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Saturday, January 28, 2023
Save the date: Imbolc Festival coming
 Druid Elder Supply and the reporter visit the great tree representing HealerofDoom's spirit at the northern gate of the Mythic Nexus to talk about the incoming Imbolc festival.
Festivals are a great opportunity for collaboration in the Kingdoms, and the community benefits from the brotherhood. Imbolc (or Imbolg) is no exception, with the Druid path making plans for the annual seasonal celebration.
Also known as St. Brigid's day, the traditional Gaelic festival marks the pagan goddess Brigid and preparation for the coming of springtime. Brigid is associated with the first half of the year, whose light brings about delivery from the darkness of winter. Traditions for the holiday include the weaving of Brigid's crosses, which involve weaving plants into four-armed structures to be hung over portals to protect against evil and disaster. The holiday may also be considered a prototype of the American Groundhog Day, as observing whether snakes and badgers emerged from their wintertime homes was practiced as an early form of measuring the remaining length of winter.
Druid Elder Supply adds and clarifies in her post on the Community Events board:
Imbolc celebrations took the form of a festival in honor of the goddess Brigid, who was evoked in fertility blessings and oversaw poetry, crafts and prophecy. Brigid was worshipped by poets and historians as one of the the most powerful Druid gods, as she was the daughter of the Dagda, and the oldest god in the Celtic pantheon Tuatha du Danaan. The Saint Brigid's Cross is one of the archetypal symbols. While it is considered a Christian symbol, it may also have roots in the pre-Christian goddess Brigid. Another custom involves the creation of a doll called a Brídeóg made in the image of Brigid. The dolls will bring protection, food and clothing.
In the Kingdoms, the community will be celebrating its version of Imbolc with a two-day festival full of a variety of activities. The following is a tentative schedule for the events:
Saturday, February 11, 2023 (All times EST) 6:00PM - Opening Ritual 6:30PM - JJirl (Do) 7:15PM - S7 (Spy) 8:00PM - Square to Square (Geomancer) 8:45PM - Balance or Bust (Geomancer and Druid)
Sunday, February 12, 2023 6:00PM - Snake Attack (Ranger) 6:45PM - Battle on the Bridge (Merchant) 7:30PM - Last Man Alive (Barbarian) 8:15PM - Diviner Ritual (Diviner) 9:00PM - Jan Ken Pon (Monk) 9:45PM - Closing Ritual
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
In other news Tao Stones may have received a little boosting with a change in their Armor statistic to -5. NexusAtlas is looking to know if any other items have seen similar changes.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Year of the Water Rabbit
 To begin the celebration of Lunar New Year, the reporter called for individuals to join her at the Tao te Ching (Diviner path's public area) to welcome a host of rabbits for good luck. Qarin is seen boasting at having summoned 97 of the creatures, while Kaleea, airbnb, JuiceWRLD, ChuangTzu, Perennial, NayPoet, Kiyoto, Tain, NuHyul, Qian, and the reporter observe in awe. BatSheba and Aamin even donned the guise of a rabbit, hiding among the real ones.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Lunar New Year! The Chinese Zodiac holds a special place within the Kingdoms, as the focal point of the Mythic Nexus, and Sunday marks the beginning of year of the Rabbit. We at NexusAtlas wish you the best beginnings of a wholesome 2023!
Horoscopes using the Chinese Zodiac assign one of the five elements (fire, water, wood, metal, or earth) alongside one of the twelve Zodiac animals. Following real-world traditions, individuals born in 1963, 2011, and 2023 are Water Rabbits.
What is a Water Rabbit? The Rabbit (or Hare) is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Descriptions of what a Rabbit's personality traits differ depending on the source of the horoscope information. But, typically, those under its influence are thought to be kind and empathetic individuals. The Rabbit Zodiac is thought to be a lucky sign to be born under, as well. Though they may lead conservative routines, Rabbits welcome surprises and socialization. However, they may have issues getting to know people on a personal, intimate level.
The Water element, added to the Rabbit, brings about measures of intuitiveness and cleverness, alongside a sense of style and elegance. A Water Rabbit represents someone with sophistication and talent, and would be promising in careers in diplomacy or law due to their trustworthiness. However, a Water Rabbit's coolheadedness is known to be only temporary. In addition, they aren't known for their skills in bargaining, or exhibiting ambitiousness.
Lucky colors for the Rabbit are red, pink, blue, and purple. The Rabbit's lucky numbers are 3, 4, and 6, and numbers divisible by these numbers and containing them. Astrologically, the Rabbit is in conflict with the Rooster, Tiger, and Rat in 2023.
Interested in learning about your Zodiac in the Kingdoms? The Divine Order offers a service to the community to perform a quest to reveal your Zodiac animal and element. Contact a Diviner today to learn how you can go about the quest.
A noted Water Rabbit in the Kingdoms is the former Do Elder, Hinoyuki.
Much appreciated Thank you, Vini, for the news tip, and all the folks that responded to the call for participation in the screenshot. Stock image above provided by vecteezy.com.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Keep it wild:' Tsirl named Ranger Elder

A couple of days ago, the trees were whispering that the Rangers had ascended a new Elder, with Kabob handing the staff over to Tsirl to fill the role. I found the new Elder squirreled away in Angel's Hideaway, where I asked her a few questions about her path and plans.
I don't think I've been in this little enclave before. Are you coming here to hide after the recent announcement of you taking up the staff? [She laughed uproariously.] No, but that would've been a terrific idea. I simply come here any time I need to clear my head, and I have needed to in the recent days with all the planning for the path I've been enjoying.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time you've held one of these staves. What sort of planning have you been hatching in here? You're absolutely right! It is an honor and a privilege for me to represent our Ranger family. I want to make sure that everyone feels heard and that their needs are accounted for, going forward, so the ideas have been pouring in! I am grateful for the warm reception and enthusiasm from the community. Some of the many things we will be focusing on will include updates/creation of community quests, continued development of content for our Rangers, and upgrades to our systems for the best experience and efficiency. Basically, let it be known that the Ranger family will grow more skilled each day! [She grinned.] Not just in our seven skills, but in exemplifying our commitment to the respect of the wilderness in all we do.
Having said this, what sort of individuals do you hope to attract to the Ranger family? Anyone with a heart that beats in tandem with the breath of the wilderness, who wants to work hard and have fun with a like-minded family.
What would you say sets the Rangers apart from other Rogue paths? Rangers love the natural world, and have the humility to understand its wisdom. However, we have much in common, and would love to collaborate with them, as well.
Going back to your plans for the path's future, in addition to the upgrades and examinations of your existing offerings, what sort of direction do you feel the Rangers are going in? We want to encourage strengthening ties between the subpaths (and promote more roleplay in the kingdoms.) Which, this can take many forms. We will be hosting more games, and coming up with some new event ideas, as well.
How would you describe the Ranger path's roleplay? All Rangers are unique, like rings on a tree, or snowflakes. Ever Ranger brings something truly their own to the family, and I am so grateful for the brilliant cast of characters we share home with. They are all so talented, and I appreciate them so much. Our team makes every day a fun adventure. [Our lore is] more a collection of different tales, about survival, kindship, resilience, and upholding virtue.
Do you have any messages you'd like to give your path, or to the kingdoms as a whole, regarding your appointment as Elder? Hmmm... Keep it wild!
Sounds good to me. We wish the best of luck to our friends in the wilderness, and the Ranger path as they look forward to their upcoming evolution! We also bid Kabob a pleasant vacation and thank them for their services.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'One hell of a Merchant:' Community honors Acera's selfless sacrifice
 The community observes a moment of silence at the closing of Acera's memorial service. (Composite screenshot courtesy of Supply.)
The Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds community is unique, in the sense of being small and intimate enough to come together in times of need. It can also sense when one of its integral components is missing, and mourns the loss collectively. This community boasts many members that have been around for years to decades, developing concrete bonds with other individuals over the span of their play period. The closeness and longevity has allowed for people to literally grow up together, with Nexus as a shared medium for personal evolution, exploration, and friendship.
As a result, in the near quarter-century the community has been operational, there have been many celebrations of life and times of mourning, where community members gather to reflect and share love for the departed. Each one is as meaningful as the people being honored.
