Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
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Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Winter and Spring Kruna Update!
CoverGirl released a multitude of new accessories, hair pieces and outfits to mix and match during this Winter and Spring!
See her post and the items below:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 1/29 SUBJECT: Winter and Spring
Hello Kingdoms~
New update with late announcement -sorry-
I wanted to update the Item Shop with just all spring coats and spring style hairs...... I can't wait for spring.. sigh.. but it is still winter and we have a lot more stuff that were not put on the shop yet for this winter so I mixed up a little bit :)
If you like to hunt the new monster Blasts, you may need nice warm Paw(e) to keep yourself warm. It's very cold, somehow feel colder in Nightmareland. Don't you think?
Do you like ice skating? I saw nice pond to enjoy skating in the Winter Wonderland and also in Nightmareland too, if you are tough enough to get there. Try our Mountain attire or garb. It's too bulky? You are good at dance? If you want to show off your dance skills on ice, Skating dress is for you! and Skating hair too. I like to watch ice skating shows so please show me your wonderful ice dancing :)
Spring! I can't wait! Is it just me or you can't either? I put Goddess gown. It's a short sleeve dress but it comes with long gloves. Isn't it perfect? How about Zhaoshan? It is a silk robe with vest for a little bit more warmth that we need for now.
and..what else..Greasers! Boys and Gentlemen, isn't it so sharp and cool with all those colors? I just like it so much. I tried with my dresses haha. I know how fashionable you are, you will match up with your cool gear to make a new great look. I can't wait to see. I always get surprised.
Of course you can find more new updates, so please visit the Item Shop. Again and always, thank you for your love for Kruna.
Weapons: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Head: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Necklaces: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Coats: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
This concludes the release of the newish Winter and Spring attire! Keep checking back for more updates!!
Hyul 93, 9th Moon, 9th Sun
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Nexus Atlas Screenshot of the Week!
This week's Screenshot is of an amazing impromptu party at West gate Kugnae!

Thanks to everyone who came out and took this picture with the rest of us! All had a blast prior to FAV!
Hyul 93, 8th Moon, 18th Sun
Saturday, January 20, 2018
New Wonderland Quests!

First, within the Dreamcatcher and Dreamslayer buildings are new NPC's: LIora and Llora!
Saying 'Peace out' to either of them will transport you to either Wonderland or Nightmareland for convenience!
Secondly, There are multiple new and fun quests that can also be completed in Wonderland and offer a few fun rewards:
Frosty Union: (Snowmen are labeled 1-10 on the main map above)

As you wander about Wonderland, you find a cave that leads to the Union Leader (122,19) He doesn't seem to want to speak to you at first, but 'u'sing a Magical Snowflake makes him more than eager to chat!
He requests your aid in bringing back 10 Snowmen who seem to have become unhappy; Luckily, they don't seem to ask for much before they happily return:
From Left to Right they are: Drowsy, Peppy, Waity, Crunchy, Freezy, Grouchy, Holly, Pickly, Teary, Candy.
Drowsy wants Santa's Hat and gives you a Snowman Package in return!  Peppy gets Coal Waity has been waiting for the Snowman Package
Crunchy would like some Crunchy Eggnog Freezy is cold, bring him a Holiday Stocking Grouchy is pleased with Hot Cocoa Holly of course, likes Jolly Pickly wants a Keiku Teary would like some Pickled Lemonade Candy wants a Mistletoe CandyCane
Once you have pleased all ten Snowmen, Return to the Union Leader to receive your Frosty Badge which when used turns you into a snowman! This item is permanent.
Making Wonderland Safe Again:
Find your way to Goldenbell's Tavern to speak with Goldenbell herself!
She asks that you slay 20 Ancient Snowstorms and 20 Ancient Snowflakes that can be found in the Wonderland Caverns (20,43).
When you've finished, return to her to receive your new Legend mark!
Keuti needs help!:
Apparently, the Snowmen who help Keuti run the games in the Wonderland Townhall have gone on strike! She asks that you make 5 of them return to work!
Going to the Northern Lights you gather a bunch of the Dare Snowballs 'u'se these on the Snowmen and they will say a phrase that is specific to an item, 'u'sing the correct item will return them back to work!
- Upside Down Frownie - "Leave me alone.. Can't... you.. see.. I am slee.. *snores* What, where, why? Is it morning already? I am going back to sleep."
