Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Chuga Chuga Woot Woot
by: TSWolf
-- 10:13 PM EST
I'd like to reassure everyone, we are not dead. Everyone here at Nexus Atlas has been extremely hard at work at upcoming projects.
Everyday I wake up I'm bombarded with information from everyone from viewers asking whats coming to staff members telling what IS coming. Not a day goes by that I'm not impressed by the progress.
But I need to ask once more for your patience. You will not be disappointed. I don't even wanna hint at whats about to come, but stay tuned. This is the biggest thing I've seen in years.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Terror in the Vale
by: Conro
-- 8:43 PM EST
An event hosted by the Immortals clan occured at 5 PM EST Today, where everything from Mother Turkeys, to Giant Whales made appearances (and not to mention brought with them much carnage!)
Many players united at the chance to take on the immortals themselves, and prove themselves worthy amongst the clouds.
As the battle grew, more and more monsters were summoned from the heavens.
 Plenty were crushed under the weight of the "Mother whale", as she fell to the crimson dirt below. Others were defeated by the hands of the own immortals. They showed no pity for anyone. They showed today that making Immortals mad isn't a good idea, even Kru appeared to show his almighty power.

Some ventured just to catch a glimpse of the members of this herald clan.
As the battle grew, many in the greed turned on each other, in an attempt to claim any treasure for themselves. Those seeking refuge were told to move closer to Jaemin, who took pity on the mortals in Vale Valley.
 Those who did stay by Jaemin got to see her wearing the fabled Archon Wings, as well as deer antlers as a head ornament.
In the end, the Immortals thanked the lessers for providing them with hours of entertainment, and eventually headed back twords the sky, leaving the mortals alone to bloodlust apon each other and the remaining creatures in Vale.
(A Thank you to the Immortals for hosting a pretty entertaining event.)
New feature: Those standing close to an archon were able to use the functions of the Tutor NPCs located in each hall. By simply saying either 'Observe' to kill yourself, or 'Participate', you could instantly come back into the fray, without seeking to reattach your body with your soul from a Poet.
- Conro
*Images edited by Vini*
Ever wanted to work for KRU?
by: Vini
-- 8:15 PM EST
All of the people who ever dreamed to work for KRU (Nexon) this is your opportunity to make it come true. Wony has just posted on Dream Weaver that they are looking for someone to work as content manager for their games and are obviously interested that the Nexus players apply for it. Here's a copy taken directly from Dream Weaver board but if it's too good to be true you can check that it was really posted by clicking here.

Hi, we are in search of a content manager for our games.
Major job responsibilities will be, - directly working with game directors, - writing stories for our games, - implementing the stories by creating and managing quests/events in the game, - documenting the stories and histories of the games.
Requirements are, - creativity and imagination - excellent writing skills, - professional communication skills, both verbal and written, - extensive knowledge and experience in Nexus TK (other Kru games knowledge a plus) - ability, or to learn quickly, to write computer script languages (Unix, programming language familiarity big pluses) - associate degree or higher - willingness to relocate (South Bay Area, California)
This is a full time position with good benefits including health, dental, vision, and 401K. Pleasant work environment and friendly co-gods.
If interested, - Please submit your resume and an introduction letter to hr@kru.com. - A list of questions will be sent to those that meet our requirements, with next steps to follow.
* Kru Interactive, Inc is an equal opportunity employer in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Good luck to all the people interested in it and to the one hired, make sure to work day and night to make Nexus the best game out there!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 8~
New Nexus Official Website design!!!
by: Vini
-- 11:18 PM EST
In a very short time after KRU promised, the new Nexus official website is out there! The new design of it is much better than previous one and actually better than all the older designs.
First of all, they got rid of the usual title pages that Nexus used to have since 99. Now the design is all updated to match the new client graphics and now has a very nice drawing on the main page.

It also contains many other great new information, such as: A guide to new players: with basic key commands and special key images with look fabulous.
A Library about Sub-paths, Clans, Houses and other features of Nexus. -Not Available yet-
A Complete Path guide for players: With Basic spell names and alignment versions as well.