This weekend, Acera was the focus. In the December 22 article announcing his passing, Acera was briefly touched upon as a figurehead of the community, with focus on his friendships and contributions to the Merchant path. Yesterday, and today, events further capitalized the Nexus side of his identity, with a Merchant Midnight Madness taking place in Nagnang and a memorial service held in the Merchant Grand Hall.
Merchant Midnight Madness
 Attendees of the Merchant Midnight Madness honoring Acera shout out their support while waiting on Chara to announce the winning raffle ticket number.
The Nagnang Marketplace brought forward the masses Saturday night, which was more than appropriate, as Acera was an avid fan of the event. The decor was carefully chosen, with black and gold reflecting the colors of the company Acera operated offline, and a bit of purple acted as a nod to his favorite sports team, the Baltimore Ravens. The Druid path provided Yuri's Love, a sacred flower reserved for special occasions, for use in this event. Yuri's Love is also utilized to sanctify an area, purifying all in its surroundings.
"Acera believed that the greatest asset of the Merchant Guild was the community's trust. To be build that trust, Acera made the Merchant Midnight Madness the centerpiece of the Guild's community engagement," PrinceTrust would explain the next day during his eulogy, regarding the reason and importance of Acera's fondness for the MMM.
The return of the "Crane Game" was a large draw for customers, with a line wrapping around the stall for the duration of the entire event. However, Caiden announced the Flameblade remained out of reach, surviving for another day. Pictured left, Caiden tells VoidCut to keep rolling, in hopes of landing a prize.
The Merchants' "Community Donation Quest" directed benefits to Acera's long-time clan, Alizarin of Nagnang. Tamo reported 86 individual donations for the evening. According to Chara, the famous "MMM Raffle" sold a record 4,899 tickets and a jackpot of 107,103,750 gold, awarded to #3501, tayswift. Regarding door prizes, Baltzen announced Quistia, BotenAnna, and Kintsugi as the best-dressed of the night, with Malgalord and Ikaris receiving nods for having the best booth.
After nearly two hours of reveling, the MMM closed on everclear's note of the Merchants hosting the formal memorial service the coming evening, and an announcement of love for Acera from the crowd.
Acera's memorial: Ceremony of Selfless Sacrifice
 The first visitors arrive at the Kugnae Gathering and wait for the doors to open to welcome everyone to the ceremony.
The vigil began in the Kugnae Gathering an hour before the appointed time, with the Merchants handing out Wicked Staves as mementos to be worn for the event. A small crowd trickled into a sea of individuals patiently waiting for the proceedings to start, with the flickering of the blue flames evenly filling the area.
The visitors were then directed into the Merchant Grand Hall, where an NPC of Acera waited in the center of a cordoned area, flanked by a panel of Archons to the right, and waiting speakers on the left. The crowd assembled in a semi-circle around the barricades, with the number of attendees exponentially rising through the two hour period. In addition to a sizeable mass of community members showing up to lend their presence and support, Archons Alilolelotte, Horus, Aura, Fricci, Malayari, and Fiatlux were present, alongside Kings ChaeRi and Mhul, Queen Yun, and Princes Daeso, MingJung and Mobon. To the far right, embedded with the Merchants, Wony himself was also in attendance.
The master of ceremonies, everclear, began the memorial with appreciation for those assisting with all the preparatory work, and an explanation behind the pertinence of the Merchants celebrating Acera and his accomplishments. He then introduced Barter, PrinceTrust, and Smokester, who lead a ceremony commemorating the "Three Merchant Duties."
"The Three Merchant Duties have existed as the pillars in which our guild has been built upon, for decades. Just as any good foundation is set, this paradigm stands unwavering through the testing of time.
"Community: Someone that believes the world is more than just a closed circle, that we are all intrinsic parts of a whole, and responsible for uplifting all peoples, regardless of differences or similarities, social castes, or wealth. And on the matter of wealth, it is shared, be it time or coin. With this fire, we express our Duty to Community.
"Path: There is nothing wrong with thinking smaller. The path is a family of choosing, and requires investment of attention and compassion. Whether it's bolstering your leadership, or supporting incoming members, or something akin to being the public face of your path for outreach, all are important facets of serving the path. With this fire, we express our Duty to Path.
"Self: Sometimes, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. You have to find a balance in your life, given how the day-to-day tasks and struggles can throw off your equilibrium. Duty to Self doesn't mean one is selfish, but means they prevent themselves from being wasted away, instead being centered and conscientious, as they serve the other facets of their responsibilities. With this fire, we express our Duty to Self.
"These three Duties, bound together, present a great sense of synergy, with a unified power that is only shadowed by a single prospect. A life lived fully immersed in the Three Merchant Duties is one that upholds the highest integrity and quality. When this trinity combines properly, it exhibits an extraordinary quality - a life of "Selfless Sacrifice." In rare instances, you'll find individuals that provide such an example. Our friend and mentor was not only a part of our guild, he selflessly gave service to it as a servant-leader. Tonight, we honor his life, and dedicate this ceremony of the Selfless Sacrifice to him."
Each participant in the ceremony placed Ceremonial Fires around tokens of gold in the center of the sanctified space, next to the quiet, watching likeness of Acera.
Path and friends deliver eulogies
 The crowd cheers for Acera at the closing of the memorial service.
Having set the scene and tone for the rest of the proceedings, various individuals close to Acera were invited to stand and speak their piece about the departed. Each speaker offered a unique perspective about Acera, whether it was a relationship forged outside the realm of the community, or a childhood experience, or a recollection of the figure's tenure in the path.
NexusAtlas is honored to offer highlights of the speakers' words, edited for brevity:
"Our Guild is not just mourning the passing of a long-time Merchant and friend. We are mourning the tremendous loss of someone who tirelessly championed and sacrificed for our Guild... He didn't "roleplay" Merchant, he lived Merchant, in totality, by caring about and aiming to be of service to himself and everyone around him... You were one hell of a Merchant, Frank." - everclear
"I care deeply for him, and his wife, a widow, and his two-year-old child without a father. This pains me immensely. But, I know that in my life, and in the losses I've experienced, I would do a disservice to those I've lost by wallowing in grief. Ace would want us to grow from the experience of his life, and would want us to grow from the experience of his death." - Living
"With all the Merchants in this path, we've had few that we can rely on to be a solid foundation for us. Ace was one of them. That steadfast individual who never gave up... He always gave me great advice. Always told me when I was being a little stubborn, or even selfish... We were young Merchants together, and grew up in a time when things were great they were great, but when they were bad, oh boy, were they bad. We stuck together... We always had to stick up for one another... Boa noite meu amigo, I'll see you on the other side." - Baltzen
"We worked together to rebuild the Guild, as a lot had been lost. I couldn't have done it without him. We were more than just coworkers, though, we became good friends during that time. Like others have said, he always liked to chat, and catch up on what was going on in each other's lives... I always looked forward to sitting down with Ace and catching up with him... Ace cared so much about people. He was a genuinely good person. I'm going to miss him very much. Ace, I hope we get to catch up again someday." - Blubber
"As you all know, we Merchants have a wonderful ability to name our items with a technique of engraving. Ace was in possession of four unique items, that were fittingly named after the same qualities jewelers use to grade diamonds: <> Cut <> <> Color <> <> Clarity <> <> Carat <> To me, these items will forever take on a new meaning in their name, for I will never fail to recall my dear friend when I hear those words. Ace: 'He was a cut above the rest. His heart was easily 2 carat. His clarity, flawless in understanding. He lived a life colorless - no stains on his account.' Thank you, my friend." - Barter
"I was lucky enough to know Acera for over 20 years... Acera was the ultimate leader and the type of person we all strive to be when working with others... Acera was a genuinely smart and gifted individual who was often thinking three steps ahead of others. He saw potential in many different things - often making bold decisions... In addition to his leadership and foresight, Acera was also a fiercely loyal friend. Acera always saw the best in others when no one else did. He gave people opportunities they did not get anywhere else." - PrinceTrust
"... I would like to reflect on how much I cherished his advice and support while we were getting the Merchant Midnight Madness to be what it is today. Ace was there every night without fail! Even if he would whisper me and say, 'We'll see if I can stay awake... new baby and all! Haha!' He made it a point to show up and support, even if he was doing something else in real life. It showed great character to me. It showed how much he was dedicated to his second family here. I know that MMM will not be the same without you there, but I hope that we can keep the momentum you helped create in every aspect of the Merchant path going strong for years to come." - Smokester
