Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
More Tutors Needed
Yet again another post for more tutors has been issued. This time for a Nangen Mage and Warrior, On top of the Buya Warrior already posted for.
Copy of Charisse's Letter below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am currently looking for the following:
Buya Warrior Tutor Nagnang Warrior Tutor Nagnang Mage Tutor To apply for one of these positions, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until 8pm EST Friday 5th February. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to Charisse: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list more than one reference. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names will be kept confidential and applications will only be read by Charisse.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Charisse.
Thank you, Charisse
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Buya Warrior Position Opened
Moments ago Archon Charisse announced that the Buya Warrior Tutor position is open and she is looking for applicants. Good luck<3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello,
I am currently looking for the following:
Buya Warrior Tutor
To apply for one of these positions, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until 8pm EST Tuesday 3rd February. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to Charisse: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list more than one reference. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names will be kept confidential and applications will only be read by Charisse.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Charisse.
Thank you, Charisse
New armor surfacing
by: Conro
-- 3:12 AM EST
New armor has surfaced in the past day from the Vortex
So far Ice garb and Dread platemail have surfaced.
 A picture of Double, who discovered the armor with his group in Hunter 1 after maiming the boss
 Picture of the Dread platemail
Durability: 20000000/20000000 Ac: -44 Hit: 2 Dam: 1 Vitality increase: 750 Mana increase: 375 Might: 2 Will: 1 Grace: 1 Stength : 10 Ee san (W)
Thank you to Double for allowing me to cap the stats of the Ice garb.
As of this time, no Sam san armor has been discovered.
- Conro
New Kugnae Mage Tutor
by: Conro
-- 2:59 AM EST
Thank you to all the applicants. Nussan has been chosen to be the new Mage Tutor. As soon as she has settled into her new position she will begin holding classes. =)
Take care, Charisse
Saturday, January 22, 2005
User Pages Updated
by: Rachel
-- 11:45 PM EST
The user pages have been updated for the first time in two weeks. Hopefully they'll start being updated a bit more regularly. Thank you to Kurisu for mentioning this on the Community Board.
The online boards seem to have been updated also. ^.^
New Area Found In Nagnang
Moments ago a new area in Nagnang was found by Sanada and Whitemask. The Name,Herbarium. Although nothing has been found other than the area itself, it is still rather interesting to see changes in the Kingdoms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Picture of the area:

Entrance of the area found here:

All the news that's fit to print
by: Conro
-- 10:51 PM EST
With the recent reset yesterday afternoon, a few new things have appeared, mainly a new addition for the player controled subpaths, and the 'discovery' of a new weapon, the Ceremonial blade.
 The inside of the Subpath Meeting Room, which can be accessed by all Subpath members via warps in their respective halls
 Yogeshi weilding the Ceremonial blade
Talks of the Ceremonial blade have been rampant on the Black Market, with possible deals being made for it's ownership. It's rumored it is a drop in the Vortex, but it doesn't seem to fit the structure of 'Minor-Light-[Ee san]-Heavy', unless, of course, no prefix is for Ee san only.
As more is reported about both these additions, we will be sure to keep you updated!
- Conro
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Shining weapon from the Vortex
by: Conro
-- 4:17 PM EST
Scotsman and Choko have recently unearthed a new weapon from the Wind Tribe, the Spectral leaf
 A picture of Scotsman sporting his new find
Light Spectral leaf Durability : 160000/160000 AC : -3, Hit : 3, Damage : 3 Small damage 120m240 Large damage 120m240 Vitality increase: 10000 Mana incrase: 1000 Might : 3
This is one of the first of the 'Light' versions of weapon drops. The order apparently goes Minor - Light - [Ee san name] - Heavy.
Perhaps another round of items has been released? Time will tell!
- Conro
Druid Rule Shift And Confusion
Due to some recent confusion Druid Elder Supply has asked me to post the following letter from her to the community, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Community,
We come to you to announce that the Druid Subpath has been through some changes concerning PK rules and we would like to share them with you to avoid any conflicts and misunderstanding in the future.
We consider that, as member of this community, all Druids have the right to enjoy this place as anyone else, respecting the involved players and keeping the Druid they roleplay aside from the authorized PK areas. If you happen to meet a druid PK'ing in Sire Pit, remember he can have fun as much as you can. If you can be there, he can too. Try enjoy this moment instead of seek fight and hate.
1- All Druids can go to Sire Pit and/or Stone pit and PK as much as they want. Carnages such as Riches and BloodLust are also OOC (out of character)
2- Fox Hunt and Elixir are IC (In character)
3- Nexus laws apply to all druids. If any of them break a Nexus law they can face dismissal. If a community member has a law problem with a Druid inside OOC PK place, I suggest you to go to Justice board and report it. Druids are players like anyone else and must abide all Nexus rules/laws like we all must. Keep that in mind. 4- Druid rules on respect still apply. OOC PK'ing in Sire Pit does not give any Druid license to go act a fool, or be rude to anyone.
5- Druids are not allowed to ever kill or help to kill another Druid (unless agreed on by the druids involved). It means, a Druid cannot scourge, zap, retribution or use any attack spell toward another Druid.
6-Vale is NO PK - It means, no Druid can go to Vale for PK for any reason. There is no excuse. And it is absolute.
Supply Avenable Harbondia Druid Elder -Croi As An Draoi- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope that this solves any problems that have been going on reciently
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
New Premier of the KSG
by: Vini
-- 6:31 PM EST
Just now the elder of the Spy Subpath has retired from his leadership position. Elder Hobart has announced that Phalance will be the new Premier of the Koguryo Spy Guild.
Thank you Hobart for your services as Premier of KSG and good luck Phalance on your new position.
~Vini Normad'or~
Buya Imperial Army General Change
Today at 10pm PST General Chronno of the Buyan Imperial Army stepped down as General. Succeeding him is Colonel Aceostar.
Congrats to Aceostar on his new position as General of the Buyan Imperial Army.

~LordAchoo~ ~Buyan Imperial Army Imperial Guard~
Tri-Kingdom Peace Treaty Signed
Treaty ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity
 Prince Kija of Nagnang, Princess Lasahn of Buya, and Prince-Regent M'hul of Koguryo, supported by the Council of Kingdom Relations, make ready to sign the Tri-Kingdom Peace Treaty.
WILDERNESS -- This morning, at the Great Tree in the north of the wilderness, a treaty of peace between the Kingdom of Koguryo, the Empire of Buya, and the Principality of Nagnang was signed. Each sovereign expressed pride at being present at this historic occasion. This event was the culmination of the previous days of celebration, in which the talents of the people of the Three Kingdoms were showcased. "We stand united against all threats... in liberty and equality," declared Prince Kija of Nagnang.
 The peace treaty scroll is unfurled.
The skies cleared with the dawning of the sun over Mt. Taebaek, surely a favourable omen on this auspicious day. Prince-Regent M'hul of Koguryo was the first to step forward and sign the treaty with a flourish. "We have come here this day to formalize the Tri-Kingdom Peace Treaty. I would like to take this time to thank all the Ambassadors and Assistant Ambassadors for working hard. Without the many months of hard work, this treaty would have never come about. I am proud to sign this treaty for the Kingdom of Koguryo. King Yuri has given his blessing upon this treaty."
Next, Princess Lasahn appended her signature to the document. "From what is stated here, the three alliances of the Kingdom of the Winds will join in unison, hand in hand, against the evils that threaten not one existence, but all entities that breathe life. This treaty was created in hopes of tightening the bond the Three Kingdoms have had over the times we were challenged by forces that sought to destroy our peace. I speak of Sagu, Johaih, LinSkrae, and all those who followed him... the Zibong. No longer shall we be faltered by their deceit. With this treaty, we will fight against all evil and preserve the peace that all of you deserve. And so shall it be... a mark of history. I, Princess Lasahn Senshi, devote myself to you, my people, and to you, my alliances."
 Prince Kija pensively examines the peace treaty.
The atmosphere became tense as Prince Kija of Nagnang stepped forward to sign the treaty. "Ever since the gates of Nagnang were opened, my people have been divided. Some may even consider themselves not my people... Nonetheless, I have done what I thought best to bring us into the future. Countries in isolation die in isolation. I want to reassure my people that in doing this, we do not forfeit our identity." After finely examining the treaty, he said, "For mutual protection, for liberty and equality for all people, for the glory of our kingdoms!"
Amid prayers, tears, jeers, and cheers, the sovereigns signed the momentous treaty in the shade of the Great Tree. Copies were made and circulated to the sovereigns.
 LunaStarling, representing Koguryo, invites the citizens to celebrate.
Archdruid LunaStarling, from the Koguryan delegation, invited the citizens to join with the Council of Kingdom Relations to "dance in joy together as people united in peace" as the Samguk moves forward together to enjoy a new era of prosperity.
 As the barricades are dismantled, the gathered crowd joins together in celebration.
Koguryo Mage Tutor Position Open!
As posted on the Community board by Charisse:
I am currently looking for the following:
Kugnae Mage Tutor
To apply for this position, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until 8pm EST Friday 14th January. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to Charisse: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list more than one reference. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names will be kept confidential and applications will only be read by Charisse.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Charisse.
Thank you, Charisse
Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Tri-Kingdom Ceremony Opens!
Celebration of peace, prosperity, and unity sweeps the Samguk
 Royals, ministers, ambassadors, and delegates from the Three Kingdoms gather at the Great Tree.
WILDERNESS -- In a ceremony this evening at the Great Tree in the wilderness, the Tri-Kingdom Peace Treaty Celebration officially commenced. Though the weather was inclement, the spirit of the evening could not be extinguished. This marked the start of a five-day series of events in the name of peace, slated to culminate with the signing of a peace treaty between the Kingdom of Koguryo, the Empire of Buya, and the Principality of Nagnang. In conjunction with the respective nations' ministries and royal courts, the Council of Kingdom Relations organized this gathering on neutral soil. Noticeably absent, however, was Prince Kija of Nagnang. He was represented instead by Prime Minister Nayuki, who expressed the desire to "go forward with united strength" on behalf of her sovereign.
 Princess Lasahn takes centre stage to commence the ceremony.
Princess Lasahn of Buya cited the necessity of this treaty, recalling times of strife when the kingdoms were faced with the evils of Johaih and Sagu from years past. "Together the three kingdoms will stand tall, with our alliances of whom do not consider themselves city folk, and preserve this beatitude of peace and prosperity."
Lady Jesuil, Ambassador of Buya, referred to the occupation of Nagnang and the assault against her nation launched by Johaih as the impetus for the drafting of the peace treaty. She issued a wish for the kingdoms to essentially help each other to realize their collective potential. "We began this knowing that we are weak standing as one, but that we are strongest standing together, side by side, neighbour by neighbour." The ambassador spoke to the criticism of this treaty by likening it to a butterfly ready to flourish.
Prince-Regent M'hul invited all to join in the "days of fun and events to bring the treaty to full force." Lady LunaStarling, from Koguryo's delegation to the Council of Kingdom Relations, spoke of unity in the name of peace, with the citizens of the kingdoms brought together "under one banner."
 Minister Castaspella of Buya sings her anthem of Buya.
Subsequently, in a grand presentation, the anthems of Buya and Koguryo were sung before the gathered crowd by Minister Castaspella and Lord Master Musician Sailortaurus, respectively.
Details about the three nations' events during the days of celebration can be found on the Community Events board.
Tiger clan helmets
by: Vini
-- 12:03 PM EST
With the return of the Clan functions, the Tiger clan of Koguryo got able to buy their new clan helmets which have been available for view in F1 since the crash/reset.

The price to buy this helmet is just as the other clan helms, 10k. Same stats and bonded to the owner, available only to clan members.
Congratulations Tiger clan, enjoy your new helmet!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 71, Moon 2~
Some Clans are back!
by: Vini
-- 11:31 AM EST
Just now some the Clans came back working. Wasn't announced nor needed a reset just they all came back working as normal. Enjoy your clans back!
Unfortunally some people reported that the Forsaken clan and Buya Imperial Army are still not working properly. If there's any other still bugged please inform me and I'll post here also make sure to contact archon of bugs for faster fixing of the remaining bugs.
~Vini Normad'or~ -Yuri 71, Moon 2~
Clan Halls Open for visitation
by: Conro
-- 11:51 PM EST
During these bugged times, some Primogens and council members are offering to open their halls and services to the public, allowing everyone to browse.
You may also inquire about joining the clan while in the hall.
A thank you to everyone participating.
(*Thank you to JuJakJoe for informing me*)
- Conro
More on the Servers bug
by: Vini
-- 10:13 AM EST
After this servers reset/crash it was noticed that all the Santa Suits, caps and every other Christmas items were once again removed like done every year.
As reported by MistPrince there's a bug where clan members have been all kicked from their clans. Archon Joomi has just saged about it, confirming it's just a bug and it will be fixed as soon as they can.
Seems the bug has affected all members of most clans and armies, including primogens and generals. There are still a few people who remained in their clans/armies thanks to Neocloud for letting me know that.
No need to worry since it will be fixed soon as it was said.
~Vini Normad'or~
Nexus Servers Issues!
Just recently the servers have crashed and came back up running!
It seems a select few clans have had a bug occur after this crash where all the members have been removed.
The following clans have been affected: Destiny Sun Moon Sect Phoenix Dharma Koguryo Royal Army Nagnang Army The Forsaken Enigma -Thank you MICHAELA for informing me. Tiger Clan- Thank you lPainKillerl for informing me. Oceana - added by Vini
We're hoping Nexon will be looking into this issue, A.S.A.P.
At this time this is the only suspected bug, but we will be sure to update when new news arrives.
Good Luck!
Note: Thank you very much Xuir for notifying me of these happenings.
News Functional
by: TSWolf
-- 6:27 PM EST
I just wanted to ease all concerns about the news being functional. The news IS functional, it just seems that there is little to report on the Nexus at the moment.
So rest assured, we know when it goes blank =)