Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
A Special Orange Thanks
by: Vini
-- 10:00 PM EST
A group of unseen heroes has vanished from nexus lands this weekend. It’s said ‘vanished’ because all of a sudden, from a night to another we saw that those players who we have learned to respect over the past years went gone in their mysterious ways without even saying goodbye. Whether people liked them or not, the fact is that such people would dedicate their time to serve the community without getting much in return. It’s a thankless job that these archons have handled without complaining. It’s really rare to see people thanking those who have worked for us in the shadows, mostly people just remember of them when they want to complain or blame someone for something wrong.
Yes, sadly the community acquired a bad habit of blaming everything wrong on the archons, knowing they couldn't really defend themselves. Perhaps revenge for being jailed by an archon, or perhaps envy of the Archon's achievements, when in reality, most complainers wouldn't ever want such work or wouldn’t do any better. Whatever reasons people had, they would complain, but only a few times would people stop to think, and thank these unknown people who daily helped the Nexus lands become ever more interesting, taking no credit for their work.
Unfortunately, such shift in the immortals lands went without any official announcements, so what really happened for such big decision will probably remain unknown for us mortals, but it doesn’t matter. It’s understandable that immortal stuff will remain secret like they should be but it’s disappointing to think that such people might have been let go without a proper thanking.
Because of that Nexus Atlas would like to thank all of those secret heroes, the archons, who are now gone, but who will remain in our memories for all the work they did. Thank you all of you archons and good luck to each of you on wherever life takes you, good luck as well to the new pawns and hopefully they shall honor the legacy left behind by the archons we knew.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 9~
P.s. If you wish to write your very own thanks to the past archons, write here at Nexus Forums and let’s hope someday they’ll read.
Fox Hunt Controversy
by: Conro
-- 9:56 PM EST
Fox Hunts are undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of the game for those going for the Sam San rank, and with recent allegations of Host Misconduct, and ignorance from the Head Host himself, they've become quite the topic for the Community board to discuss.
The discussion has gotten so grand that it's hard to sort differances of opinion, so a topic has been created on NexusForums to help participants in the debate -- and those wishing to learn more -- sort out the mess.
Any information posted must have factual backing, such as screenshots or video of misconduct.
Hopefully a resolution can come into effect with enough discussion.
Click here to Discuss!
- Conro
First Champion Scribe!
Hello Community,
The winds have seen the first Champion scribe... Today, Miden has accomplished this great deed! Through hard work, persistance, and determination (not to mention 50,871 scrolls) Miden has attained this great milestone in history.
Miden anticipates over 110,000 scrolls for legendary. When asked to comment the reply was, "Good thing I like to amber hunt!".
Congratulations Miden. Good luck on Legendary!.
Halloween Banner
When Nexus Atlas released the new layout it was always our intention to make the top banner reflect current game activities. Now that we've hired Koinu to help us with graphics we will be able to do just that. Thanks to new staff member Koinu for a great job!

Happy Halloween!
by: Nagnag
-- 12:19 AM EST
Since a lot of you kids are out trick or treating both in real life and in game, I figured I'd post a little happy halloween from us at Nexus Atlas

Images are actual costumes from Korean Nexus (courtesy of Baram) Link to their event page In no way is KRU Int associated with Nexon Inc. Do not confuse Nexon's content with KRU's
Saturday, October 28, 2006
That's a lot of pawns..
by: Rachel
-- 4:40 PM EST
This post was made by Dalnum on the Guide board:
Below are the names of our new pawns, and the areas they work in so please contact the correct pawn if you have a question and or issue.
NexusTech. Support: www.nexustk.com/
Dalnum Pawn/Primogen Yulli Pawn/Primarch Kaeto Pawn/Kugnae* MiSook Pawn/Buya* Lucretius Pawn/Nagnang* Habaek Pawn/Justice/Tutors Wenyin Pawn/Revels/StoryContest Sarasvati Pawn/Revels/StoryContest Alden Pawn/Subpaths Juste Pawn/Carnages Maiyu Pawn/Events
*These pawns also aid with our Ministries/Royals/Armies of designated kingdoms
It would seem that all of the old archons are gone.. but it doesn't really explain why or what this will mean. I'll try to find out more and get back to you on this.
Thanks to StalkerX for posting about this on the news board.
Event Walkthrough Repost
by: Nagnag
-- 6:45 AM EST
(this is a temp post until the archived / past news rebuilds its data) (post taken from Conro's) First, I want to post a very special Thank you to Najun, Lordmoses, Equallen, Syncopate, FeiWuLong, KaNaK, Gimpy, Hijack, EbilTeddi, Rubi, Dragoner and a few others (if I forgot your name PLEASE yell at me, you DESERVE credit! I crashed while taking screenshots!)
- Enter the Yu Ryang Village at 30 43 Islets - Click each NPC there, they will list their plight.
- Enter the Haunted Mansion north of the Village, and collect the following...
(This step is not confirmed if you MUST do each of these tasks. If someone wishes to do the 'Silver Nail' part first before all of these and THEN speak to the Father outside the Mansion please let me know!)
- (4) Wooden log for Teikari, mayor of Yu Ryang - (15) Fresh seeds for Xiali, potion maker. - (10) Ghoul's eye for Yuangao, pirate of the afterlife. - (1) Rusty spade for Tinn, show off the the dead. - (1) Teddy bear for JooChan, to soothe his daughter's crying. - (4) Pile of dirt for Aafke, slain by the Mongols protecting her family. - (1) Pretty pink necklace, a gift from Aafke's husband. - (12) Silver nail for Tabae, keeper of the dead of Yu Ryang.
(As I said, please note I am unsure if the other steps are necessary, as the Father NPC does not ask for anyone elses tasks besides Tabae's, but this could simply be because hers 'should' be first. If you wish to test this step by doing the 'Silver nail' step ONLY, please let me know!)
You will have proven yourself worthy to venture through the lairs of the Haunted Mansion of Yu Ryang. Speak to the Man outside the Mansion and he will tell of the tale of his son, Namit, who left the village to spy on the inhabitants of the Mansion. The man simply wishes to know the fate of his son, dead or alive.
Venture to 'Corpse crypts' (a guide to getting there will be posted), on the far right middle side you will see the body of a merchant sprawed across the floor. Check on him, and you will find it is Namit, the mans son, who passed on in his quest for answers. You will take his Pendant off his. Click on him again to hear him thank you for your concern.
Return the Pendant to the man outside the Mansion. Upset, but at peace, he will bestow you with the garb his son wore, the Yu ryang garb(female not yet obtained).
  The Garb, while a gift, is NOT bonded to the user, and may be passed to friends
Your legend will also reflect your deeds for these spirits.

Again, if I haven't acknowledged your effort in aiding me, please let me know! You deserve recognition and reward!
The following Ghosts drop the following items: Dark green - Fresh seeds, Silver nail Light green - Pile of dirt, Rusty spade Light grey - Teddy bear, Pretty pink necklace, Wooden log Reddish brown - Ghoul's eye, Fresh seeds, Pink necklace\
So if you want the following items hunt at... Silver nail - First and Second room Pile of dirt - Third and Fourth room Fresh seeds - Second, Third, Fourth room Teddy bear - Second Third Fourth Fifth Room Ghoul's eye - Fourth Fifth Room Necklace - Third Fourth Fifth room Spade - First Second room Log - Fourth Fifth room
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
NexusAtlas is fine.
by: Conro
-- 8:27 PM EST
My Fellow Community members,
I want to first and formost thank members of the community, and Sideline, for their quick response after Flamethrowers malicious post on our news base.
As many of you well know in NexusTK, the game has a lot to do with trust. When you build your own character next to others in the game, you learn who to trust, and who to push aside. Flamethrower has recently quit Nexus, and instead of allowing my trust in him to be professional go with his account to the grave, he'd rather be a child and maliciously try to harm the rest of the community.
Such posts as Flamethrower's violate Law41, a law which I do not agree with, but until it is changed, can effect every member of the community who speaks of NexusAtlas. If such content were left untouched, even mentioning our URL could mean griefers of the community could have you jailed.
Do not worry, though, as my job as head of NexusAtlas and NexusForums, involves not only the projects of NexusAltas and NexusForums, but the protection of it's users as well. My staff does an excellent job in aiding in these purposes.
This is a lesson taught well to me, and in the future I'll learn to disable or delete accounts of those who aren't worth the time of day to the majority of the community.
Thank you all for your time and fast response!
- Josh Head of NexusAtlas
New Event Armor Page
This page has been available for a couple of weeks so you may have already seen it. But for now it contains recent decorative event items. Event items that are of actual use are listed on the regular armor pages.
Decorative Event Armor
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Yu Ryang Maps and Tasks
For once we are so up-to-date that we've got the maps, items, creatures and tasks done before the event is over! If you haven't been able to finish the event or just want to see what all the excitement is about check out the following. All information can be found from the first link.
History Listing Yu Ryang Tasks Yu Ryang Village Maps Mansion Maps
* edited to reflect correct name and drops 10/24
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Newest female armor!
Hello Everyone!
With the newest event to come out, and the new armors, the Male one has been found so far. No female one had yet to be found, but now there is one!
The newest female armor belongs to Sindella!

Aiding the Yu Ryang Village
by: Conro
-- 12:03 AM EST
First, I want to post a very special Thank you to Najun, Lordmoses, Equallen, Syncopate, FeiWuLong, KaNaK, Gimpy, Hijack, EbilTeddi, Rubi, Dragoner and a few others (if I forgot your name PLEASE yell at me, you DESERVE credit! I crashed while taking screenshots!)
- Enter the Yu Ryang Village at 30 43 Islets - Click each NPC there, they will list their plight.
- Enter the Haunted Mansion north of the Village, and collect the following...
(This step is not confirmed if you MUST do each of these tasks. If someone wishes to do the 'Silver Nail' part first before all of these and THEN speak to the Father outside the Mansion please let me know!)
- (4) Wooden log for Teikari, mayor of Yu Ryang - (15) Fresh seeds for Xiali, potion maker. - (10) Ghoul's eye for Yuangao, pirate of the afterlife. - (1) Rusty spade for Tinn, show off the the dead. - (1) Teddy bear for JooChan, to soothe his daughter's crying. - (4) Pile of dirt for Aafke, slain by the Mongols protecting her family. - (1) Pretty pink necklace, a gift from Aafke's husband. - (12) Silver nail for Tabae, keeper of the dead of Yu Ryang.
(As I said, please note I am unsure if the other steps are necessary, as the Father NPC does not ask for anyone elses tasks besides Tabae's, but this could simply be because hers 'should' be first. If you wish to test this step by doing the 'Silver nail' step ONLY, please let me know!)
You will have proven yourself worthy to venture through the lairs of the Haunted Mansion of Yu Ryang. Speak to the Man outside the Mansion and he will tell of the tale of his son, Namit, who left the village to spy on the inhabitants of the Mansion. The man simply wishes to know the fate of his son, dead or alive.
Venture to 'Corpse crypts' (a guide to getting there will be posted), on the far right middle side you will see the body of a merchant sprawed across the floor. Check on him, and you will find it is Namit, the mans son, who passed on in his quest for answers. You will take his Pendant off his. Click on him again to hear him thank you for your concern.
Return the Pendant to the man outside the Mansion. Upset, but at peace, he will bestow you with the garb his son wore, the Yu ryang garb(female not yet obtained).
  The Garb, while a gift, is NOT bonded to the user, and may be passed to friends
Your legend will also reflect your deeds for these spirits.

Again, if I haven't acknowledged your effort in aiding me, please let me know! You deserve recognition and reward!
The following Ghosts drop the following items: Dark green - Fresh seeds, Silver nail Light green - Pile of dirt, Rusty spade Light grey - Teddy bear, Pretty pink necklace, Wooden log Reddish brown - Ghoul's eye, Fresh seeds, Pink necklace\
So if you want the following items hunt at... Silver nail - First and Second room Pile of dirt - Third and Fourth room Fresh seeds - Second, Third, Fourth room Teddy bear - Second Third Fourth Fifth Room Ghoul's eye - Fourth Fifth Room Necklace - Third Fourth Fifth room Spade - First Second room Log - Fourth Fifth room
Yu Ryang Village.
Found placed upon the official Nexus website...
"Help us!" I heard it, the sound of my father calling to me... Was it a dream? No, it couldn't be, this was no night terror brought on by the festivities of All Hallows Eve. This was real... I know I heard it clearly. The pain, the torment, he should be at rest!? The business is succeeding, I gave up my adventuring days to ensure I could do my fathers spirit proud... So why would he rise?
Well the answers won't come to me laying here in a film of sweat. I will need to get dressed and go and visit the old town myself, just to make sure. No one lives there anymore... it has been empty for so long... why are there cries now? Whatever is causing this disturbance needs to be stopped completely, otherwise if the dead have risen, it will not be too long before they become fixated on this reality and then shall never find rest.
My father was a proud man, an honorable man. He does not deserve to become a creature of the abyss... If anyone else heard their cries of release, please come and give aide, life is meant to end at death. For it not to, means huge repercussions on the fragile reality we hold dear. Assist now people, or be it on your heads when you are forced to slay your own lost loved ones with your own blade... Like I... may have to...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
New information about the voices
TaiPatron tells us that the voices are most often heard at Kugnae's East Gast and appear at dawn 18:30-19 and then end at 20. Those hours seem significant to the voices. Some of the things they say have been reported but some are new. Does this mean we should expect the crypts to open soon?
We ran from them again. I got away! They were so close... why didn't you walk in! Sham.. they can h... u.. (shaman they can hear us.?) Sham... so c... so close... the do.. h.. be... bro... (the door has been broken?) Help us! Our grav... du.. up we will ne.... r... in p.... (Our graves, dug up will never rest in peace) The cries... the light... the... ~voices fade~
New Primogen of K'urimja clan
by: Vini
-- 12:45 AM EST
A few minutes ago, the position of primogen of K'urimja has experienced another shift. It seems the founder, Strawbryrain, was only covering temporary and found a new permanent primogen to take over the leading of the clan, Chagi Master Rubicant.
Congratulations to Primogen Rubicant and good luck with his new duties.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 5~
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hello there!
Hello everyone,
I have recently been added to the NexusAtlas staff as an Events news reporter. I would like to thank the NexusAtlas staff for this. Also I will bring you all as much information as fast as I possibly can on new and upcoming events.

Voices from the Spirit World
by: Nagnag
-- 3:21 AM EST
Thank you to DarTanis for reporting this information!
Apparently spirits have been whispering random people in random places. Here's what they had to say to DarTanis:
"Help..." "Help us..." "Release us!" "Please help us..." "Release us please!" "Help!!!" -pause- "We shun the light." "They dug up our graves..." "Why did they do this to us" "Help us..." "They don't hear us.. they don't come help." "Help... ~the voices fade~" "....."
 Kinda spooky... look out for Happy Halloween Part 2 (?)
by: Vini
-- 1:12 AM EST
This has been a weekend of quite a few changes in community positions. First we had the return of Lady Strawbryrain to the leading position of K'urimja clan in place of Kaeul. Then last night it was Isaiah's turn to return to the position of Poet Tutor, but now no longer from Buya, instead he's the new Kogurian Poet Tutor replacing PoeticTruth who stepped down.
The Nexus atlas congralutates Primogeness Strawbryrain and Tutor Isaiah and thank Kaeul and PoeticTruth for their contributions to the lands of nexus.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 2~
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Wordsmith in the making!
by: Conro
-- 6:13 PM EST
A huge "THANK YOU" from the Community and NexusAtlas to Barrok for figuring the 9th step of the Haengsa 'Snake' story quest.
The snake story blanks go as follows...
1. snake 2. spin 3. bolted 4. multiply 5. masan 6. rare pork 7. lantern 8. scrabbled 9. heightened (Thank you Barrok!) 10. scales (Thank you Saridus!) 11. pet (Thank you Karys!)
Now go collect those pirate tokens!
- Conro
Reset, Friday October 13, 2006
Server reset, Friday, October 13, 2006The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes: Looks like some spooks have taken over. Happy Halloween Part 1! (Please keep in mind all costume drops will be removed after the event is over. Do not buy or sell these items. Please trade or give them to someone who needs one. Have a good trick or treat!) Haengsa told us he has a new spooky challenge for you. Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: Small update to map Stahmne Omentie for Elendhirin Clan Minor update for Nagnang ministry Subpath additions and fixes: Minor update for Merchants Minor update for Subpath Fairgrounds Minor update for Monk and they receive new merchant Roshan Druid receives new merchant Aneirin and movement of two other merchants. 
Trick or Treat!
by: Nagnag
-- 5:29 PM EST
All of these years during Nexon's reign and they let us trick or treat without a costume. Well, NOT THIS TIME! Kru has made it so you must have a complete costume to trick or treat! The four costumes are shown below:  So put on your costume, go to any inn in Koguryo (thus far the only taverns working) and get some treats! ... or tricks, DUN DUN DUN! More info:Trick or Treat wait time is 30 minutes. Suits are armor-dye based. So if you have a dog suit with Hyun moo black dye, it turns into a green! Kinda like a frog! All suits, hats, and masks cost 250 coins to deposit! (hopefully we can keep them!) Trick or Treating has NEW GOODIES such as Vortex boss morphs! Thanks to Sebelle for this information:-The animal suits come from the Haunted spook, and the people suits come from the Haunted shadow. -The Haunted shadow casts dark shadow while haunted spook casts electric spook and phantasm shock.  Haengsa has another quest readily available for everyone. It involves story telling in the cemetary! (Good luck getting to him everyone is crowded around him!) He's located north east of the cemetary, almost near the north east corner. This time Haengsa is telling a different story to different people, so it is very difficult to make a walkthrough for it. He'll begin telling a story, and then he'll stop and let you type in the word. Such as, "I woke up and saw a huge" and then you type in your word. So good luck! BREAKING NEWSOne story has been completed! If you have the story where in the beginning something jumps out at the little boy, here are the answers provided by many random community members gathered in the cemetary!
Little Boy Story Answers 1) zibong
2) laughed
3) skipped
4) ju jak
5) red
6) hill
7) fishing
8) pushed
9) friend
10) blight
11) grilled chicken
Old Man Story Answers 1. stroll
2. squirrel
3. haengsa
4. wicked ghost
5. wicked staff
6. paralyze
7. entertaining
8. treats
9. dragon
10. beamed
11. hauntings
Snake Story Answers 1. snake
2. spin
3. bolted
4. multiply
5. masan
6. rare pork
7. lantern
8. scrabbled
9. ** stuck here **

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Chongun General steps down
by: Vini
-- 7:08 PM EST
Few days ago, the BIA General has stepped down. Due some problems he had with accessing the news, he wasn't able to post this here, so here's a message he would like to broadcast:
The past 5 years in the Buyan Imperial Army has passed in a blink of an eye. I have served Buya as General for the past two years, and feel that it is time to allow others to rise to glory as well. Over the past two years, thanks to KRU and the support of the other clans, the Armies have been able to rise to new heights, previously thought unimaginable. The addition of crafting halls, new maps, army spears, and the ability to earn tribute has helped enhance the roleplay and overall fun that the soldiers of all three kingdoms.
AceoStar: I would like to thank KRU, the archons, and most importantly, the soldiers for all your support over the years. I am stepping down, not because I don't enjoy the army, but because a large part of leadership is allowing others to lead to thier full potential. I leave the Buyan Imperial Army in the extremely capable hands of Colonel Bullmunk.
For anyone who is concerned, I am not quitting nexus, I will continue to serve as Imperial Guard, and StatAddict.com will keep on trucking.
Bright be thy way, AceoStar
Congratulations to General Bullmunk on his new position and special thanks to Aceostar for his services to the community.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 1~
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Foul Stench from the Cemetary
mug spead a message upon the Whispering Winds:
It's a cold windy night tonight as I walk through the cemetery. I hold fresh flowers in my hand, the ones my wife picked out for Grandmother. Our Grandmother passed away this past summer. Oh may her soul rest in peace. What is this? I wonder why the cemetery is so poorly kept. The grounds seem to be all dug up with holes everywhere. There doesn't seem to be anyone to watch over this area anymore. I am very glad my wife and children didn't come with me this night. I would never hear the end of it. I believe I scared off someone. All I could hear was howling of the wind when I showed up but this fresh dirt proves someone was here.
Wait what was that? I quickly rolled up my sleeves and yelled into the dim "You've got some gall vandalizing the cemetery, you heathen!" Doesn't seem like they took my yelling very well because now they are coming back this way and at a very fast pace. What is that? That's no man or boy... it's... it's a ghost!! I thought how odd, almost demented looking and the smells aren't very pleasant. I began to fiercely swing my fist in the air and hit one of their jaws. "Gross!" His jaw fell straight into my hand and gave me a bit of an alarm! I moved out of the way of his hammer and gave one last blow to his ghostly figure. The haunted figure dropped something on the ground and I quickly picked it up. I noticed the others were headed towards the Kingdom gates. I warn each of you to lock your windows and doors and watch out for these haunted things. Only time will tell what horrors they might bring to our lands. I head for home to get my sword to help fight for my lands.
BEWARE... This event will begin on Friday, October 13

Free Trial Level Extended
by: Conro
-- 2:03 AM EST
In an effort to make the game easier for newer players to pick up, Kru Interactive has been on a mad rush to create ease of playability for new members.
These changes have been made to ensure new characters get a feel for the game, as well as get to a place they'd actually want to register at.
NEW! - All players may reach level 20 before prompted to register to gain more experience. (Thank you NexusForums' Doctor!) NEW! - Novice players are placed in the 'Novice clan', despite nation, and may coomunicate in the channel. It is unsure if this channel will be moderated by other players or Gods. - Tangun Area added North West of Kugnae for further development of skills and experience.
Despite the higher advancement of characters, those mentoring players who aren't registered will be prompted that their novice MUST be registered in order to obtain their karma, so help Kru sell Nexus! :) (Thanks Nexus' Koen)!!
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
New Kugnae Warrior Tutor!
by: Nussan
-- 3:35 PM EST
Today, Kugnae got a new Warrior tutor! It is Jung-Do RCMP who took over this position, when former Tutor Exere stepped down. Thank you Exere for your work, and congratulations RCMP!
A Race for Heart
by: Conro
-- 12:56 AM EST
As per his last challenge, Ichiji opened his race tracks open to the public to watch Kiyuu in his final trial.
Crowds drew in from across the kingdoms to watch Kiyuu prove his love in yet another trial by Father Time.

Ichiji picked members of the community to compete against Kiyuu in what later became more a game of chance than a race. Racers were asked to draw straws from Ichiji's hand, the one with the longest given a better animal to ride. During his first bout, Kiyuu was forced to race on a turtle against a Horse and Doe.

Of course, despite his efforts, Kiyuu came in last place. With arguments from his own daughters of season, Ichiji decided to hold two more races. Kiyuu easily won the second as he rode a battle trained steed across the tracks, blazing past a Horseman, a Doe trainer, Deer rider, and a panther.

In the final round, Kiyuu raced against three others. Kiyuu came into second place, but with a twist. Riorn, a barbarian riding the battle trained steed, could not keep control of his horse, and broke one of the rules Ichiji created before the event: no taking a steps back or you will be disqualified. Kiyuu had won by default, but Ichiji was still upset. Riorn had a heart to heart with Father Time and explained how he had a daughter of his own and can empathize well with his concerns of her marrying, but urged Ichiji to allow their love to flourish.
In an effort to hide his true feelings for the situation, these trials were created in part because he knew Kiyuu would fail. Ichiji, defeated, finally revealed his reasoning for the trials was he was afraid of Shoshuns reaction to her mortal husband finally having to pass into the spirit coil. Shoshun, a god, cannot die, and Ichiji worries about Spring itself and how it may change if Shoshun mourns her husbands passing.
(I couldn't be there for the rest, if anyone else has information please report it to our news reporting board! Thanks! - Conro)
Harvest Fair
Nexus Atlas as a new photoreport for September's Harvest Fair. You've all seen the new lanterns around; hopefully we'll get the keep them although Mug saged that they would be removed with the next reset.
Harvest Fair Photoreport