- Vial of Grace - "I will never tell you my name *Runs away* Nooo.. Please don't look at me. I will just run away.*Turns beet-red and freezes up* I... I am sorry, I was in the way of your snow"
- SnowGlobe - "Hello everybody! How are you? Would you just jump with me? It's fun!What a beautiful and exciting day! I wish it would last forever!"
- Puppy Charm - "Why does everybody look happy? What's there to be happy about..."
- Very Strong Coffee - "It's so cold, I'm going to have a cup of.. Uh oh. Did I just drink a hot tea *plops on the ground* Oh-Oh! I've fallen and... I can't get up!"
- IcyMirror - "Will you just leave me alone? I am just sick of all you people. What is the world coming to, you get hit for no reason. Now I have to clean up."
- Lionheart Cookie - "I am the biggest and meanest! I am the terror of Nightmareland! Roar! Who dares to approach me! Face my wrath!"
Once you have returned 5 Snowmen, you will receive a Frosty Pie which contains 10 slices of full mana/vita restore!
That completes this years new Wonderland mini-quests! Enjoy~
**A huge thank you to everyone who helped with walk-thrus!**
Hyul 93, 6th Moon, 21st Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Gloomy Hideaway Found in Deepground Tunnels!
 A new room Gloomy Hideaway has been found in the Deepground Tunnels it can be accessed by having a Rusted Key in your inventory!
 The Rusted Key can be gotten from the Rat King
Upon entering the Gloomy Hideaway you notice many chests and treasures around, you decide to take a peek at the letters on the desk. As you are snooping a loud sound startles you and you quickly run away, but not before grabbing a Murky Potion (Murky Potion gives Linskrae dye - one time use)
There are many new items to be found within the Deepground Tunnels from the three Skeletons that wander it's corridors:
- Black Stardrops (decorations!)
- Blackest Stardrops (decorations!)
- Brown Potion (casts Harden Armor; -10 ac; one-time use)
- Bone Dust (No known use yet)
- Flesh Be Gone ('u'se this item when facing someone to take their flesh off!)
- Skeletal Dagger (prevents Scourge/Vex/Venom from being cast on you when morphed)
The Rat King also drops the following items:
- Marvelous Shoes (Will do a large amount of damage to any mob; one time use)
- Rusted Key (used to enter Gloomy Hideaway; one-time use)
- Black Potion (casts Chin-Baek-Ho-Ryung; increases vita attack damage by 50%; one-time use)
Find anything else that I haven't seen yet? Let me know!
Hyul 93, 6th Moon, 21st Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Quick reset this morning!
This morning we had a quick reset, with it brought a few changes. Wonderland and Nightmareland now send you to their town halls. Subpaths have had their requests implemented and a few bugs have been fixed. Check back often to stay up to day with the latest news!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 1/20 SUBJECT: Quick Reset - Jan. 20th, 2018
- Bug fixes and adjustments.
- Players will be dropped in the town halls of Wonderland and Nightmareland where they can't be hurt. We apologize to the players who got hurt through unwanted teleport.
- Subpaths requests.
Nightmareland Walk-Through!!!
The twisted and turning of a terrible nightmare at any inn bed takes us to the Nightmareland we could barely have imagined!
With many new creatures around, one must be very careful as death in Nightmareland is very real and you will damage/break items as well as lose experience.
As you wake up in this new and terrifying land, you realize quite quickly that things are definitely not as safe as they are in Wonderland, so BEWARE as you fall asleep at an inn!!
So far people have received the following legend marks/rewards:
PART ONE: Restoring Spring
You enter Nightmareland and find yourself besieged by Cold Twisters, Snow Furrys and Blasts. You mix some of them together and watch the Blasts evaporate and receive a new legend mark! ((To Evaporate Blasts: mix 2 Cold Twisters to create a Snow Furry, mix 2 Snow Furries to create a Blast, Mix 2 Blasts to evaporate them!))
PART TWO: Palace of the Seasons
 As you wind your way through these you happen upon a beautiful Palace of the Seasons (93,15). Inside you find Lunghee , she tells you that Spring has been frozen by the Frost Witch and that the lands are in peril, she asks for your aid in restoring Spring and of course you agree to help!
PART THREE: the Scared Elf
 Leaving the Palace of the Seasons, you head west and run across Scared Elf outside of the Toy Factory (49,27). You ask him about the Frost Witch, He tells you that the elves are being over-worked by Mr.FrostBite and that they cannot stop making toys until Spring returns!
PART FOUR: The Rat King
 You continue to head west after speaking with the Scared Elf, and find yourself entering the Deepground Tunnels (3,38).
As you make your way through the Deepground Tunnels you happen across a beautifully decorated tree with a Rat King (70,62) enjoying the feast, as he attacks you, you slay him and are rewarded with a new legend mark!
PART FIVE: Fires of Below
 You continue to investigate the tunnels and find an entrance that leads to the Fires of Below (48,66) where the FlameKeeper awaits you.
Flamekeeper asks for the following items to help in feeding the Eternal fire that has become dangerously weak:
- 20 Red Stardrops (found at Dragons in Wonderland; 114,60)
- 5 Coal (found in Wonderland Caverns; 20,43)
- 1 Pickled Lemonade (found in Toasty Eats in Wonderland; 53,49)
Once he receives these items you will receive a Flicker of Flame as well as a new legend mark!
PART SIX: Friend or Foe?
 You wonder what to do with this new Flicker of Flame and head to the Home of the Frost Witch (46,5), there you find two trolls Frostbelly and Frostbrow they seem hungry:
Frostbelly would like A large piece of pie (found in Tasty Eats in Wonderland; 53,49)
Frostbrow would like a Sprucecone Pie (found in Tasty Eats in Wonderland; 53,49)
After they are happily full, they tell you that the Frost Witch has dipped spring in very cold Ice! Off you go to collect some Snowangels (found in Wonderland all over).
'U'sing the Flicker of Flame you begin to melt the Snowangel's one by one until you finally find Sleepy Spring!
PART SEVEN: Awakening Spring
 You quickly return to Lungheein the Palace of the Seasons (93,15) and find out you need a flower to awaken her! A Daffodil works wonderfully and thaws Spring . As a reward you receive a Spring Bouquet ((This is a weapon skin, equip to any weapon to continue walk-thru)).
PART EIGHT: Rescuing the Elves
 You are bound and determined to save the elves from their enslavement by Mr.Frostbite . You head to Mistletoe's Tavern (29,55) to see what you can find out there. Mistletoe tells you all about her poor husband, the Head Elf Acto and asks if you would bring him Mistletoe's Note . She asks you about Signs of Spring and also warns you that in order to speak with Mr.Frostbite you will have to distract him. Knowing that the evil Mr.Frostbite loves gift but hates rats, you hurry off to gather:
- 1 Green Wrapping Paper (any kingdom messenger)
Then you run back to Deepground Tunnels to wrap one of the Fast mice! (('u'se the Green Wrapping Paper when facing a Fast mouse to 'wrap it'.))
PART NINE: Frostbeard and his Vicious Pets
 Having your distraction in hand, you make your way to the Toy Factory (46,23). However,you realize there is a guard with two Vicious Bunnies, but the bunnies look hungry and you seen some carrots outside:
- 15 Snow Carrots (from Hippy, Bashful, Grumpy, Moody Carrots)
You head back in and feed the bunnies who proceed to ignore you and speak to Mr.Frostbeard , you tell him you have a present for Mr.FrostBite and he happily lets you by!
PART TEN: Final Acto?!
 You see Mr.Frostbite greedily guarding his workers and gifts and quickly offer him the gift you had wrapped, once he faints from fear you speak to Acto ((you MUST have Spring Bouquet equipped to prove Spring has returned! He thanks you and invites you back to Mistletoe's Tavern (29,55).
Once you have returned to Mistletoe she offer's you a reward for all your help: Mistletoe's Gift which turns out to be a lovely Nightmare Shroud and a bit of experiance!
SIDE QUEST: Da Needs Help Decorating!:

Now, you explore the village and find yourself in Da's House, it seems quiet but when you say 'Hello',
Da quickly responds with a plea for help in decorating her tree! She requires the following items to complete her decorations:
- 10 Red Stardrops (found at Dragons in Wonderland; 114,60)
- 10 Green Ambers (gathered from Snow Bunnies)
- 1 Candy Cane (gathered from Humanoids in Wonderland)
- 3 Holiday Stockings (gathered from Humanoids in Wonderland)
- 10 White Ambers (gathered in Wonderland Caverns; 20,43)
For helping her you will receive Da's Gift , which contains some karma and experience!
Enjoy the Nightmarish Adventure and all its fun!