A listing of weapons, armors, items, monsters maps and skills . -Not Available yet-
Dozens of Screenshots submitted by players with display on main page as well (1 per time).
Links to other KRU games with certainly aren't as good as Nexus but sure can have the 2nd and 3rd places and also a link for Direct X download.
Seems that KRU has much effort into making this new Nexus website and sure it came out great. The only thing we're missing is the in Nexus clock that used to have there but has been broken for a long time.

Thank you so much KRU Staff for giving Nexus an official website which truely show how good the game is and allowing players to help build it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 8~
Primogen of Oceana Elected
by: Nagnag
-- 2:24 PM EST
Oceana Clan has been going through a 2 week process of voting to elect a new primogen. Well, they elected a not so new one as he has been primogen before and led the clan for almost 2 years. It's none other than our very own Vini!
Congratulations on becoming Primogen again Vini and good luck from us all of Nexus Atlas!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Vale Terror *Date/Hour added*
As posted by Marama: ~ ~ The Immortals ~ ~ Proudly Present ~ ~ V A L E T E R R O R ~ ~
Come by and say hello to the Immortals! If you are interested in coming, it will be ((Saturday 28th 5pm Est. 2pm Pst)) We will be running all over vale, so come by and see if you are strong enough to battle the Immortals!
We all look forward to seeing you there!
Get your swords, shields, and armor ready folks.
Edited by Vini
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Poet Tutor applications are open again
by: Vini
-- 4:34 PM EST
A few days ago, the Buya Poet Tutor, LordMoses, has stepped down from his position. With the position open, once again there have been applications posted on Community board for all who wish to apply for it. Those who have applied before are welcome to still apply now. Here's a copy of it:
I am currently looking for the following:
Buya Poet Tutor
To apply for this position, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until January 31:st 12:00am PST. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to TutorApp: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list at least three references. Check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters".
All character names and pertinent information will be kept confidential.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Nussan.
The original post can be found on community board number 306. Those who wish to apply should send their application as soon as possible to TutorApp, because as Head Tutor Nussan mentioned, it's only open for applications until January 31st.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 7~
All Databases Online
by: TSWolf
-- 3:20 PM EST
All of the Databases should be online.
Note : There will be errors and outdated information for the next day or so. I will be working extremely hard to get everything back up to date.
This is going alot faster than expected!
The Monsters have Returned
by: TSWolf
-- 2:31 PM EST
It's my pleasure to announce the return of the Monster Archives. Thanks to a packrat among us, an OLD OLD copy of the Database was dug up. Taking some time to check for errors and add missing pieces, we were able to restore the majority of the information with little effort.
While we have lost some of the information that wasn't displayed yet, we're happy that we don't have to waste time going back on stupid little things like.. say.. Rabbit.. which every newbie has burned into their skull 5 minutes into the game.
The other databases will take a little bit longer as they are very outdated. It's doubtful more will be up today, but keep an eye on them. Piece by piece they will be up!
Status Report : January 23rd, 2006
by: TSWolf
-- 2:49 PM EST
Afternoon everyone. Lemme take the time to catch you up on whats going on.
If you haven't read yet, our affiliates section was completely wiped out. If you wish to be added here (Any subject matter, as long as its law 41 compliant and you provide an 88x31 button) you can email me the info and I'll add ya. Feel free to use whatever email, I check em all regularly.
The contact page has been updated with everyones latest information. The staff nagged me for months to get this done and alas, it is finally done.
Hotlinking to other pages has been removed. If you wish to use our graphics, you need permission. While its flattering that people find our work impressive, it's not feasible for them to link directly to our images. On the other hand, if you ask to, we can give you all the support you need to get going. We're dedicated to the community of Nexus sites, and want you to know any resources we can provide to you will be available. Just contact us first please!
And now the story you've all been waiting for. The fate of the DB. Unfortunately things did NOT go well with our former host.. Not to any surprise. We got a refund on the money but that means the DB and NF are going to be have to done from scratch.
This is more of a good thing than a problem. We almost have enough in donations to do a registered version of Invision for a year and we'll be looking for a new Database program to do over the archives.
I got to see a few shots of the stuff to come too from several people, and all I can say is wow.
