with color in the future.
The Blue moon shifts and the Ancient training ground closed its doors again in the hopes of returning stronger.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Alizarin clan receives new Clan mark. * Nagnang Army receives new Clan mark. * Minor update for Sun Moon
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Druid entrance moves in the Wilderness.
Other: * Minor updates for item shop there will be a release later today. * Typo fix in Tangun. * Bug that changed your hair color when you changed hair style is fixed. * Other minor updates for Halloween. * Reduced drop rate of some items in Tangun due to most of them staying on the floor and causing crashes to the server.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Vortex Madness!
The Tribes are getting rougher with more bosses. The Water Tribe has two and now the Hunter Tribe has THREE! Why is this happening? Has something caused a change? Is it just a bug or something more sinister?

Hunter Tribe Has Two Bosses
 STOMPER sent in this screenshot showing how the dastardly Hunter Tribe is now seeking to destroy those who enter their domain. Since he was able to correspond with me, I believe his group made it out alive. Now is the time to strike back to double our fun. Hyul 11
End to Realm Centering
 This handy little feature came out a few weeks ago but it's not known by all. Finally we've got an easy way to see the center of events from the edge of a crowd or expand our vision in an Elixir without dying! Hold down the Control key and press any arrow key to move the your screen view. This little warrior has moved her view past the edge of the map! Have fun with this and thanks to KRU for making this available. AllyGator Hyul 11, 4th Moon
New Spy Elder
by: Vini
-- 8:59 PM EST
I have sad news to all Creative Nexus fans. Yesterday, the KSG Premier, Phalance, has retired from his position. He who was the Spy elder since Yuri 71 has stepped down in favor of Mr. Thou.
What would this have to do with Creative Nexus? Well, for those who don't know, Thou is our very own Nagnag from Nexus Atlas and owner of the affliated site, Creative Nexus, since he'll be dedicating more of his time to Spy guild now, we'll lose a bit of his talents to his dedication to his path.
Sounds worth it, afterall KSG will have a wonderful elder to honor all the past ones. Nexus Atlas is proud to congratulate Spy Premier Thou on his new position and is sure that he'll handle it very well.
Special thanks to Phalance for all his years of work and dedication to the path, all the things he has done for it, including finally getting spies to be allowed to join Koguryo Royal Army.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 11, Moon 3~
An Imperial Affair
by: Gilley
-- 1:37 AM EST
Imperial Minister Jolie of Buya hosted the Grand Opening of the Buyan Fairgrounds today with an Imperial Fair followed by a Defender Ceremony. Amidst shades of gold, Buya along with her neighboring kingdoms, enjoyed festivities hosted by various clans and subpaths. The mood was joyful as prizes were freely given and laughter was heard through out the booths.
The Fairgrounds entrance is near the East Gate of Buya in the Islets. A quiet looking woman with the simple name of 'Fair Lady' will lead you there. Inside the layout is much as the traditional Kugnae Fairgrounds with bright colors and newer stone booths. Flags wave freely in the breeze.

Emperor Senshi and his daughter, Princess Lasahn graced each booth with a visit. The Emperor was a little wary of participating in the games even with his soldiers standing by but it was nice to see them enjoying themselves, nonetheless.

Many Buyan Clans and Tribes were out supporting their Ministry. The BIA is shown here proudly displaying their colors and their decorating abilities. Nice job, Soldiers.
 So many events were happening at the same time that many booths had to wait for others to finish. Here the Celestial Tribe of Buya was anxiously awaiting their next round of players.

The Royal Revels Readings were hosted in the Imperial Ministry's Booth with many poets reading their prose. Even with the close quarters, Poems was impressed with the enthusiasm shown in the readings.

Later that evening, a Defender Ceremony was held so Princess Lasahn could mark the newest Defenders of her Buya, Shining Jewel of the East. It was definitely a day to be remembered for many Hyuls to come! Thank you, Buya and the Imperial Ministry! The following are those who earned the Empire's blessing: Buyan Imperial Army - Bladester, YanDaMan, Flower Heavens - Allygator Phoenix - winroute LostKingdom - santa Dharma - Lacey Elendhirin - Ivanko The newest Affiliate of the Sovereign is Muckish! Congratulations to all who have served their country, and the newest Affiliate for extending his hand in friendship! :Gilley Hyul 11 ~Reporting the news one day at a time~
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