***Thank you to all who contributed for walk-thrus/items/etc***
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 93, 6th Moon, 10th Sun
Thursday, January 18, 2018
New Event - Nightmareland
by: Vini
-- 4:40 PM EST
A server reset introduced a new event last Monday and went unreported by our staff. It replaced Winter Wonderland and introduced Nightmareland, which can be accessed the same way as Wonderland was, by sleeping at the inns. Here is a copy of the Dream weavers post made 3 days ago:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 1/15 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jan. 15th, 2018 Winter Dreams and Nightmare
We sincerely apologize for the delay. Updates and patches may follow |
We'll be working on providing a full walkthrough to the event with description, coordinates, images and map as soon as possible.
((Once again I apologize for 3 days dark on news. I was/am out of town, 8 hours ahead of my usual timezone, so haven't had time to log on since weekend))
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 93, Moon 6~
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Wonderland Food Items
by: Vini
-- 8:15 PM EST
While we wait for the Winter wonderlands quests expansion, there are a few items that caught our attention being sold by Canolly at Toasty Eats shop (051,051).

Here is a list of all the food that Canolly sells and their known effects:
Hot cocoa (500 coins) -> Gives a scourge graphic on your head  Pickled lemonade (1,000 coins)-> Morphs into snowman* Crunchy eggnog (1,500 coins) -> gives message , but does no damage Snowbunny float (2,500 coins)-> Temporary increases mana by 10K on each use, works cumulative, but is affected by regen, therefore bonus doesn't last long A very large piece of pie (5,000 coins) -> Unknown effect - "You feel happy and warm inside"? Holly lolly (1,000 coins) -> If you use in front of someone forces them to say "That looks yummy!", no other effect known Ice on the Rocks -> Makes you say "BRAINFREEZE!!!", no other effect known Sprucecone pie (10,000 coins) -> Temporary increases vita by 10K on each use, works cumulative and isn't affected by regen Nutcracker's fancy (3,000 coins) -> Morphs into Sugarplum faerie*

If you know the effects of any of these items share with the community! A special thanks to Lancin and Ruse for helping out with the current effects information.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 93, Moon 4~
First Kruna Update of 2018!!
CoverGirl released some of our absolute favorite dresses and coats for our first update of the New Year!! Check it all out below and look fabulous today!
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 1/4 SUBJECT: First update for 2018
Hello Kingdoms~
New update for the new year!
Some girls have been waiting for our simple but gorgeous Maiden dresses for a long time. These are one of my most favorite dresses and I have been treasuring them in my special wardrobe. Which one is your favorite color? I love all those beautiful colors. I can't choose just one :)
Courtship gown and garb... need any explaining? :) One of the most beautiful coats in Kingdoms! Also as you can see 'Popular', one of the most requested items. If I can, I just want to display them all year long in the Item Shop. Check your wardrobe, if you don't have your own yet, it's time to get one (or more!)
It is still cold, windy and snowy winter so I put some more warm hats, caps and long hairs but for those who are brave enough, I put wise hair too. Your choice!
Oh, the Snow Gift Box. Usually it's secret what you can get from the special gift package but you can check the list for this gift box. If you want one of those packages, have your fingers crossed when you open it :) Good luck!
Enjoy the first update for the Happy New Year!
Usable Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Head Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Coat Items(pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Enjoy the newest kruna release everyone!
Hyul 93, 2nd Moon, 21st Sun
Wisdom Star Ends! Minor Quest Run Begins!
The First Reset of the year!
2018 started with an early morning reset, so early that Dream Weavers post was done when Nexus servers were still counting the date as 12/31. First time in Nexus history we start the year with a reset, so hopefully this marks the beginning of a year with many wonders to the community.
The double exp. brought by wisdom star has ended, but a minor quest Run has started and will run for a week. Since you can do 50 minor quests per day now, this means you can do 350 minor quests this week, a great opportunity for those who are Sam san and want to get to the 400 minor quests mark for Sa san.
The Il san heroes also gained an extra help as the coupon that allows them to finish culture trial for Ee san with an expert skill (I.e. expert carpenter, smith, tailor) instead master has been temporary reintroduced. A reminder that participating and winning story contests or Poetry revels continue being the fastest (and probably easiest) way to finish EE san culture trial.
Here is a copy of the post on Dream Weaver's board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 12/31 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jan. 1st, 2018
- Wisdom Star ends.
- MQ Run, for 1 week.
- Ee crafting mastery coupon available, for about 1 week. Requirements have been slightly changed.
- Some of the event items functionality restored. |
There is no indication that the Winter Wonderland expansion was implemented yet, so another reset may occur soon this week.
Happy 2018!
by: Vini
-- 12:00 AM EST