The meeting went extremely well and we have lots of great stuff lined up THIS WEEK. So Stay Tuned!
And for you NexusForums folks, we have some surprises in store for you =D.
Changing Affiliates
by: TSWolf
-- 12:51 AM EST
Since I've noticed a drastic change in most of our affiliates addresses, I've taken the entire affiliates button portion of the right bar down.
If you would like to be an affiliate of Nexus Atlas, please send an 88x31 Button and Law 41 Compliant Link to Affiliates@nexusatlas.com
We've implemented a couple hotlinking features over the course of the last few days. So if you were using stuff and had permission from us, please contact us and we'll add you to our allow list.
Edit : The Nexus Atlas Contact Page has been updated to the latest information.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Wilderness Map Released!
After five weeks of intensive work, the Wilderness is available for your use. I'm still working on the 6.5 image for the large area but all links in the Wilderness are 6.5 version! There are a few animal and item graphics missing on the first page but those will be updated within the week.
Ever wonder how to locate those hard to find spots? Hmm, where is the Baekho Shrine? Who ever heard of a Sunken Tree? I didn't know that room was in the Ranger Area!!
Ever get lost in the Iron Labs or Wilderness Rat Caves? Now you can navigate with ease.
I will not be updating the sidebar with "6.x Maps", since our new surprise is close to being finished. If you are a map user, bookmark the World Map. I hope you enjoy using this map as much as I did making it. As always, report any errors to AllyGator.
Status Report - January 20th, 2006
by: TSWolf
-- 8:55 AM EST
Good afternoon everyone. I apologize for not getting to you sooner. The Northeast has had some power issues as of late, and I went a day without having any power. Besides that, things have just been generally busy.
Basically, here's how things stand. I've been trying, relentlessly, to get in contact with our former host. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the fact that I haven't heard anything, especially after I paid the 50 dollars for the transfer. At this point, however, I'm not sure what is what. Much like the sites going down, I have zero response from them and it's frustrating to no end.
If worst comes to worse, we have decided to restart NexusForums from scratch, and use some of our old files to restore the database. This process will take approximately half a week.
While this hasn't been the finalized decision yet, we have a method prepared for this. There are a lot of positive aspects of doing this anyway and eventually had planned to redo it.. But this will just mean it will happen sooner.
So potentially we lost some money to this, but I will be in contact with PayPal tonight if I hear nothing from them. As I said though, more information on what exactly will happen will be discussed WHEN it happens, so as to not jump the gun on any of this.
Either way, Donations have made it over $200 dollars now. This has helped to cover the "lost transfer" cost, which we hope to get back, as well as some of the domain charges. Your continued support is most appreciated, and at this rate, we should be fully set for the entire year and potentially some of next year within a few weeks.
I apologize once again for the delay, and have tried to speak on a person to person basis as much as possible concerning these issues, whether they are staff or just players in general.
A couple of other things I would like to address really quick :
- @nexusatlas and @nexusforums emails. If you mail webmaster or anything like that to these, they're being sorted to trash. Please use my standard email contacts listed on the contact page.
- There are currently no positions open with NA. Some people have inquired and as of right now, we really don't need anyone. Once we have a better outlook on the future, we will most likely be asking for applications. Please do not send them beforehand.
- I will be having a meeting with the entire staff sometime in the next few days to discuss a few things.. Most of which I've already touched upon here, but also what we should give to the people who have donated. So we haven't forgot ya! There will be something.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Get Screenshots Ready!
by: Vini
-- 2:21 PM EST
It's time to get your scroll lock damaged, because your screenshots can now become official to the new Nexus Website. As it was just posted on Nexus TK official website their looking for screenshots of the new client to be officially posted there, here's the copy of it:
Nexus Screenshots
We need screenshots!!! We're replacing all of the screenshots on the Nexus website and we need your help. Send in your best screenshots of the new Nexus. You can submit them through the support tickets. Make sure to put "Screenshot Entry" in the subject of the ticket. If your screenshot is selected, it will be posted in the screenshot section of the new Nexus website coming soon.
Original post: Nexus Screenshots
Best way to take screenshots are with Shift+Scroll lock, in Windows XP it takes .bmp screenshots (Bitmap), just pressing scroll lock takes .jpg screenshots which have a lower quality.
Good luck to all the screenshot submitters, let's have some great ones in the official website so the players can enjoy it while newer ones get attracted to Nexus!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 5~
New Nagnang Clan Approved!
by: Vini
-- 7:39 PM EST
At 4pm EST today, there was a very special Nagnang Tribunal for hundreds of Nangens. Today, the 4 primogens of the Nagnang clans voted to Prince Kija if Alizarin was to become official or not and as it's known, they approved it and Prince Kija announced Alizarin as the 5th official clan of Nagnang kingdom.
(Full Image) Alizarin Members wait on Nagnang Grand Hall.
The Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate all members of the clan specially Primogeness Gamine on her new achievement. For those who don't know much about Alizarin, visit their website at: www.alizarin.tk A bit after the tribunal was over, Prince Kija mysteriously vanished from the Palace. The newly made Primogeness Gamine of Alizarin clan is offering a bounty 200,000 coins of for the capture of the Unseen that has taken the prince away. Hopefully the prince will be rescued safe and soon.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 5~
And the Latest from the Battlefront
by: TSWolf
-- 9:03 AM EST
I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news first, lets get it out of the way.
The Bad : The notorious datacenter we all know and love has decided to charge us $50 to reactivate and grab the SQL file from the server.
The Good : From what I understand, This mySQL file will be fully up to date and will include NexusForums which were originally planning to redo. It will also contain all the other backups that weren't done properly.
More Good : Thanks to donations, this $50 was half covered. =D
I guess its a good thing we planned ahead on the numbers.
After work today, I'm hoping I get further news on it, and we'll work from there. Figured I would let everyone know what the situation was though.
Have a good day!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Recent Reset
by: Nagnag
-- 8:11 PM EST
With the recent reset came a new map for the novices to train. When you create a new character now, the map has been remade to look a lot less.. "dark", like it did before. Now its much more green! This is all I noticed from the reset, but perhaps there's more? Stay tuned!
New Primogen of The Forsaken
by: Vini
-- 7:52 PM EST
About a week ago there has been a transition of power that went unnoticed until now in the leadership of The Forsaken clan. Primogeness Quistia, who has been leading the clan since Yuri 73, has retired from her position and given place to Samahuri Devion. To those who might not remember, Devion is a past Elder of Monks and is the current Poet tutor of Nagnang.
Congratulations Primogen Devion and may your time as primogen be so great as it was as elder. Special Thanks to Quistia for all her work during these past months leading the Forsaken clan of Nagnang.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 5~
Latest Update
by: TSWolf
-- 3:57 AM EST
Good morning everyone.
We are still waiting on our mySQL backup from our former server, and apologize for the delay and any problems this is causing.
It's been a rather busy week for everyone here. On top of the website, many of us have had alot of real life obligations to attend to. I, myself, just graduated from school and am in the process of finding a job, so pretty much all my free time has been devoted to that.
Everyone who doesnt have a project is waiting for the SQL to go back up to start working. They've been on my case about the database for the past week, so I assure you, we're all ready to go.
As of yesterday morning, we reached approximately 100 dollars in donations. Because of this, the price of the NexusAtlas web services have been covered until January of 2007. Our initial spending has been completely covered by the support of our loyal fans. Further donations will allow us to cover other costs of the site, and continue to give you a completely ad free experience.
To those donors, whose emails and/or information I've collected using my paypal account, an email will be going out within the course of the next week. This email will contain the details of .. something interesting we're putting together =)
Thank you everyone! And have a good weekend.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Cya later, hackers!
by: Conro
-- 8:28 PM EST
As of the last patch, many are reporting that programs used to hack Nexus (Speed hacks etc.) have been disabled!
Those who quit or stopped going to certain events because of players using such programs are welcome to come back and bask in the glory of actual skill again!
Happy Playing!
- Conro
New Auto-Patch: Nexus 6.59
by: Vini
-- 6:46 PM EST
A few minutes ago the Nexus Servers were all reset and for the surprise of most/all players who tried to log back after it, KRU Inc. has made another auto-patch to upgrade Nexus to version 6.59.
On Nexus official website they've posted a list of all the changes made by them with this patch:
Today the Nexus servers were patched with the following changes:
* Spring heavy plate is now fatter and all emotions/actions are high-resolution * Characters wearing a waistcoat will not disappear when firing a bow * Heads will no longer display slightly to the left when wearing a ChutZe Robe * Walking south while using a sword in the Nagnag gown no longer gives you three arms * Riding a horse east or west while wearing war platemail no longer gives you multiple legs * The ground tiles for Ice robes and Ice garbs now correspond with the actual armor graphics * Control-w in the low-resolution client will no longer cause a crash * Some objects that were blocked can now be walked through * The text color dialog box buttons have been fixed * Anyone in a clan can now view the contents of the clan bank * The "dead" graphic has been updated in the high-resolution client * Some map tiles have been fixed * Carnage hosts have the ability to view how many participants from each team are alive periodically throughout the battle * We've improved the look for zibong rings and several subpath items
Some pictures of the new patch:
 The new death graphic and the new Spirit mask graphic.
 Shen ring & Kwong ring
 Gold Bangle & War helm glowing now
 The Koguryo Medal of Honor(left) and Bravery(right)
 Spring Heavy Plate (Fat armor) by CountDuckula & ZellCendo
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 79, Moon 4~
Images edited by Leonis
User Pages - Under Construction Again
by: Nagnag
-- 9:39 AM EST
Well it seems that the user pages are under construction again. They must be updating the characters to the newer client (6.x) because now our characters look like this.
 Even though the head is in the middle, heh, and still "old school" - I'm sure this will change. Keep a look out!
Edit: Ok, this made me laugh and I had to post it.

Like my hot pants? *laughs*
- Conro
Edit 2: They seem to be working properly now, or most of it!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
by: Leonis
-- 8:13 PM EST
Hello! I'm happy to join the news reporting division of NA. I probably won't post news very often because all our other great reporters are so quick! I will continue to moderate NF (when it returns) and help with NA projects. If you would like to contact me, please don't hesitate to do so by: AIM (MephistoEris), Private Message (on NF), or email (leonis@roalin.com) or in game on Mischief.
I would also like to use this opportunity to promote our IRC room. /server irc.slashnet.org /join #nexusexile or use the java client (http://www.nexusatlas.com/jIRC/index.php) I know that in the past we haven't been exactly welcoming to new users, but I can assure you that any visitors will be appreciated. ^.^
~ Leonis
by: Conro
-- 4:37 AM EST
Huzzah, and well met!
Sorry for the delay in my first post since our move! Things are seeming to iron out more smoothly than first thought, which means great news for everyone who visits the Atlas and Forums!
Our former host, Swirldot, has confirmed that out database is intact, meaning our spell, weapon, armor and quest sections will be up and running again soon (and also means more quest information can be added sooner!)
Also, NexusForums seems to be looking positive, with our mySQL seeming to be intact as well. We'll be looking into updating the forums to a newer version as soon as everything is back up and running.
Donations given, as TS has said, are being tracked, and we will try to find a way to personally thank each and every one of you who took your hard earned cash in order to make NexusAtlas even better!
Expect great things to come! Our staff has been hard at work, not only with projects for the Atlas, but with their own lives as well, and I would love to take this time to thank the staff as a whole for the excellent work they put in! Without even one of them, I'd truly be lost =P
Thanks again for all your support, kind works and suggestions during this time!
- Conro
Night Two Update - Taste of the Future
by: TSWolf
-- 1:29 AM EST
Hey everyone. I was glad to see people were so interested and supportive of the transition. I got a couple good instant message conversations out of the night and it was a pleasure speaking with some of you on a person to person basis to let you know what's going on. As this is not always possible, I figured I'll give you an update on things here.
Things are going much better than expected here. Our backups were perfect, and CPanel assisted us a lot in accomplishing this. We did have a mySQL backup error. But thanks to Steve at Swirldot, we have another mySQL dump coming in the next few days. Depending on the dump, and when it was will determine our next move with NexusForums.
A couple clarifications on the money situation.. Several more people donated last night, and it was greatly appreciated. Like I said, we're keeping track of your emails. We want to make sure you are recognized when everything is up and running again. I don't want to give people the impression that they "need to donate" or that there is some sort of goal we intend to reach. I did, however, feel obligated to give a rough estimate, and that I did. And you have so far been most generous. For that, I deeply thank you.
It's warming to know the work here does go greatly appreciated and not unnoticed. We realize the Nexus community can sometimes be like the front pages of a tabloid, but at others can truly be an outstanding example of generosity and kindness.
Since we can't really do any database updates until we get the mySQL dump, most of the staff has been mulling around and just waiting for my word on things. Accounts are being re-setup, the DNS servers on NF and NA are fully allocated, and all new projects are being handed out.
There have already been some minor updates to the Atlas sections by our very own Allygator. If you haven't seen the 5.0 - 6.0 Atlas, I highly recommend checking it out. I was even quite surprised to the extent that things were completed there.
Our first round of changes has undergone last night. I've begun to clear the way for the future possibility of nexusatlas and nexusforum email accounts for people who have donated. This is not set in stone yet, and I'm going out on a limb saying it, but it's looking good thus far!
We've had a couple of minor staff changes. The only one I will say for the moment is the full addition of Leonis to the staff. You all know him as an NF Operator, and he had a keen eye for some typos I had last night. I told him if he wanted to be useful, he could edit my posts whenever he feels like it. So, once he has a news icon, he'll say his hello, but feel free to welcome him to the staff.
I can still be contacted by my email address among other ways. Please be patient and understand there's a lot of work going on around here, as well as in my real life.
Thank you, once again and a million times over, for your support of Nexus Atlas!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
by: Rachel
-- 1:31 PM EST
I'm not too sure what came from this afternoon's reset at the moment, (there aren't any posts about it yet) but there seem to be a few clan updates.
If we find out more, we'll post it!
Until NF is back up, I'll be checking my e-mail and n-mail (Rachel) more frequently. Send me a message if you have any news. ^.^
Move a Success!
by: TSWolf
-- 5:22 AM EST
In just short of 4 hours, Nexus Atlas has successfully moved 100% to the new server. Our mySQL databases are having some small problems, so the archives are currently down, as is NexusForums. We hope to have this resolved soon (We've contacted Swirldot for an additional backup). If not, we'll deal with it then. Besides that, the entire rest of the site is up and working.
For more info, please read my previous post!
Nexus Atlas Move Notice
by: TSWolf
-- 5:22 AM EST
I would like to thank everyone for their patience in this transition period. As you can see, things are a bit out of order while we get used to the new host. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
I would like to take the time and make a rather lengthy post concerning the ongoing things and certain matters that I feel need to be discussed.
First and foremost, I would like to take the time to thank those of you who have donated. We have your emails on file, and will be saving them for the future. I have something very special planned for the near future, and still have to talk it over with the other staffies. So far they seem to be all for it.
We've recieved $65 dollars in donations from several donors thus far.
Second off, things are going to change dramatically around here soon. I say no more about this until its right out front to enjoy.
One problem we have had in the past couple of days, we've realized that a database we've grown dependent on may not have backed up as well as we were told by our former host. While this sets us back slightly and puts a whole new load of work on the table, the bulk of the website is intact.
There is another topic that I'm a little concerned to speak about, yet at the same time not surprised.
For nearly a decade now, Nexus Network and Nexus Atlas have come forth to provide you with some of the best resources for Nexus Information on the web. While we have had our downfalls, and I personally have had my personal issues plastered right on the page from time to time, I feel that over the course of the past couple years, the professionalism of the staff has increased. They understand the work and their own personal time has its differences.
But, sometimes posting an opinion or two is necessary to convey the thoughts of an establishment or members of it. And I feel there are some issues arisen that require me to speak on behalf of Nexus Atlas.
Those of which are concerning the page and its present day condition. One topic I saw tossed around on another website the other day was the costs we have on our site. As it is an issue up for public discussion, I feel it is my obligation to show you the actual facts of my numbers, rather than have someone else pretend they are an accountant for their own personal gain at the expense of others ignorance.
The $500 was an initial figure looking at the bandwidth and extra costs of Nexus Atlas over the course of the entire next year. This includes hopes of a new forum, BOTH domain name charges, as well as the price of the site and bandwidth, among other things. I also took the time to look at some of the expenses that came out of the pockets of staff members over the past year. In true reality, I could've said a much much higher number, but decided I would chalk some of it up and just display an appropriate number to the community. Fact is, I front this cash, so I'd like the number to be as small as possible too.
Things such as CPanel were of no extra cost, and were simply a way for us to backup easily and restore easily, saving time on everyone’s part. With the staff all dealing with work and school as of late, we wanted to do this the most effective way possible. We did so at the advice of several web experts, who informed us this would be the best way to do it. CPanel was used because it was convenient, not because we depend on it. We've been working off Database programs developed by our very own programmers for years. That’s a lot more than we can say for some.
We got tons of offers from hosts. I met regularly with the most professional hosts I saw out there, and decided to go with the company I saw most fit for our needs. It may prove differently, and in that case, we will move. We also got a few offers from hosts who representatives were quite immature, and that is why I met several times with people from each company. A person can pretend to be an expert all day, but it’s in the way they conduct business, not the way they run their mouths, that lured me in.
After some evaluation of hosts and options, those costs, fortunately have been cut. Furthermore so by the donations of people, costs have been further reduced. The Donations made were greatly appreciated and helped us out a lot here.
Why did we ask for donations? Because people asked us if they could help. And believe me, if you'd like me to sit down and calculate production of the site in wages per hour on even the lowest wage in America, you'd be stunned by the cost.
But we don't. We do this voluntarily and we do this for the benefit of the Nexus community, even though some of us have long since left the world of Nexus, we have a care for the community and how it works.
What this figure did NOT include was ANYTHING of a personal nature of mine. While I have the intention of using some of the space for my personal reasons, it will NOT be linked to Nexus Atlas nor will it jeopardize any of the standards set forth by our host. We made all and well sure that we had more than enough of EVERYTHING to see this website function to its capacity even on the busiest of days.
Back to a subject I just touched upon, of people concerning themselves with things they pretend to know a lot about, I'm saddened to see once again an argument erupting in the community of Nexus websites. Certain individuals have taken personal vendettas once again, and sadly, every time, it detracts from the beneficial value of Nexus websites.
The fact is ladies and gentlemen, we're here to be Nexus information sites. If someone has the will power and urge to surpass us, we fully support that. What we do not support is the useless slander of volunteers, theft of hard work, and the false expertise these people try to convey to their viewers. This is immature, time consuming, and degrading to people who choose these websites as their reading material.
This being said, understand that these people play the game and it means a lot to them to be "in the lime light" and "on top". For what reason, may it be importance, attention, position, it is something that is for their own personal gain and for nothing to benefit others, especially the people they claim to work beside. The reason I'm so knowledgeable at this area is because I at one time felt the very same things and used Nexus Atlas to say things I shouldn't have. Now, stepping far away from that, I can recognize what is going on.
So what to do about this situation? It's simple. We will continue to support every site that supports Nexus. We will continue to bring you the top notch in Nexus Entertainment, just outside of the game. We have every intention of remaining on top for the simple reason, we only have people here who have proven that they care about Nexus. We will continue to see people come and go, and we will continue to grow as the year draws on. And in one year again, we will reassess the situation and make our calls based on how it is.
And those websites that decide to pursue anything else besides the intent to help the Nexus Community will be dealt with accordingly. Law 41 protects any sort of slander from occurring. Real laws protect content that we've produced from being replicated without written permission.
For now, I urge the community as a whole to steer away from the biased views of a few individuals with an axe to grind and focus on the reason you come to these sites.. For news, for information, for the greater benefit of Nexus as a whole, and most importantly, to maximize the fun you have in Nexus. Don't play into the hands of someone who is simply doing this to have their name in the spotlight, only to feed off the fame for personal gain.
I developed this website to help you play the game Nexus and have fun doing it. I didn't develop this site to put you through a dramatic game of website wars... and with that said...
I have taken some time off from other projects to help with the Nexus Atlas transition. I have gone back into territory I haven't been in over 2 years and have begun to once again familiarize myself with the system.
In other words, I'm back to help Nexus Atlas. Take this how you will.
But when you see what's coming in the next couple of weeks here, you won't be surprised why I came back.
New Minister of Koguryo *Edited*
by: Nagnag
-- 5:50 AM EST
On the last day of the year, Dec. 31st, it was the last day of the longest running Minister of Nexus, who have been working on the job for over 3 years and was the one who really made ministries get so popular. It was a sad day to see Dame Starrbrite departure but still on a day of sadness people could have a lot of fun. Fun because the goodbye party was turned into a PK battle at east gate Koguryo like it haven’t been since a long time. PK turned on by Kru himself who was there present to honor the hard working Minister retiring that day. Along with Kru other Immortals were present there, Euclid, Joomi and Uzume to honor all the hard work of Starrbrite for Koguryo Ministry.
(Full Image) The citizens gather around Starrbrite and LunaStarling at East gate.
As her successor to lead the Royal Ministry of Koguryo, the Ambassador of Koguryo, LunaStarling was appointed as newest Minister. To replace LunaStarling, Lady Gilley was appointed as Ambassador. Congratulations to LunaStarling on being the new Minister of Koguryo, Congratulations Gilley on being Ambassador and a special thanks to Dame Starrbrite for all her hardwork during all these years, she’ll surely be missed and remembered by the community.
Starrbrite has provided Nexus Atlas with a last gift for the readers to enjoy. Here are the images of the 3 rooms we had to go through to get the Santa M’hul gifts on last Dec. 23rd. Cold Snow Maze Cold Lava Maze Santa M'hul Workshop
Thanks once again Starrbrite.
*edited by Vini*
Thursday, January 5, 2006
User pages - being fixed?
by: Nagnag
-- 2:11 PM EST
(Thanks to Dasani on NexusForums for this) It seems the user pages are being worked on, because most of us have our heads back!! ... only, they're the wrong heads! Heh, but atleast they're making an effort, go Kru!
Dream Weaver
For the first time in a while, wm posted upon the dream board all the patches results. It seems that some of them are not working. I will be compiling a list of all bugged or non-working things. -Bow still makes body invisible -Clan banks not working
Here is the new chat color option, and what was posted on Dream weaver by wm.

"The Nexus client has patched with the following changes:
"- Clan banks will be working after next reset - Text color in the high-resolution client is now customizable (Click the "Talk" menu on the bottom left hand corner and then select the color option) - Missing animations that caused a character's body to disappear when shooting a bow have been added - Updated some armors to high-resolution graphics - Fixed bug that caused bodies in the low resolution client to show up black - Toggling "effects" options will no longer reset lighting to full - Background music is now fixed - Bug causing some armors to display "Value: 0" when right-clicked while being worn is fixed - Auto-walking with the mouse left-click is now a toggleable option (Shift+F12); it is off by default - Capital I's have been changed so as not to be confused with lower case "L"s - When viewing the legend page of your status window you will start at the bottom (instead of the top, as before) - The boards explaining museum displays are once again viewable - The fall point for the Iron Lab treasure room has been shifted left so you can not easily fall back out while walking through the lab - Minor clan/royal updates
Enjoy the patched client!
Experience bonus ends? ...patch begins!
by: Rachel
-- 8:38 PM EST
Just now, the servers were reset and most assume that the New Year's experience boost is going away. I would just like to take the chance to say that I think this was a great way to start the year off. Just over fifty hours didn't really seem to be too short or too long.
I can't confirm yet that the experience is gone yet though, I just tried to log in and the auto-patcher started up. The 234 files are 4.78 MB and we'll try to get some pictures up soon. ^.^
Double Experience Points
by: Nagnag
-- 4:59 PM EST
Started 5 minutes ago! Kru is fixing Koguryo and Nagnang servers as we speak, but everything else is 220% experience rate! Have fun guys!
It seems that the regular boost is 150%, and that there is a larger boost during your totem time. - Rach