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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Royals marks and Lasahn's pregnancy
by: Vini
-- 7:00 PM EST
 |  |  |  |  | King MuHyul | Queen Yun | Queen Lasahn | King Geumwa | Prince ChaeRi |
King M'hul of Koguryo, Queen Lasahn of Buya and Prince ChaeRi of Nagnang gained new legend marks identifying they’re royals to their kingdoms. Check them out:
It’s not known if these marks are just to help younger citizens to easily identify them or if they grant royals with new abilities. What is known is that King Geumwa of Buya and Queen Yun of Koguryo also got these marks.
These marks come handy as the ministry of Buya recently announced at Chronicles of the Winds that Queen Lasahn is pregnant. Therefore, soon enough we might see a baby prince or princess running around with this mark too.
Congratulations Queen Lasahn, soon be mommy and congratulations as well to King Geumwa.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 8~
Article: The impending disband of Elendhirin clan
by: Vini
-- 4:29 PM EST
Thursday, October 24, 2002 - It was a historical day for Nexus! Elendhirin clan, led by Primogeness Rhianwyn, became the first player created clan within 3 years. The last one was Dharma clan at 1999. For you to understand this chronology, it's important to understand that Koguryo Army, Buya Army and The Forsaken clan were created by Immortals/Nexon and not by players.
Therefore, Elendhirin was a division of waters. While for years there was only room for seven clans, as announced by Nexon, Elendhirin emerged as the 8th official clan created by players and became the first one to be approved with the current clan approval system, voted by primogens.
"The Children of Twilight", was how Rhianwyn, Saurumo and Koutaul the three founders of the clan, called their members.

During its 13 years of existence, Elendhirin was known for being a clan very attached to its story and roleplay. It harbored several amazing members and participated through the history of Buya.
Monday, January 26, 2015 - Nexus wakes up bleeding and crying with the news that Elendhirin clan is shutting its doors. After over a year of failing to meet the quota of minimum 70 members and recovering just before reaching 90 days period of probation.
During Santa Mhul's festivities and Wisdom star the numbers grew a bit, shortly after that, they fell under quota again. But this time, after years of struggling, they've realized it's time to quit trying to fight against the inevitable: Elendhirin has to disband.
Seeing Elendhirin in such situation is truly heart breaking, but after jumping on a few conclusions about their decision, I took a moment to speak with Primogeness Seasona and hear why Elendhirin reached this point. Here is what she had to say:
The decision was made not by me alone, but by me and the whole council. We also asked all kindred to see if there's anyone who would want to step up and help. We didn't get any. Our events wouldn't give us tribute points because we were often under quota and under probation. The other primogens have seen the pain we've gone through for over a year. We begged for referrals, offered coins of our own banks for referrals. This is only one of the few things to show how I strongly believed in Buya and my clan succeeding. We pushed to get involved on a national level by coworking with Buya Army.
This kept going up to a point we realized it was pointless to keep trying. We finally made the most difficult decision of our Nexus lives. Therefore, the elendhirin council decided it was time to close doors, but we wanted to do this gracefully and with some dignity, not kicking everyone like it was done with Shadows.
Our plan was to announce that we were disbanding, have a heartfelt ceremony acknowledging all the work our members and past members devoted to the clan over the past years and acknowledging the sacrificed of our current members in hopes to save the rest of clans in danger, by scattering our kindred through out the land and splitting our bank among the other clans and ministries, reveals Primogeness Seasona. |  |
The situation with the clan doesn't seem to be set in stone yet. During last night tribunal, it seems that even though the Primogens voted to disband the clan, the fact that Elendhirin "escaped" the probation recently, it granted them a longer after life.
After talking to a few primogens from different kingdoms, we could conclude that the archons are handling the situation according to the rules. They couldn't reveal much details about it, but it all points that next tribunal will be decisive for Elendhirin.
While then, it's important to remember that what is discussed inside Clan Tribunals or Elder meetings are to remain just for those present. Therefore, Nexus Atlas will not disclose any other information about this situation until an official royal decree is published.
 Will Elendhirin doors shut forever?
I personally am hoping that the clan will survive this.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 8~
Scattering of the Stars
by: Loxie
-- 1:35 AM EST
This post brings me no excitement or joy. It is with great disappointment that the stars of Elendhirin have scattered during these dark times, in the hopes of bringing their light to the other clans of Buya.

Stars in Elendhirin's main hall
During a tour with Elendhirin, I gleaned more information on the situation that caused dissent in Buya. Primogen Seasona shared the sad news with me.

Tour with Elendhirin Primogen Seasona
For the past year they've been struggling with quota and probation. They were frequently able to just make quota and survive probation, only for their numbers to drop immediately after. With great deliberation, and the unanimous support of the Buya Primogens they decided to close. Most of their kin have already departed for other clans.

Elendhirin garden
Primogen Seasona feels this disbanding is in Buya's best interest, as their numbers were so low they couldn't even host an event, but distributed to the other clans they may be able to help make a difference. She also thinks the clans of other kingdoms will see the benefit in culling the clans, and how it can bring new growth to the stronger clans.

Elendhirin's game room, Tyalie.
Elendhirin has a lovely hall, and I would like to thank Seasona for giving me a tour. We spoke about a tribute to Elendhirin before its closing, or an open house for the remainder of their time. Unfortunately neither of these seem to be possible.

Elendhirin's main hall.
Primogen Seasona has a parting message to her clan:
My Stars, burn bright, wherever you may be.

Primogen Seasona showing me Elendhirin's grove.
Elendhirin has changed so much since I last saw their hall, nine years ago. It's a terrible loss to the Nexus community, and it makes me wonder if the closing of this clan will show KRU the need to make some changes.

Elendhirin's main hall.
This is a relatively historic moment, as tragic as it may be. Will it be a turning point for the community, or will we continue to lose heart? Will KRU take steps to improve the community?

Elendhirin's grove, second entrance.

Elendhirin's arena

Elendhirin's crafting room

Elendhirin's administration room

Elendhirin's meeting hall
There have been hiccups in their disbanding. This was supposed to be their last night, but there have been issues with the disbanding process.

Portals in Elendhirin's hall
Whatever happens, we wish Elendhirin the best.
A Turbulent Tribunal
by: ShuZu
-- 1:30 AM EST
There was quite a stir at tonight's Buyan Tribunal. In a meeting over the potential dissolution of the Elendhirin Clan, a fight among the Buyan Tribunal members and Archon Horus broke out. While NexusAtlas has not reached out for comments from any of the tribunal members nor Horus, a letter was tacked on RT written by Meditrina.
Alright, so bear with me here while I explain what happened as clearly and concisely as I can.
Elendhirin is a Buyan clan who for some time has struggled with keeping membership numbers above 70, the imposed quota by KRU and the Archons. After much discussion and debate with her Council, Primogen Seasona decided that the clan was beyond saving and encouraged her Kindred to seek homes in other clans who were scraping by numbers-wise.
Fast forward to Sunday's tribunal. All clans were present with representatives, as was Minister Biondeu, Queen Lasahn, and archons HeRan and Horus. The normal proceedings went smoothly until the subject of Elendhirin was brought up.
Seasona related to the rest of us that it was their intention to close. This was met by a unanimous 'yes' vote by each and every representative in the Tribunal. Horus began by explaining the procedures by which a clan may close: One is by not keeping membership above quota for the prescribed amount of time, and the second is by a unanimous vote by all Primogens.
The second route was obviously invoked, and all votes were taken. But wait! Horus' rules, which are not anywhere in writing for Primogens or others to see, state that the first Tribunal is for speaking about "pros and cons" of a clan closing. The second tribunal is where the votes take place, after which the motion goes to GMs and Archons to act upon.
Mind you, after Horus' parroting of these precise procedures MULTIPLE times, not once was there any mention of any prescribed wait time between Tribunals #1 and #2. So, once all "pros and cons" were discussed, which even Horus agreed the part was satisfied per the rules, Biondeu motioned to vote on having the second Tribunal, and thus the vote, tonight.
Horus immediately told us that would not happen, and began spouting rules that it must be next week, while there was no such rule stated ANYWHERE.
What ensued was as follows: Biondeu proceeded regardless of Horus' complaints otherwise, and was summoned outside of Tribunal for what has been relayed to me as "threats" of jail, silencing, etc.
This repeated about five times, after which Biondeu and Horus returned. Horus silenced the entire room -- whispers and all -- and told us that the next Tribunal would be as normally-scheduled. The room-wide silence was again removed, and we defiantly proceeded with our vote, as the agreed-upon time for the second Tribunal had come.
Biondeu fell to silence, and it was learned via a known alt of Biondeu that he had a week-long silence placed upon him.
Take from it what you will, but this is precisely what happened. Screenshots were taken by myself and many others of the ridiculousness that occurred, and all of this because Primogen Seasona wanted to end her clan with a bit of dignity.
~Meditrina of the family Kaiza~ ~Muse of Meticulous Messages~ ~Primarch of LostKingdom~
We will have updates to this situation as more information is available.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Another news reporter Joins the team!
Greetings all! Linuxkiddy is my name an I'll be here to help report news, gather information to help fill in some of the missing data and try to Spruce things up =) If you feel something is news worthy don't be shy to Whisper/n-mail or Email me and I'll gladly look into it! I'd also like to thank the Great Loxie for having me =) I worked for Nexus Atlas in the past using an alias but now I'll just use myself this time. Lets continue to provide everyone with accurate prompt news, Until next time LinuxKiddy.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
New SanSin Primogeness
by: Vini
-- 8:25 PM EST
Last week SanSin clan had a shift in power: Reanalla stepped down as Primogeness and chose Salise to ascend as her successor.
Congratulates Primogeness Salise and thanks Reanalla for her services during her leadership to the buyan clan.
Special thanks also to Hatiki for pointing us to this occurance which went unreported.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 7~
Elixir Snap Bows
by: ShuZu
-- 2:17 PM EST
A little late on reporting this but Mountain in Mountain Arena now has an option for people to spend the new elixir prize "Elixir Token".

Each one of these new bows must be gotten before the next one is gotten, meaning you can not save up tokens to get the best one as it will require you to have the older version of the bow in your inventory before it accepts the payment.

Here is me wielding the 15 token Ginko snap bow, we'll update you on what the others look like as time goes on.
Happy Elixiring,
Aiding Lunal to prepare New year's party
by: Vini
-- 12:24 PM EST

The Lunar new year is coming and Lunal, a friendly laborer standing outside of Kugnae Palace area (coord 117 123) is requiring help. His wife's entire family is visiting for the new year's party, but he forgot to start collecting the items required to prepare the celebrations. If you choose to help him do it from the heart. He gives no items or legend marks, but promises to remember and reward those who helped him.
Lunal asks to check back as the new Years gets closer as there's still a lot of preparation left to do and he might require more help. The year of the Wooden Horse will end within 1 month from now and at February 19th, we'll celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Wooden Sheep. If you will want to assist Lunal, be sure to do it long before that date arrives.
If you require help on collecting the items for Lunal, here is a detailed walkthrough:
Talk to Lunal and hear what he has to say. When he asks if you can help him, choose the first option "Yes, of course. What do you need?". Then the quest starts.
1. First, he needs you to grab items for him to send out invitation letters: White Paper (5)  Ink (1)  Sacred Poem (1) 
2. Second, he needs you to grab decorating items for the party: Fine cloth (20)  Amber (25)  Dark amber (15)  Stardrop (10)  3. Last but not least, he needs help to grab some food for the participants to eat: Wheat (10)  Tiny fish (10)  Mountain ginseng (5)  Aged wine (5) 
Stay tuned to Nexus Atlas as we'll be updating with more information about Lunal's aid requests over the next weeks.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 6~
New koguryian defenders
by: Vini
-- 7:34 PM EST
A week ago, King MuHyul recognized 13 new defenders of Koguryo in a ceremony organized by the Royal Ministry. Here is the list of citizens who recently pledged to defend Koguryo.
Chung Ryong Chen, from Koguryo Army Shaman Drucilla, from Oceana clan Merchant Ecnor, from Enigma clan Sulsa-Do Elizabeth, from Bear clan Chung Ryong Geospec, from Tiger clan Baekho Gummi, from Sun Moon sect Hyun Moo Heliod, from Tiger clan Diviner HolangI, from Enigma clan Muse Melior, from Bear clan Baekho Pelia, from Enigma clan Chung Ryong Sayianwar, from Koguryo Army Merchant Shuzu, from Tiger clan Warrior StarGrace, from Sun Moon sect
Sorry for the delay on posting the list.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 5~
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Server Reset January 16th, 2015 - Event!
by: Loxie
-- 2:30 AM EST
* Seasonal itemshop items and sale items have been put in the shop, and just in time! Kruna was distributed to auto-renew accounts on Wednesday.
* Lunal is seriously stressed out over the upcoming party he has to plan. He's hanging out in from of the Kugnae palace if you want to give him a hand!
Woodlands Armor
by: Vini
-- 9:01 PM EST
Behold the Woodlands armor is finally around! And it has been around for over a week now, but the reason why you haven't heard about this before is because it's not the result of the Woodlands Diary quest, but is in fact the newly acquired Ranger's coat. Sadly, you can only wear one of these awesome coats, which has female version as well, if you're a member of Ranger subpath.

Special thanks to Makmur for posing as the dress up model.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 4~
Koguryo Defenders' Ceremony starting soon!
by: Vini
-- 3:26 PM EST
On behalf of King MuHyul, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo is holding today the first defenders' ceremony of 2015.

It will begin in a few hours, at 7pm EST/4pm PST, being held inside Royal Coliseum of Kugnae Palace.
It is said that this ceremony might hold a few surprises. Be there!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 69, Moon 4~
New Primogen of the Pegasus Clan is....
by: Xaron
-- 11:01 PM EST
Orchid!!! Everyone Congratulate Orchid when you see her! MemphisX has stepped down and Orchid will be taking over! I personally know she will do a great job! Congrats.

Thursday, January 8, 2015
Alilolelotte remarks on the recent amount of people jailed.
by: Xaron
-- 2:21 PM EST
Over the past year there has been an issue with 3rd party programs and very rarely were people jailed. Now that this wisdom star has come and gone there are good 15 to 20 people who have been jailed. I've decided to contact an Archon to hopefully explain how the process works. Here was the response I received.
Heran forwarded your letter to me (see attached below). I understand your feelings, some names honestly surprise me as well.However, please know that we take this seriously; each case is given a significant amount of time so that a conclusive report can be made. Then each case is reviewed by Archon Primogen/Primarch. Subsequently, a detailed report is sent to GM. Only after this GM reduces stats of the player in question. Players are only jailed if conclusive data is gathered.
I hope this answers your question.:)
Sincerely, Alilolelotte
Newest NA Reporter!
by: Xaron
-- 1:54 PM EST
Hello Everyone! My name is Xaron, and I am the newest addition to the Nexus Atlas reporters team! I am very excited to contribute to this great site that has helped me out every time I was in need! I hope everyone enjoyed the Wisdom Star!