"Look around you. We're a very unique place. And Ace's presence and legacy lives through not only those that knew him, but those that don't know him. His teachings linger, and not just in the Merchant scroll, but how we all function in the game, and outside. We learn life lessons here. We develop friendships that others don't understand. I can attest to this. On paper, Acera and I as friends doesn't work. But, it does, and it's that I will cherish. And I will miss immensely. His silver thread may be gone from this realm, and the next, but his essence, lives on in the functions of the subpaths, of the people he knew, in the ideals he planted and helped grow. Let him be a beacon of what impact you can have, regardless of where you stand here." - BeffyCabeza
"I've known Acera since we were kids running around in Sire Pit... Few people know this, but Acera was also a member of the KSG as a spy named Wake. Wake was my Walker. I was his Guide. Now, normally, it's my personal policy not to guide friends, but I did make an exception, for him. And that is because I knew him to be loyal. I knew him to be a quick learner, I knew him to have integrity... When I returned in 2015, Acera was one of the first to greet me. He had reached great heights at that point of in the community, and I was proud of his accomplishments. Not so much in the KSG, but those heights he had reached in the Merchant Guild. [In addition] I became General of Nagnang around that time, and Acera was one of the first guards/soldiers to join me after I ascended. He wanted to help out a friend. He took on the moniker '05,' meaning he was the 5th Guard to join..." - Arkanis
"It is very hard for me to stand here next to his likeness, so I can not even imagine what it is like for those who were much closer to him. But, I am thankful to hear everyone's stories of him. For you, for being a great judge, a great Merchant, and an overall great person." - Archon Aura
"Ace has been an important part of this community, a great leader, and it is only due that a little part of him stays here in a place he card for and loved, with people he cared for and loved. I worked with him on subpath matters, and I thought he was a pretty good elder; I liked how he worked for his path, how he liked to consult with the path before making decisions, and he was pretty on-time and organized - a big plus in my book. For that, I thank him." - Archon Primogen Alilolelotte
Ceremony closes Attendees were invited to share their thoughts after the last of the invited speakers finished their eulogies. Kaoru, JBSA, Dake, and Minilad offered words of condolences and thanks for Acera's contributions to the community.
everclear returned to the center to announce that a permanent NPC of Acera would be placed near the entrance of the area, and that the event was streamed and chronicled for Acera's loved ones. The NPC is expected to talk, with the sentence "Frankly, this is the finest Amber I have ever seen!" considered, with acknowledgement to Acera's son, Frank, and wife, Amber. The crowd was encouraged to yell out their love and well-wishes for Acera to demonstrate how much this community cared for him.
The event concluded with a delicate moment of silence, and everclear offering that the Merchant path will engrave the Wicked Staff mementos ** In Memory of Acera ** for those looking for the service.
Rest in peace, Acera.
Much appreciated Thank you, Supply, for reaching out with the composite images of the ceremony. We also wish to extend thanks to KRU, the Archon team, the Merchant staff, and the community that came together to make the weekend special in this time of mourning within the game.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Cha-ching! It's Wisdom Star!
 The reporter responds to Deji's cheekiness while idling in a crowd at the west gate of Koguryo.
Something's twinkling in the winter air, and it's not just the snow. Nexus is welcoming the new year with the traditional "Wisdom Star," where people can bellow at WoonSoo in the Incubator (found in Buya Gathering) for a modulator. Note, you must be level 99 to buy the modulators.
You can participate in this event, colloquially referred to as "Coin Star," by saying "Alilana", you can purchase an Alilana Grande for 5 Daily Coins.
Alternatively, yelling "Wony" to WoonSoo gives the option to purchase a Wony's Modulator for gold, with the cost being proportional to your stats, ranging from 25,000 gold for a baseline level 99 to 450,000 gold*.
These two modulators can reportedly stack in benefits, and both last 8 hours.
NexusAtlas wishes everyone the best new year, and a happy round of togetherness and hunting!
* The reporter was unable to independently verify the gold cost for higher-stat individuals buying Wony's Modulators.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting