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January 2025

    Friday, January 31, 2025

Community celebrates camaraderie at Imbolc
Posted by: Kaleea -- 10:44 PM EST

Druid Elder Supply along with druids Morvan, Zenly and Andy welcome us to Imbolc celebrations in the Sacred Grove.

Imbolc is a moment to honor our endurance through the brutal winter and to unite in camaraderie and gratitude for a world that embraces creativity and self expression. It serves as a chance for introspection, divination, and the exploration of new adventures. The Druids, in collaboration with the various other Subpaths in the kingdoms, come together and celebrate Imbolc each year.

The opening ritual

We are again in that amazing time of year, some druid festival. Hello friends and community! We are honored to be here with you all today to celebrate this special moment. It brings us great joy to see the warmth and kindness in this community. Today, we gather not only to honor traditions but also to share light, hope, and connection. Let us embrace this moment as one, with open hearts and shared purpose. Imbolc it is! Imbolc marks the turning of the season, as the earth begins to awaken from it's winter rest. It is a time to honor Brigid, the goddess of inspiration, healing, and renewal. As part of our celebration, we have planned many exciting games, prizes, and lots of fun activities. Sooooo stay tuned and enjoy every moment with us. The subpaths will be hosting several amazing events, and we'll also have some surprise raffles to make this day even more special! Thank you for being here and sharing in the joy of this day! We shall now begin! Let us ignite the light of Imbolc with our ritual.

Supply: "Welcome, friends and kin of the Nexus, to this sacred Imbolc gathering. Today, we celebrate the return of light and the stirring of life beneath the winter's frost. Together, we honor Brigid, keeper of the sacred flame and guardian of inspiration. With this flame, we ignite our hopes for the coming season. May it's light guide us all."

Zenly: "One by one, let us light our candles from this sacred flame. As you take it's light, speak your intention for this season of growth, or hold it silently in your heart."

Morvan: "Brigid, flame of inspiration and goddess of renewal, we invite you to join us in this sacred circle. Bless us with your wisdom, kindle creativity in our hearts, and bring healing to the land. We honor your presence."

Andy: "As the earth awakens, we give thanks for Brigid's blessings. This milk, a symbol of nourishment, is offered in gratitude and hope for abundance in the year to come. Brigid, may our offerings honor you and strengthen the bonds between us and the spirits of the land."

Supply: "The flame is lit, the light has returned, and our hopes are carried forward. Let us now celebrate, knowing Brigid's blessings shine upon us."

Left: Druid Zenly starts off the Imbolc celebration with a friendly class in the Mystic Garden about Druids and their services to the community. Center: Monk neja hosts a friendly game of Jan Ken Pon in Cluichi. Right: Merchant Chara hosts a Battle on the bridge. Husband and Wife compete against each other in the Sacred Grove.

Day one of Imbolc

The first event of Imbolc was a Druid class that taught the community members about the Druid path, Druid traits, morals, alliances, nature and its balance, defending and protecting nature, the four pillars of Druid theology, Druid festivals and more.

The next event was Jan Ken Pon, hosted by the Monks. This event is very similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors and requires you to beat your opponents item. Rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.

After Jan Ken Pon, things got a bit violent. This is when the Merchants hosted Battle on the bridge. This exciting event requires two people to square off on the bridge, and defend their treasures using nothing but an Ilbon knife.

Left: Druid Mystic noots provides Rune Readings in Cluichi. Center left: Diviner Elder BatSheba provides a Fortune Reveal for Zariel. Center right: Druid Mystic Andy provides Flower readings. Right: Participants in Nature's Bounty in the Mystic Garden whap animals in hopes of receiving tokens.

With the violence over with for the day, the Diviners and Druids came together to host a Fortune Reveal, Flower readings and rune readings. During this time, flowers, runes and divination methods were used to help you with questions you have. During this time, is when BatSheba revealed the fortune for Zariel that ended with her being marked as a Protector of Nature, by the Druids.

As the first day of Imbolc comes to a close, Geomancer Qian bring out the animals for a fun Nature's bounty. The Geomancers are known for seeking balance with the world around them as well as within. This balance is seen in the infinite cycles of nature. These cycles are celebrated through Nature's Bounty. During this time, the community members were to use their fists to take down nine animals, to find tokens.

Left: The Druid Bingo board awaits players in the Mystic Garden. Middle: Kaoru takes a few hits in Samurang Showdown. Right: Kaoru is back at it again during a round of Archery in the Mystic Garden.

Day two of Imbolc

The Mystic Garden served as the backdrop for a series of vibrant events as the Druids commenced Day Two of Imbolc festivities with a traditional game of bingo.

Following this, community members gathered in the Sacred Grove to engage in an exhilarating round of Samurang Showdown alongside the Chongun. In this captivating game, two opponents faced off in a 4x4 arena, wielding three distinct weapons in a strategic battle to cast poison, curse, and jolt on each other, all while safeguarding themselves from similar attacks.

Participants then returned to the Mystic Garden for a friendly archery competition. In this unique event, competitors were armed with bows and sleep arrows by the Ranger path. They were challenged to incapacitate their opponents before falling asleep themselves.

Left: Hammato snipes a winning blow at S7 in the Sacred Grove. Middle: Diviner ZenZen recites during a ritual in Cluichi. Right: Cruelty and GoyongYong face off in a fierce match of Last Man Alive.

Without needing to relocate after the archery tournament , the KSG hosted a thrilling S7 event in Mystic Garden, where participants unleashed special attacks against their opponents in a race against time to avoid being struck themselves.

Following an action-packed day, attendees proceeded to Cluichi to witness a sacred ritual conducted by the Diviners. During this ceremony, ZenZen illuminated the eight flames of the Tao, symbolizing the vital forces that influence our past, present, and future.

To conclude the Imbolc celebrations, the Barbarians organized a highly competitive "Last Man Alive" event. Known for its intensity, this challenge tests the skill and endurance of participants, with only the most adept remaining at the end of the contest.

The culmination of these activities not only highlighted community spirit but also underscored the rich cultural traditions celebrated during Imbolc. After a fun filled weekend, Imbolc celebration comes to a close.

Closing Ritual

Supply: "As our festival draws to a close, let us reflect on the light we have kindled and the intentions we set. Brigid has walked with us, and her flame burns within our hearts."

Morvan: "Now, release your intentions to the care of the earth and sky. Trust that they will take root and grow as the days lengthen."

Zenly:The gifts we have shared today will now return to the land, completing the cycle of giving and receiving. May they nourish the soil and honor the spirits of nature."

Noots: "The circle is open, yet unbroken. The flame of Imbolc remains within us, a light to guide us through the turning of the seasons. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. May the light guide us forward. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"

Supply: "Thank you, friends, for joining us in this gathering. Being here with all of you has filled our hearts with gratitude. As we close this festival, let us carry the blessings of this day in our hearts. May it guide us forward with hope and connection. Until we meet again, we wish you peace, health, and happiness. Thank you, and farewell!"

Left: Merchant Elder Baltzen takes a moment during Imbolc to honor Cyprio for his expertise and dedication. Center: Kaoru follows suit with an impromptu poetry reading. Right: Zariel's accomplishments are commemorated by Supply through becoming a Protector of Nature.

Other news during Imbolc

Merchant Elder Baltzen had some news to share: "Greetings everyone! Thank you Druids for putting this together today. Today is a special day not only because of the festival but because we get to do something very special today. Only a few people in the kingdom can say they have achieved such an accomplishment. I can count only 4 of them in existance. This achievement is that rare. It takes dedication, honor, pride, and knowledge. Today we honor one of the merchants with this special title today. Cyprio you have proven yourself not only knowledgable in the ways of the Merchants, but also in the ways of our kingdom's economy. You have exceeded mastering it. This has not gone unnoticed. I am sure many people in this room can attest to your wealth of care and knowledge to this special art. As a good friend and also fellow guide would say... you have far exceeded those requirements to anyone in our eyes and you will continue to do so with dignity, honor and pride. Congratulations Cyprio, our newest Legendary Economist."

Kaoru wanted to say a few words: "This is something that I wrote recently that I thought was worth sharing. -She holds up a bouquet in her paws, brushing it across the lips of her cat mask before casting it into the ceremonial fire- There is one beautiful thing to admire about the conceit hidden within the human heart. It often causes one to overlook one distinct aspect that one should consider. In a world in which we should certainly believe all life is considered sacred... It seldom ever occurs to another that when one creature believes their life no longer has hope, significance or value, their own is quickly diminished in the process. Perhaps one is blessed simply for having their life still in tact. At the prospect of potentially building towards a better today and tomorrow. What does it take for one to appreciate their own life or existence? When hopelessness devours and claims the lives of a great many... -she taps the lips of her white cat mask with her index toe bean."

Ranger Guide Zariel was recognized by Supply as a Protector of Nature: "In a commendable demonstration of commitment to community and the natural world, Zariel, a dedicated Ranger Guide, has garnered recognition from local Druids for her tireless efforts in preserving and promoting the environment. Zariel has consistently gone above and beyond in her role, frequently organizing community events such as bonus carnages, elixirs, and foxhunts. These intiatives not only foster community spirit but also encourage active engagement with nature among residents. In addition to her community events, Zariel has made it a priority to provide guidance and training to younger members of the community, ensuring that the skills and knowledge of outdoor stewardship are passed down to future generations. Her passion and dedication to both the community and the environment have not gone unnoticed, with local Druids acknowledging her role as a protector of nature. Zariel's efforts exemplify the spirit of collaboration and conservation, making her a valued asset to the community."

Diviner ZenZen had some words to share: "Everyone welcome to Imbolc closing ritual! On behalf of all subpaths, thank you! Before Supply and her Druids get to it.... Ogedei is nominated for the rare honor of "Contributor of Joy" by the Diviners, who value the profound impact of joy in fostering community resilience and growth. This recognition is reserved for individuals who consistently spread positivity and enhance communal well being through sustained efforts, not fleeting moments. Ogedei exemplifies these qualities through his unique ability to connect with others using humor, his strength in defending others, and his deep respect among his peers. He actively contributes to his community by guiding lost warriors, teaching ancestral traditions and empowering others through wilderness training and barbarian weapon and armor foraging. Ogedei organizes tournaments, participates in blood oath rituals to strengthen family bonds, and supports subpath events, fostering camaraderie and shared joy. Additionally, he mentors younger individuals, offering guidance and support to help them succeed. Ogedei's unwavering dedication to spreading joy, fostering positive connections, and enhancing communal well being makes him a deserving candidate for this esteemed recognition. His actions remind others of the enduring power of laughter, kindness, and community spirit, especially in challenging times."

Ogedei offers his reply, thanks: "I will wear it proudly and continue to bring joy, while bringing the pain! -raises axe- Thanks! I will continue to do what I can to mend our community, mostly the hearts. We are in a tough time around here. Demons! Funny haircuts! Without foes! We fight each other! I love you all. Thanks!"

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Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact us in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at] Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.

<> Kaleea <>
Edited by Shiori "Chongde" Sato

    Thursday, January 30, 2025

Get ready to honor Imbolc this weekend
Posted by: Kaleea -- 8:15 PM EST

Druids gather near the waterfall in Sacred grove to invite everyone to celebrate Imbolc this weekend.

As we bid farewell to winter's chill and embrace the promise of renewal, Imbolc is approaching, heralding a time of new beginnings. Also known as Saint Brigid's Day, this cherished Gaelic tradition honors the goddess Brigid, a figure rich in wisdom, poetry, and protection, as well as the talents of a smith and healer.

In anticipation of the warmth of spring, many of us turn to beloved Imbolc customs that invite freshness into our lives. Our such tradition is weaving crosses, simple but yet beautiful four-pointed structures made from straw. These crosses are often hung-over doorways to bring peace and ward off negativity. It's also customary to cleanse our homes during this time, alongside preparing wholesome meals, refreshing drinks, and cozy bedding to welcome Brigid into our spaces and invite her blessings.

Here in the kingdoms, the Druid subpath is excited to celebrate Imbolc with fellow paths, hosting a variety of events designed to enchant and enlighten. Join us this weekend as we gather to welcome the invigorating spirit of spring. Druid Elder Supply writes:

"The Druid subpath is delighted to invite you to join us in celebrating the sacred festival of Imbolc. As always, we will have the cherished presence of our beloved subpaths hosting events throughout the festival.

Expect many prizes, memorable marks, and, above all, an abundance of joy and entertainment.

Nature's blessings,

The Druids"

Tentative Schedule
(All times are EST)

Friday January 31, 2025
6:00 PM: Opening Ceremony
6:30 PM: Druid Class
7:15 PM: Jan Ken Pon
8:00 PM: Battle on the bridge
8:45 PM: Druid and Diviner readings
9:30 PM: Nature's Bounty

Saturday February 1, 2025
5:00 PM: BINGO
5:45 PM: Samurang Showdown
6:30 PM: Archery Tournament
7:15 PM: S7
8:00 PM: Contributor of Joy
8:45 PM: Last Man Alive
9:30 PM: Closing ceremony

<> Kaleea <>

Go ahead, shed your skin (and bad habits) for Lunar New Year
Posted by: Chongde -- 12:39 AM EST

Left to right: BerZerk, Katoh, Ogedei, Kaoru, SkimBeeble, Finagle, and the reporter pose for a moment in the Tao te Ching to celebrate Lunar New Year.

Wednesday marked Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year, meaning the world is ushering in the era of the Wood Snake. Make sure your home is cleaned and swept away of any bad luck to usher in our reptilian friend.

The Kingdoms' lore heavily revolves around the idea of mythical animals and their governing forces, so let's look at what the sly serpent has in store for the lands.

According to Chinese astrology traditions, the Snake is a regal, auspicious creature symbolizing rebirth. This year's element is Wood, lending traits of personal tolerance and societal growth as interests of the Snake, with emphasis on shedding away negativity and harmful practices. The Wood Snake is all about evolution and transformation, and resolution of past problems for a better future. This includes not only societal problems, but personal issues that can prohibit growth.

In folklore, the Snake had once been a quadruped beast, but was aggravated about not fitting in with the other animals. The Jade Emperor punished the Snake for its bitterness by having its legs removed. Despite this handicap, the Snake placed sixth in the race to determine the numerical order of the Zodiac signs. The story demonstrates the sheer determination the Snake exhibits.

People born under the sign of the Snake are said to be the most strategic, courageous and stalwart, and are often suited for leadership. Whereas the Snake thrives with sharpened communication skills, some see their natural tenacity as something to be wary of, or bordering on sinister. The Wood Snake's lucky numbers are 2, 8, and 9. They are advised to wear lots of black, yellow, and red clothing, and perhaps purchase some lovely orchids or cacti for their house, as those are auspicious flowers. They are asked to avoid the numbers 1, 6, and 7. The colors white, brown, and gold aren't for the Wood Snake this year.

Wood Snakes are most compatible with Ox, Rooster, or Monkey signs that can withstand their determined and tenacious personality. The Tiger and Pig might not be so fortunate, as these signs struggle trusting the Snake. Wood Snakes are known to be quite charming, after all. The Wood Snake tends to be a rather skeptical individual, sometimes prideful to a fault, and jealous. But, they are also associated with deep, loving, sometimes cosmic connections that are long-lasting.

Some notable denizens of the Kingdoms born under the Wood Snake are: Ayce, Birdwatcher, JohnKim, Kazi, Philemon, and Valkyrja. Curious to know what your Zodiac sign is? Contact a Diviner in the Kingdoms today to learn about how to reveal or master your Zodiac.

Above graphic courtesy of

In other news

The Eternal Order of Nagnang is happy to announce the success of this year's Surasang festival, held on January 17th and 18. They wish to extend thanks to all the community visitors and volunteers that helped make the events possible.

Subpath and clan map updates are in progress, for those organizations that signed up with their appropriate Archons. To date, K'urimja Clan has already received a wonderful update to their Minor Haven map, now called Shadow Haven. Contact a representative of the clan to visit.

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Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at] Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.

- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting

    Monday, January 13, 2025

Surasang will return to Nagnang
Posted by: Kaleea -- 3:17 PM EST

As the snow blankets the pastures of Nagnang, the community is gearing up for the return of the much loved Surasang celebration. This annual fesitval marks the arrival of winter, transforming the regions fertile landscapes into a winter wonderland and allowing the people of Nagnang to showcase their culinary traditions. For the Nangens, the Surasang feast is a vital cultural event, rooted in their ancient teachings on fermentation and kimchi marking, which have enabled them to extend natures harvest well into the frosty months.

The festival will be held on January 17th and 18th in the Nagnang fairgrounds. We warmly invite you to join us as we embrace the beauty and challenges of winter. Surasang is not just about the food but rather its a celebration of our community spirit, resilience, and heritage as we come together to greet the snowy season.

Tentative schedule (all times are EST)
Friday January 17th
4:30 pm - Opening ceremony
5:00 pm - Kamikaze countdown
6:00 pm - Druid Class
7:00 pm - Samurang Showdown
8:00 pm - OMGNMP
9:00 pm - Fish Toss

Saturday January 18th
5:00 pm - BINGO
6:00 pm - Fickle Feasts
7:00 pm - Kimchi Toss
8:00 pm - Abundant Gifts
9:00 pm - Closing ceremony

    Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ding dong, Wisdom Star calling!
Posted by: Chongde -- 4:03 AM EST

Folks gather in Sire Pit to wait on the daily storms. Theorycraft and hopes for events in the new year dominated the conversation this morning.

Happy New Year! The ball has dropped, so put away your 2025 novelty shades and buckle down for Wisdom Star! Also colloquially known as "Coin Star" or "Double EXP week," this is the biannual period where registered hunting enthusiasts take advantage of experience multipliers available for purchase.

To grab your modulators, your way to WoonSoo in the Incubator (the tent in Buya Gathering) to begin sapping up that sweet, sweet experience. Modulators exponentially boost experience intake with their purchase, which means it's time to travel to Buya to grab a handful.

The price of Wony's Mods scales depending on your mark; 50,000 Gold for an Il San, 100,000 for an Ee San, as examples. To buy one, say "Wony" to the NPC in the Incubator.

In addition, a more modulators are available. Alilana Grande modulators can be purchased for 5 Daily Coins, and saying "Alilana" to the NPC.

A third modulator, a DC modulator, costs 5 Daily Coins and boots only experience. Simply type "DC mod" to the NPC. You can grab two of these at one time.

The modulators each last 8 hours, after which you can get another one. Reap a stack of benefits by purchasing them all at once. Wisdom Star typically lasts one week, so the clock is ticking to take advantage of the modulators.

See something? Say something
As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.

Know something we don't?
Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at] Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.

- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting