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Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Clean up, prepare to celebrate Imbolc Festival this weekend
 Andy, the reporter, StarArcherie, VladImpaler, Kaleea, Supply, and PrincessYue gather in front of the entrance to the public Druid subpath area to invite everyone to the Imbolc Festival this weekend.
Cleaned out your well lately? Or, have you done any spring cleaning at all?
Imbolc is coming, which marks the season of new beginnings. Also called Saint Brigid's Day, the Gaelic tradition revolves around Ireland's patron saint or the goddess Brigid (or Brig). She is considered a triple deity, and whereas she is associated with wisdom, poetry, and livestock protection, she is also thought to have two sister identities as a smith and healer.
Celebrating the Imbolc festival may include traditions such as weaving Brigid's crosses, or four-pointed structures made of straw or reeds placed over one's entryways to ward off maladies. In addition to cleaning one's home, food, beverages, and bedding are offered to symbolically welcome the goddess into the home to receive her blessings. The season was also primed for checking on well waters, and divining the skies to see if the incoming lambing and planting seasons would be productive (a parallel to Groundhog Day).
In the Kingdoms, the Imbolc Festival is held by the Druid subpath, who invites their fellow paths into their home to assist in bringing in the springtime season. A variety of events are scheduled to entertain and enlighten this Imbolc Festival, set to take place this weekend. Druid Elder Supply writes:
"Dear Community and Beloved Friends,
"You are cordially invited to immerse yourself in the enchanting celebration of Imbolc at the Druid Sacred Grove on February 3rd and 4th.
"Imbolc marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, symbolizing the awakening of the earth and the return of light. Join us in embracing the magic of changing seasons during a weekend filled with rituals and games for all. Several prizes will be given away, and we are sure you wouldn't want to miss it.
"All are welcome to come together in communion with nature, celebrating new beginnings and fostering a sense of community and harmony. Mark your calendars and let's collectively create a truly magical Imbolc celebration at the Druid Sacred Grove.
"Looking forward to seeing you there!"
Tentative Schedule (All times EST) Saturday, February 3, 2024 5:00PM: Opening Ritual 5:45PM: Jan Ken Pon 6:30PM: Battle on the Bridge 7:15PM: Deadliest Poison 8:00PM: The Ten 8:45PM: Nature's Bounty
Sunday, February 4th, 2024 4:30PM: Weapons Dance 5:15PM: Diviner/Druid Fortune Revealed 6:15PM: Barbarian Heal Out 7:00PM: Archery Tournament 8:00PM: Druid Bingo 9:00PM: Deadly Tales 9:45PM: Closing Ritual 10:10PM: KSG 4x4
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Lyones receives Chongun Medal of Honor
by: Maron
-- 9:31 PM EST
 AnnaBell and Lyones stand side by side in the Chongun Sanctuary before assembled observers who took part in congratulating this accomplishment.
Hey folks! It's a privilege to return after a substantial absence to deliver this news!
Tonight, the Chongun subpath announced that they would be holding a ceremony in order to issue their path's prestigious and symbolic necklace, the Medal of Honor, to one of their own.
AnnaBell, among several other Chongun gathered with other citizens in their Sanctuary, delivered an inspiring speech of appreciation for Lyones:
"On their journeys, this warrior has inspired us with their unwavering courage, bravery and dedication. They have forged paths of righteousness, embodying the ideals that have guided us through the generations. Their stories are etched in the very fabric of our community, serving as a guiding light through uncertain times. Today, we have come together to recognize and honor one such warrior who has demonstrated unparalleled dedication and selflessness beyond measure. This warrior's actions have touched the lives of countless Chongun, instilling within us the spirits of unity, honor, and valor that we hold dear.
"They have gone above and beyond, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to our community and ensuring the preservation of our cherished values. Their sacrifices, steadfast commitment, and relentless pursuit of excellence have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on all of us who have had the honor of crossing their path. Today, it is our privilege to bestow upon them the prestigious Medal of Honor.
"... As a Chongun guide and mentor, Lyones has consistently gone above and beyond her duties, making significant contributions to our community through her unwavering commitment to teaching the Art of War. It is high time we express our gratitude and recognize her exceptional service.
"Lyones has been an integral part of our lives, dedicating an extended period of time to selflessly educate and support everyone around her. She willingly sacrifices her personal time, often staying late or investing additional hours to address the individual needs and concerns of her students. Lyones' passion shines through her tireless efforts, inspiring all who encounter her to share in her enthusiasm for the Art of War.
"Lyones, today we gather here with utmost gratitude to honor your unwavering commitment and exceptional contributions to our community. Your dedication, passion, and selflessness as a mentor have left an immeasurable impact on every single one of us. Through your teachings, you have guided us not only to become skilled warriors, but also individuals embodying integrity and honor.
"This Medal of Honor symbolizes our profound admiration and appreciation for your extraordinary service. It represents the countless lives you have touched, the wisdom you have shared, and the profound legacy you have built within our community. May it serve as a perpetual reminder of the indelible mark you have left on our hearts and the lasting influence you will continue to have on future generations."
Lyones had this to say while accepting the award:
"Thank you for your kind kind words, sister. I am truly humbled by this. Thank you all for coming today. It is such an honor to be serving by your side. All our families here mean so much and my Chongun family has been a true inspiration to me. Thank you for this honor."
The NexusAtlas staff and I would also like to congratulate Lyones! May your ongoing service as a mentor in your capacity continue to teach and inspire more students within the Nexus community, carrying on the traditional, philosophical importance of the Art of War, and other lessons you have shared.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
"Mark" Maron reporting~!
Get moving, it's the Minor Quest Run!
 The reporter is confronted by the "Minor Quest Ninja" at a strangely barren west gate of Kugnae. One supposes the masses are busy bothering their favorite quest-giver to send them on pedantic quests to kill Horses and Rats. It's no doubt a humbling experience, especially for the Sa San community.
The Wisdom Star has faded away for another seven month rest, but the work isn't finished yet in the Kingdoms. Whereas you may have hunted yourself to death this week, there's still that pesky Sa San Endurance Trial to address. And we know you've been slacking on that.
Have no fear, for the Minor Quest Run has returned!
The timer between Minor Quests has been temporarily lifted, and no Daily Coins are required to perform consecutive Minor Quests. Simply get another quest from your quest-giver to continue running yourself ragged.
Note: Experience from completing the Minor Quests is diminished with consecutive runs (similar to having bought one with Daily Coins). However, the repeated quests do count toward your total on your legend. The periodic increments of Karma rewarded from Minor Quests are also still in effect.
Important: If you abandon the Minor Quest you are on, the timer returns, and you have to wait to get another one. During this Run, you can perform a maximum of 50 Minor Quests per day.
Get moving! Historically, the Minor Quest Run is only available for a week.
For your convenience locating your Minor Quest targets, see the list of Minor Quest targets here.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Happy New Year! Time to trade in your Daily Coins
 A crowd gathers to watch the hourly fireworks going off at the western gate of Kugnae on New Year's Eve.
Happy New Year! If Santa Mhul isn't the community favorite event, the bi-annual Wisdom Star definitely takes the title.
Make your way to WoonSoo in the Incubator to begin taking part in the festival of experience. Modulators exponentially boost experience intake with their purchase, which means it's time to travel to Buya to grab a handful.
Wony's modulators will be available boost your experience and crafting skills for the duration of the event, in exchange for Gold. Say "Wony" to the NPC to begin the transaction. (The price scales depending on your mark; 50,000 Gold for an Il San, 100,000 for an Ee San, as examples.)
In addition, a more modulators are available. Alilana Grande modulators can be purchased for 5 Daily Coins. Say "Alilana" to buy one. They also boost both experience and crafting skill.
A third modulator, a DC modulator, costs 5 Daily Coins and boots only experience. Announce "dc mod" to buy one from WoonSoo. Note that you can buy two of these at a time.
The modulators each last 8 hours, after which you can get another one. It is recommended to purchase all three modulators in order to reap stacked benefits. Historically, Wisdom Star lasts only a week, so get busy hunting!
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting