Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Thursday, January 30, 2003
"Copyright Issues" on Nexus Network
by: TSWolf
-- 11:50 AM EST
I've been addressed a few times about the copyright issues over at Nexus Network. Certain areas of the website have been omitted due to these issues, and people wish to know why. Nexus Network, while under Marstead's control, was worked on by a few developers over there who felt it necessary to take down their work as soon as Nexus Network shut down... I have *no* control over these missing areas, and will gladly direct you to someone who does if you mail me wishing to know.
Applications PLEASE READ
by: TSWolf
-- 11:48 AM EST
The outburst lately has been... Well.. Wow.. People from all woks of Nexus have been coming out and asking for Reporting jobs.. When the fact is.. We're OVERstaffed.. We simply don't have any positions available at the moment, but believe me, I will definatly consider you all when we do.
So what can you do to help? Report bugs! Send in info! Contact one of our reporters if news breaks (not just me). Spend some time on NF and in the chatroom and get to know us! Ask Marstead.. He got hired because he sent in DRAGON BOSS exp.. Now look at him!
BMPs the old way.
by: TSWolf
-- 11:46 AM EST
Wanna take old screenshots that Justice will still accept? I spoke to Delphi on this issue.
.gif format only supports 256 colors, where as in Nexus you can have thousands of colors displayed at the same time.
For accurate .BMP screenshots you can hold SHIFT (or CTRL or ALT, I forgot right now) while you press "Scroll Lock"
Justice & Screenshots
by: Nagnag
-- 11:05 AM EST
Judge IKwiSinI pointed something out to me that I'd like to make sure everyone understands. Justice will not accept any screenshots that are taken with any other method than pressing Scroll Lock. This means no altered screenshots, and yes - there are many ways to see if a screenshot is altered and the judges can spot these changes, like file size, wrong pixels, etc. So if you send in a justice screenshot with the alt+print screen action, they won't accept it :P
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Dreams Board to Be Reset
by: Spift
-- 9:24 PM EST
Themis posted on the Dreams board a short memo about how she will be reseting the Dreams board. If you have a dream on the board that is only there, remember to copy and paste it into an n-mail and post it after the board reset. Here is what she posted: ----------------------
I just wanted to tell you that Dreams board will be reseted in the next couple of days. This will be a Themis board reset *smiles* so I can catch up with the board. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but try to understand that it is too difficult for me to catch up on the board as it has reached 800 posts already and many older posts have an answer or have been added already. Please be sure to "copy & paste" the information you want to keep and if you feel your dream deserves a reply make a repost once the board is reseted. You have about 1-2 days to do this, then we will start fresh new =) . Thank you for your understanding.
Welcome to Nexus 5.32!
by: Vini
-- 7:55 AM EST
Once you login Nexus 5.31 you'll notice it will start an automatic patch up, don't worry, it's supposed to be like this. Look what Delphi posted on Dream Weaver: ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everybody,
Welcome to Nexus 5.32! This was a small patch to address some of the problems with the 5.31 client. Not everything has been fixed yet, and we are still working on it. We just wanted to get what we had done already out.
Here is a list of some of the things we have fixed:
DirectX 7 requirement (for NT users)
Lists, like spells, items, etc, showing on one line.
Bad legend icons graphics
Bad who list icon graphics
Hair dye with emotions
Logging onto the main map causing crashes
As well as several other things here and there.
We are still working on several sound related issues relating to turning the sound on and off, as well as the custom room designs.
If there is anything else you notice that is not working correctly then let us know and we will fix it or put it on the list.
Take care guys.
Delphi ------------------------------------------------------------
Well, besides that there are a few other things I've found: New hair dye-PURPLE F8-Works for sound(with CD player, Music player, Mp3 player) F7-Mute Ranger's new icon-Bow
If you find any other new feature not posted on Nexus Atlas you can contact me=)
~Vini Normad'or~
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Slow Nexus Downloads
by: Steve
-- 5:07 PM EST
Nexus servers upload slow so I put a mirror up:
It will only be avaliable till tommorow, can support up to 12.5MB per sec, enjoy. Send me money, I like big bills preferably, 20s and 10s.
Steve Corona SwirlDot Hosting
JPG Screenshots
by: Nagnag
-- 1:14 PM EST
For all you pixel fans, take a seat, I have something to announce.. When you now take a screenshot in Nexus it is saved as a... well... a JPG!! Grrr... Darn those compressed images that ruin the dear pixels. Anyhow - fear no more, pressing ALT + Print Screen takes a picture of the full screen and copies it to the clipboard. However, this also captures the little grey bird cursor. Poor pixels ;_;
by: Lauz
-- 10:36 AM EST
Okay...seems my last post about the Il/Ee/Sam icons are just a bug. I kinda noticed there was something fishy after I posted that and saw the merchant coins on the "Learned the ways of a Barbarian" mark =p Here is a little note Delphi posted for us on DreamWeaver.
Hello everybody,
We are still in the process of changing some things here and there to get fully updated with the 5.31 system. I just wanted to make a quick post updating you with the "bugs".
"Refresh" removing all objects - This isn't a bug. That is the screen refreshing completely, removing everything, and getting the new data.
The house server is back up and running for now, but we have disabled the "New interior" option for a while as it was causing crashes.
These are problems we know about, and are working on:
Spell lists, equipment lists, and other lists on one line instead of several.
Emotions with hair colors are wrong for some faces.
Some problems with the images in the who list and the legends list.
Music not playing continually, and stops after a while.
Returning to login screen by exiting shows loading image.
If you notice anything else let us know by sending an e-mail to delphi@nexustk.com and we will take care of it as soon as possible.
Il / Ee / Sam San Marks
by: Lauz
-- 10:06 AM EST
While scrolling through mine, and many others kinda messed up legend now (there being more of space on the bottom rather then an even space on the top and bottom =p) I noticed the little icons for Il, Ee, and Sam san have changed. They are no longer little dots.

Thats what they look like now.
Il San - Barbarian Icon Ee San - Chongun Icon Sam san - Do Icon
Of course these only appear in the legend. There are still the dots on the Heros list.
Nexus 5.31
by: Xuir
-- 9:38 AM EST
Well, I was on for about 10 minutes, now I am having trouble logging back on (Nexus minimizes right after loading map screen). I managed to take one screenshot of the new map, but I'll describe to you the changes anyway.
- New Ranger Heroes icon (finally; looks like a bow)
- New map/stable
 - New music - CD Player - new faces
- You walk faster - press "m" to see if you have new mail
- see people's totem when you click on them
- Hit Ctrl + T then A to remove "all" equipment.
Players are experiencing some bugs but they'll be worked out as the day goes on! (Some in the channel can't even get on)
This post is subject to edit.
.XR. NexusAtlas
by: Lauz
-- 12:34 AM EST
Hiya Everyone...
Okay..after a huge misunderstanding...I am back from my idle status on NA.
Long story =p Anyways, I am back. As TS stated below, I will be working on the Clan section. So look foward to that. If you have anything you'd like to contribute to the clan section in its early stages, you can email me at shamanlauz@msn.com. You can also contact me in nexus on the character 'Lauz', or simply IM me on AIM at AnamcharaLauz.
Nexus Atlas Forum Log! - Special 5.31 reminder.
by: TSWolf
-- 8:59 PM EST
We posting enough for ya guys? hehe.
Click here to see the Forum Log on Nexus Forums! Special thanks to Alston for formatting that.
Also... Marstead and I will be up for the supposed 3 am release of Nexus 5.31 tonight.. We'll be posting on the Com Board in the forum all the changes we notice.
Downtime Pandemonium
by: TSWolf
-- 8:43 PM EST
Facing yet another downtime, people once again flooded to our services to enjoy some chat time with fellow Nexus players while they waited... somewhat patiently.. for the servers to come back online..
The stats went as follows :
-OperServ- Maximum users: 162 (Jan 27 19:23:45 2003 EST) That's the chatroom maximum stats.
We hit 66 Users on Jan 26 downtime on NexusForums.
Thats all simultaineous stats folks.
So Next down time, cmon down to the chatroom.. But please please follow the rules so we dont have to add you to the record amount of bans, which reached over 20.
Nexus is back up!
by: Vini
-- 6:35 PM EST
Yes, it's true, took a while but Nexus is finally back up. Was re-opened at around 8:00 pm EST. Enjoy your last few moments in 5.14=)
~Vini Normad'or~
Last Chance To Apply!
by: Esterk
-- 5:32 PM EST
Wow! Seems like we're covering Nexus uptimes and downtimes like the Gulf War! Here's a break in the action, folks.
If you havn't already applied to the NWC, Then you have *looks at watch* NO TIME! Just kidding. You have 4 days left! Send those apps in! Don't be a fool and get left behind!
This Census will help us get to know the nexus website community better then before. please fill out this form and send it to me at Oz_Triez@hotmail.com (Once Again, Fill In all info you can or put N/A!)
Nexus Census 2003 Website Name: Website URL: Website Age: Website Host: Website Space used: Bandwith used a Week: (If applicable) Bandwith used a month: (If Applicable) Main Content(Mark what applies) Information/News Stories Multimedia Webmasters Time in Nexus: (Real world time) Webmasters (Sub)Path:
Census will close on 12:01 AM, Febuary 1st, 2003
My Work Here
by: Windis
-- 4:54 PM EST
Hi everyone! As TS said, I work with clans a lot. I bring you updates with new clans in both Buya and Koguryo, including links to their websites.
Besides this, I'm here to answer ANY question you have about clans, our website, anything Nexus related, or personal questions about me! If you ever need to contact me, please use the following means:
Nmail(Windis, Windiss, Bluemoonls) Whisper(See above) AIM(SecretNexus) Email(Legionknight1477@aol.com) NexusAtlas chatroom(Sometimes=P)
I just wanted you all to know that I work here for you. Some people think that working here is glory, a name, or a real swell way to get out what yah want. It's community service to all the loyal NexusAtlas fans. Never fret to contact me.
Sad but true=/
by: Vini
-- 4:21 PM EST
Once again Nexus is down, this time was around 5:30 pm EST when it went don't, several people are joining the Nexus Atlas chat til Nexus is up again, once it's up we'll post it here, until then have patience and pray that in new client this kind of things won't happen.
~Vini Normad'or~
Nexus Atlas Staff Status Report
by: TSWolf
-- 3:51 PM EST
Goodday everyone. I decided after much spam to release the Status Report for the Nexus Atlas Staff today. In this, I will be releasing our staff job list, their jobs, application information, and info if ya wanna link to our site.. It's a good read if yer bored and care about what goes on here... Hence why we post it.
I'll begin with the active staff job list. If a member isn't listed here its because they don't have a job currently, or simply work for specific purposes..
Anglerfish - Not assigned. Beanbag - Not assigned. Corath - Arrow/Bomb Damage and Info. Eriana - Not assigned. Esterk - Working currently on his Nexus Census project. Khamael - Being removed from staff by request. We'll miss him. Lauz - Volunteered to do Clan section. Haven't seen anything yet. Librarian - Missing in Action o.O Marstead - Assistance in the new archives. MistPrince - Missing in Action o.O Nagnag - Wrapped up in CNex ;) Rachel - Database Revamp Spift - Heading up NexusForums TSWolf - busy busy busy omg. Vini - Subpath Section. Windis - On Nexus Clan work. Xuir - Detailed New Reports on current events.
If ya have info on any of these things, you know now who to contact... Or you can just send it all to me and ill forward it to the appropriate people.
As for bug kills.. Rachel and I will be doing a massive bug fix soon. There is also going to be a database tweak in the "prices" area, because she found some inconsistances. You'll learn more once we introduce it.
Applications! I've been getting a ton of them.. People asking how they can help.. So I post this every few weeks to get the word out. Currently there are NO applications for Posting jobs. You can help the webpage by submitting bugs, sending info we dont have, etc.. Ask Marstead. This is how we hired him ^-^
Press Info! If you want to advertise Nexus Atlas on your site, we provide a nice button for you made by Esterk :

Or our brand new Banner :

Nexus Back Up
by: Corath
-- 9:52 PM EST
'Nexon Down' Reporters say
by: Esterk
-- 9:28 PM EST
Nexus, as well As Darkages crashed out just recently at 10:47 PM EST. Dunno if its a reset or our favorite worm going around sucking the live out of everything. In the meantime, Esterk suggests a quick drink of pepsi and a sandwich. Time to camp this one out.
Nexus Down again...
by: Corath
-- 9:24 PM EST
Yup, at about 8:50 MST (10:50 EST/7:50 PST) Nexus went down again.
Not sure what this is all about, but when it goes back up someone will post here.
Weapons & Armor fix / First Post
by: Rachel
-- 3:46 PM EST
Hello everyone! Unlike Xuir and Vini, I am entirely new. ^.^ I recently went over the armor and weapons to fix errors. Several prices are still wrong, but I know which ones they are. The price list will be completely redone in the near future.
As I was going through the items, I found out that many male items have better stats than their female counterparts. :( I went back and fixed many of these, but I believe that there might be some errors with the Star, Moon, and Sun armors. I was unable to check the stats of Tiger mails/Tigresses, Mantles/Draperies, Dae-whan fans, and about 5 rare items.. which is not bad out of about 600 total items.
I would also like to thank everyone who gave me item stats. It saved me from having to spend a few 100 million coins that I do not have!
With SO many changes, there might be a mistake or two. If you have any of these items, please double-check them for me and send any errors that you find. An N-mail (To Rachel) would be easier for me. Newly created items and item name changes listed here will be shown in a day or so.
Here are ALL of the changes made: Hand Items: - Item Nagnag Ring created: Nagnag ring: 200,000 durability, -5 ac, 2 hit, 100 vita, 100 mana, -3 might, 3 grace, 5 heal, peasant level 11 –Special Info: Break on death. How to obtain: Obtained during Nagnag invasion events - Daffodil bouquet: Level requirement 11 changed to level 1. - Sen glove: -4ac changed to -5 ac. - Purified water: -2 hit changed to 0 hit. –2 dam changed to 0 dam. - Ambrosia: 25,000 durability changed to 250,000 durability. Head Items: - Star helm: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. - Star helmet: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. - Moon helm: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. - Moon helmet: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. Peasant: - Spring war dress: 40,000 durability changed to 4,000 durability. - Wedding dress: 5,000 durability changed to 1,000 durability. +50 ac changed to +30 ac. Special info: Cannot be sold back to NPC. - Green cloak: 4,000 durability changed to 10,000 durability. Special info: Cannot be sold back to NPC. - Sonhi cloak: 4,000 durability changed to 8,000 durability. 0 might changed to 1 might. 0 grace changed to 1 grace. - Spring heavy plate: 4,000 durability changed to 6200 durability. -12ac changed to –14 ac. 0 mana changed to -1 mana. Warrior: - Jade scale mail: 55,000 durability changed to 50,000 durability. - Star war dress: Obtained at blacksmith changed to Smith+Tailor Rogue: - Farmer armor: Level 6 changed to level 5. - Summer armor dress: 0 ac changed to -14 ac - Moon blouse: -36 ac changed to –34 ac. - Moon waistcoat: -36 ac changed to -34ac. - Star armor: -34 ac changed to –35 ac. - Star armor dress: -34 ac changed to -35ac. - Sun armor: 96,000 durability changed to 95,000 durability - Sun armor Dress: 96,000 durability changed to 95,000 durability Mage: - Leather dress: 16,000 durability changed to 11,000 durability. -20 ac changed to –19 ac. - Moon garb: 82,000 durability changed to 80,000 durability. - Moon dress: 82,000 durability changed to 80,000 durability. Poet: - Earth robes: 18,000 durability changed to 45,000 durability. - Earth gown: 18,000 durability changed to 45,000 durability. - Star robes: 17,000 durability changed to 57,000 durability. - Star gown: 17,000 durability changed to 57,000 durability. - Moon robes: 39,000 durability changed to 69,000 durability. - Moon gown: 39,000 durability changed to 69,000 durability. - Sun robes: 21,000 durability changed to 81,000 durability. - Sun gown: 21,000 durability changed to 81,000 durability. - Mantle Spring-Star: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. - Drapery Spring-Star: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. - All other Star & Moon armors: Special Info: Can be sold at Sya’s shop in KaMing’s encampment. Smith Weapons: - Wooden saber: 3 strength changed to 0 strength. - Wooden sword: 5 strength changed to 0 strength. - Viperhead woodsword: 15 strength changed to 13 strength. - Steel blade: 75,000 durability changed to 80,000 durability. S: 60m100/L: 55m90 changed to S:55m100/L:60m90 Quest Weapons: - Item Star sword created: Durability 1, Damage S/L: 1m2, Peasant level 1, Special info: Cannot drop, deposit, exchange, hand, or remove when equipped. Breaks in 1 hit. Obtained: Nagnang smith during wind armor quest. - Chung ryong scale: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Nimble blade: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Sword of power: 5,000 durability changed to 50,000 durability. S/L:15m20 changed to S/L:20m25. - Swift sword: S/L:15m20 changed to S/L:20m25. - Blood: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Corrupted blade: -1000 vita changed to –600 vita. - Cursed blade: 0 will changed to 10 will. 0 strength changed to 30 strength. - Flameblade: S:80m100 changed to S:90m100. Level 75 changed to level 70. - Fox blade: 200,000 durability changed to 50,000 durability. - Giasomo stick: S/L: 30m60 changed to S/L: 20m60. -16 hit changed to –1 hit. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Hoof sabre: 400,000 durability changed to 4,000,000 durability. - Ice sabre: S:40m90/L:50m100 changed to S:50m100/L:40m90 - Tainted blade: 0 strength changed to 20 strength. - Viper stick: 9 strength changed to 8 strength. Special event weapons: - Chaos blade: S:100m400 changed to S:100m500. 0 strength changed to 125 strength. - Grin sword 1 to 5: Durability doubled. - Grin sword 5: -1 ac changed to 0 ac. - Ilbon knife: 0 strength changed to 6 strength. Other swords: - Clan sword: L:50m100 changed to L:50m110. - Fate’s blade: 0 protection changed to 1 protection. Level 1 changed to level 20. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Fine steel blade: S:60m100/L:55m90 changed to S:55m100/L:60m90 - Fine steel sword: 80,000 durability changed to 72,000 durability. - Supple wooden saber: SI: Can no longer be made. May be extinct. 3 strength changed to 0 strength - Supple wooden sword: 5 strength changed to 0 strength. - Supple vprhd woodsaber: Name change to Supple vprhd saber. (Will be done soon) - Supple vprhd woodsword: Name change to Supple vprhd sword. (Will be done soon) 15 strength changed to 13 strength. Stat enchanted weapons: - Enchanted blood: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Enchanted chung ryong scale: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. 99 CR changed to 99 warrior. - Enchanted nimble blade: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. 99 baekho changed to 99 rogue. - Il san blood: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Obtained as tiger3 drop. - Il san chung ryong scale: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Il san CR changed to Il san warrior. - Il san nimble blade: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Il san baekho changed to Il san rogue. - Il san spike: Obtained as drag 3 drop. - Ee san blood: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Ee san chung ryong scale: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Ee CR changed to Ee san warrior. - Ee san nimble blade: S:210m380/L:210m385 changed to S/L:230m390. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Ee Baekho changed to Ee rogue - Ee san spike: L:30m350 changed to L:90m350 - Sam san blood: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Sam san chung ryong scale: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Sam san CR changed to Sam san warrior. - Sam san nimble blade: 0 strength changed to 10 strength. Bows: - Spring bow: 5 ac changed to 0 ac. Warrior 8 changed to Peasant 8. Quest weapons: - Staff of defense: S/L: 10m15 changed to S/L:15m20. - Staff of power: 10m15 changed to S/L:15m20. - Faerie light: 800 mana changed to 100 mana. - Ju jak staff: 50 strength changed to 10 strength. 99 Ju jak to 99 mage. - Life lance: 0 vita change to 1k vita. 0 mana changed to 1k mana. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. HM changed to poet 99. - Bright staff: 0 strength changed to 8 strength. - Charm: 500,000 durability changed to 50,000 durability. - Forsaken staff: S:60m85 changed to 60m95. - Frozen spear: 50 strength changed to 0 strength. - Long spear: 24 might changed to 17 might. - Tainted staff: 40,000 durability changed to 5,000 durability. - Titanium lance: 0 strength changed to 7 strength. Special event weapons: - Yin’s gift (titanium lance): 0 strength changed to 7 strength. - Enchanted ju jak staff: Ju jak 99 changed to mage 99. 50 strength changed to 10 strength. - Enchanted life lance: 150,000 durability changed to 100,000 durability. Hyun moo 99 changed to poet 99. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Enchanted surge: 14 will changed to 12 will. - Il san life lance: 200,000 durability changed to 150,000 durability. Il san Hyun moo changed to Il san poet. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Il san ju jak staff: Il Ju jak changed to Il san mage. - Il san surge: Obtained rare sheep3 drop. - Il san charm: Obtained rare snake3 drop. - Ee san life lance: Ee san Hyun moo changed to Ee san poet. 0 strength changed to 10 strength. - Ee san ju jak staff: Ee san JJ changed to Ee san mage. - Item Sam san ju jak staff created: 300k dura, S:30m35, L:35m40, 38k mana, 13 will, 1 grace, Sam san mage, 50 strength. SI: Bonded/unrepairable. Obtained: Say “Kimesh” in hausson smith. - Item Sam san life lance created: 250k dura, S: 1m2, L:3m4, -8 ac, vita 12k, mana 12k, 8 will, 1 grace, 75 healing, Sam san poet, 10 strength. SI: Bonded/unrepairable. Obtained: Say “Kimesh” in hausson smith.
That's it for now!
Greetings/1st news!
by: Vini
-- 1:27 PM EST
Hello readers of Nexus Atlas, I would like to say it's a honor to be added to the great Nexus Atlas staff. Just like Xuir I was transfered from Nexus Network where my job wasn't pretty well noticed, since I worked on the shades about subpaths and clans.^^ In Nexus Atlas will be different and I'll try to aid everywhere I can and to start with I'll come with some recent news of Nexus Kingdoms:
1st I would like to congratulate ex-Sanhae Regent, Sir Taijin on assuming the Eldership of Chongunate.
Also, I would like to proudly announce that Chongun Haven project is ready and will soon be out for readers. The Chongun Haven will be new Chongun website created by me and Raquil which won't also contain Chongun info but also Kingdoms news related to community's safety.
For the Nexustk list fans, there's an unsual thing in power list, the great Calmwind was passed by a Druid, called DelphiTwo, this is probably Delphi but I think Druids will be able to explain it better.
And for the last but not the least, I've recieved a letter from Historian Qantao, about and old scroll containing information about ChiZao, appeareantly it was written by the 4 students(the Totems) and it might contain the key to stop ChiZao... I'm studying it for now and when we think it's safe for making it public we'll post it.=)
~Vini Normad'or~
What Dreams May Come..
by: Xuir
-- 12:41 PM EST
For yuris, Nexus citizens everywhere have posted on the Dreams board.. with ideas that would help make the community a better place, a more fair place, a more just place. Sure, Nexon has told us the GM reads the Dreams board, he just "does not have time" to respond to each and every post.
Earlier today, Themis has announced on Dreams she is the new "Dream Reader", to the delight of community members everywhere. She will be responding to dreams. Already, Themis has responded to more than twenty Dreams posts -- saying things such as "I'll see what Nexon thinks about Warrior getting a vitality based attack", and "I'll forward your idea to Nexon".
DaZapper on community summed it up by saying this: "...thank you [Themis], for your dream board participation. Perhaps this is yet another step in the right direction."
Themis introduced herself with this post:
Hello Nexus Dreamers,
As of today, I will be in charge of the board of Dreams, along with Clans. I will see that each and every post you make is reviewed and I will try my best to reply to it, whether it is possible to happen or not. This is an attempt of the family of Archons to let community know that we are here to listen always and are trying our best to improve things on Nexus, based on your needs. Please be patient, as I have to go through a whole lot of posts, starting from the very first post at the bottom. I will have to delete posts that do not belong on Dreams board. Please do not be offended if your post gets deleted like this. If you believe it deserved not to be deleted, then make a repost and be more detailed on what you were suggesting. The following are some basic rules that have to be followed on Dreams board :
1. Please make all dreams in 1 post. If you feel you wish to add something new then make a new post including the previous and delete the previous posted one.
2. Do not keep posting same dream once it is replied.
3. Insulting posts can and will be considered as board abuse.
4. Archons have the right to delete a post if they feel it does not belong on the Dreams board.
These are some basic rules I can think of. If I seem late in responding to a post, it simply means that I am awaiting for a approval first from Archon Primogen Shajara and then Nexon. Nexon has the final decision on whether the idea can be implemented or not, regardless of what Archons think =)
Thank you, -Themis
I wonder if Yin's return has anything to do with this? You be the judge. ;)
.XR. NexusAtlas News
Hello =)
by: Xuir
-- 12:25 PM EST
Hey guys. Xuir here -- one of the latest in the Nexus Atlas troops.
You may remember me from "Nexus Network" - I was a news reporter there, and I intend on continuing a similar job I had there, here at "Nexus Atlas".
I'm a big supporter of detailed articles, with quotes and such -- not just "So-and-so got elder, congrats!". I'll try and dig deep, get to the bottom of the latest news, the latest controversy and current events in the ever-so changing land we call Nexus TK. Well, that's all - oh yeah, check #nexusatlas out sometime on irc.swirldot.com (or see java client on sidebar).
.XR. NexusAtlas News
Letter From Nexon's Senior Game Director
by: TSWolf
-- 9:06 AM EST
Hello Nexon Patrons,
On Friday, January 24th, at about 9:30PM PST the Internet as a whole was attacked by an "Internet worm" virus which caused serious problems with many of the worlds ISP's, slowing down parts of the internet, and shutting down other parts.
For several hours the Nexon network was placed under a great deal of strain trying to handle all the traffic generated by the worm, and we maintained service for several hours without a problem.
At around 1PM PST on Saturday 25th of January, the worm caused serious hardware damage with the gateway between Nexon's server and our ISP, and unfortunately this took down our service. Our support teams worked with engineers from several companies, and finally by 11PM PST we were able to bring the servers back online.
We deeply apologize for the problems caused by this worm, and for down time caused by it. To compensate you as best we can we have extended all accounts, on all games, that were active on the 24th by two days.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you, and hope you will be understanding of the situation.
Andrew Guilding Senior Game Director Nexon Inc.
Nexus is Back!
by: Spift
-- 12:48 AM EST
Nexus is back up and working again. Everyone can once again connect to the game. I think someone just summed it up the best in a sage on the mythic server: "Welcome back to Nexus. What a storm that was!" We can only hope that this is the end of the problems and the client can be released as planned (as this shouldn't have affect much with the release). Who knows, we may even get an extra day added to our registration.
Saturday, January 25, 2003
To clarify on what Delphi said...
If you don't already know, the SQL Slammer worm has already attacked over 20000 servers, WorldCom (Nexon's backbone provider, their ISP connects to WorldCom) being one of them. Until it is cleared, this will remain a problem.
www.nexustk.com Troubles
As posted by Delphi on the Dream Weaver board (thanks to Growl for alerting me to this):
Around 9:30PM PST WorldCom reported a serious Internet issue taking place all over the world.
At this time the cause of this problem is not known, but engineers are looking into the cause of this, and will update us with news on the situation as it develops.
Right now the networks are being flooded, and Nexon system are handling just over 90MB/s of traffic, but we are still operating with no loss so we are fine.
However some ISP's may not be able to handle this flooding, and some parts of the country (and possibly other parts of the world) may have trouble.
So while our end is still running fine I just want you guys to be careful while this is going on incase there is a problem with a system at your end, or between your end and our end.
I will try to keep you updated.
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Yinchueshan Stops By Again
by: Spift
-- 10:57 PM EST
Tonight Yin stopped by to let us know that he would be making the new client download location available early. The update is ~50 megs so those who are running on 56Ks might want to get an early start on this one. This is what he posted on DreamWeaver: ----------- Hello
I make site for download Nexus 5.31 early before we make patch for Tuesday.
You can download from site here:
Full client size is 50.5MB
We checking for automatic patch but patching size now is still 82MB for all changes so download full better.
I think we make full download again ;_;
Be ready for patch on Tuesday.
The Boreal of Koguryo
by: Windis
-- 5:17 PM EST
Hey everyone! Last night, I met with the Tribunal about the Boreal clan, which I am Primogeness of. They have cleared us for the six month period prior to voting as the Oceana clan was approved last night.
I'd like to congradulate Oceana, and invite you to join the Boreal! Check out Boreal.tk
Or send a nmail to me or Cantare. ---------------- Are you interested in joining our wonderful clan? Be sure you meet the following requirements:
- You are a Kogurian citizen. - You are above level 15. - You have no criminal brandings.
If you meet the above requirements, please fill out the application below and send it to Windis or Cantare:
Name: Path: Level: What can you bring to the clan? What can our clan bring to you? Are you willing to participate in clan events? Are you willing to attend clan meetings? Did anyone encourage you to fill out this application? If so, what is there name? Why did you choose this clan?
Knight of Koguryo
As posted on the Chronicles of the Winds Board:
Congratulations to Teragg!
On Sunday, December 19th, Prince-Regent M'hul dubbed him as the first Knight of Koguryo. He was the first person ever to ascend as a member of the 'Royal Order of Koguryian Nobles' which is a group of persons who the Prince recognizes as role models to his Kingdom. To become a Noble (Lord/Lady), one must be nominated and fulfill ten of the Virtues of Nobility, this quest is given by the Royal Peace Ministry and entitled "Quest for Nobilitas" (Details can be found on the Community of the Winds board in the Palace). The Prince also added that those we bear this brand shall be called 'Lords/Ladies' and are welcome in his Royal Court.
So again let us congratulate 'Lord Teragg'!
New Client Coming!
by: Corath
-- 9:06 AM EST
Posted on the Nexustk.com news:
"That's right! After months of waiting we are finally ready to release the latest and greatest Nexus client! With the new client is four new faces to help bring more character variation, and yet more ways to personalize your character. Along with the addition of these new face graphics we also have a fresh new supply of new weapon, armor, and item images to use in our upcoming quests and events.

As well as the graphic artists additions the programmers have been working hard on several big new features, like a totally new sound system with greatly improved music and new options. Also the game boasts a completely revised map system, which helps to render faster and smoother than ever before, and to improve the functionality of maps in the game. This is in addition to fixing all the known problems such as the dreaded "screenshot" bug, the "refresh" bug, and the "home" bug, among others.

Keep watching in game on the "Dream Weaver" board for more details on exact patch times, and where to download the client in advance to be ready for the patch on Tuesday."
This is great, Yin back and now an upgrade! ^_^
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Yinchuehshan (For newer players)
Yinchuehshan is a Nexon Korea employee who, from time to time, is flown to Nexon US to help with bug fixes and event creation. With him usually comes almost daily Dream Weaver posts, hundreds of bug fixes, and always a great event. He's probably here to help with the new client.
As you can tell by my previous post, Yinchuehshan is very warmly welcomed by Nexus players as he is extremely friendly and always ready to help. Welcome back, Yin!
Yinchuehshan returned with his trademark "Good morning/afternoon/evening ^_^" sage today. I saged for everyone to come dance naked at west gate Mythic, and here we are! More posts to come! Yin left after dancing awhile to go talk to Eldridge and Delphi, promising to return later tonight! There is even a post about his return at www.nexustk.com! (First three screenshots courtesy of Rachel)
oh yeah, Oceana is official. woohoo. Yin is here! :D
Oceana is Now Official
by: Spift
-- 9:36 PM EST
Congratulations to Oceana for being the newest official clan of the kingdom. This day is an important one for everyone in the clan who has worked hard over the last year and they are a welcome addition to Nexus. Congratulations again and thank you to Cliff for the information.
Oceana.Official or not?
Tonight, January 22 of 2003, Oceana shall be receiving it's final vote at the Koguryo Tribunal. This vote shall decide whether the unofficial clan named Oceana shall become an official clan named Oceana. They started this journey in early June, and now all their work has come to a wrap. The current Primogen is Jayme, and the Primarchs are Mikalyn, Victor and Eowyn. Jayme just wishes to thank everyone who was ever involved in Oceana... even if it was just a whisper of thanks or congratulations, or if you were a kindred, or even if you harrassed her about something or another.
Good luck Oceana
Scrapbook of my Wedding
by: TSWolf
-- 7:33 AM EST
Open Forum - Success!
by: Corath
-- 10:06 PM EST
I'd like to thank everyone who attended the Open Forum today. If I remember correctly, we had 49 people as our max amount. That's great! Lots of questions were answered, new projects revealed, and stuff like that.
A formatted transcript is being worked on as I speak, and when that's ready it'll be posted.
Reminder for Open Forum
by: Corath
-- 6:01 PM EST
For tonight's open forum, no crap will be tolerated at all. As we're advertising on Nexus, anything non-Law 41 appropriate will result in a kick, ban, or kline from the server.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Excessive swearing, revealing any Immortal's mortal, sexual harrassment, and anything else that is not appropriate.
TSWulf Bot Online
by: TSWolf
-- 4:04 PM EST
If you wish to ask questions for tonight and :
1) have them come up right after we discuss our plan agenda. 2) Unable to make it but wish to see the question in the log when its posted 3) Any other reason.
Come to the chatroom and PRIVATE MESSAGE Your question to TSWulf (Whom is a bot which maintains questions), or email tswulf@earthlink.net from now until 9 PM EST with your question.
New Positions - Personal Invitation
by: TSWolf
-- 2:19 PM EST
Nexus Atlas would like to welcome our newest additions to the powers of Nexus -
New Elders -
Alexisa - Shaman Lokira - Muse SpyVsSpy - Spy
New Judges -
Merchant IKwiSinI Chung Ryong Adarm
------------------------------------------ I would like to invite the entire nexus to join us tonight for our forum.. Details on this can be found on yesterday's news post by me...
But not only that....
I would like to invite the entire Nexus to my wedding to Mailyn, occuring tommorow (Tuesday January 21, 2003) at 9 PM EST (6 PM PST) in the Kugnae Theatre.
Open Forum Log on Instructions
by: Corath
-- 12:23 PM EST
Alston's been nice enough to whip up some quick instructions on how to access the chat room tonight for the open forum (REMINDER: 6 pm PST/9 pm EST).
His instructions are located here (note: this is on NexusForums).
If you have any questions about trying to get on, myself and Alston will try to answer your questions.
Nexus Atlas Open Forum
by: TSWolf
-- 11:54 AM EST
We will be hosting a Nexus Atlas open chat forum tommorow night at 9 PM EST (6 PST) in the Nexus Atlas chat room.
You can connect to it using the java chat client link to the left or you can connect to
server : irc.swirldot.net chatroom : #nexusatlas
The room will be under moderation. The only people permitted to talk will be the staff of Nexus Atlas. If we need further clarification, discussion on some things, we will have peolpe designated to give them a voice.
Before I get to the topics we'll be discussing, I'm going to address the process of submission and how we will go about distributing the log. If you wish to submit a question you may do so to the name "TSWulf" who will be a bot in the chatroom. He will be logged on starting at 6 PM EST and will remain there throughout the meeting. The meeting will last as long as questions keep coming in. We've had some last well into the night and some end early. Questions will be addressed AFTER topics. All questions/topics addressed will be put into a log and then formatted onto our website as we used to do with Nexus Network.
So what will be addressed at the meeting? - Current Slow Activity of Nexus/NexAtlas - The remainder of the archives (Spells/Monsters) - The Future of Mapping - 3 New Staff Members will be inducted. - A live interactive bug fix - Announcement of some surprise areas coming.
Abusive people will be simply removed from the server entirely... There will be no warnings. This questionaire is designed to give people active feedback on whats going on at NAHQ, it is not a time to prove your immaturity.. If you wish to prove your immaturity, we will show you how effective steve's irc server is ^-^.
Law 41 is enforced.. MP3 and other automated scripts are to be set to OFF during the meeting. Impersonation will NOT be allowed or tolerated. If you are a high exposure person in nexus, be PREPARED to prove it if we ask. We do not stand for people impersonating others.
We will also be hosting a SECONDARY chat room.. Within this chatroom (Name to be announced) people will be able to talk amongst themselves about the issues being discussed in the main room. In order to have 2 rooms running at once, you will need to be using mIRC... (www.mirc.com).
Download mIRC... Install it.. Fill the initial information in.. Use the following commands to connect to the chatroom :
/server irc.swirldot.net /join #nexusatlas
If you wish to change your nickname at any time simply type : /nick newname I.E. /nick TSWulf - TSWolf is now known as TSWulf
If you wish to perform an action : /me theaction I.E. /me smacks Marstead. - * TSWolf smacks Marstead.
I will be around tonight to answer questions about the forum and to take your questions ahead of time. I will only answer questions pertaining TO the forum tonight. I will not address any Nexus Atlas related questions until tommorow.
Hope to see you all there,
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Nexus Website Census Update
by: Esterk
-- 9:46 PM EST
The Nexus Website census has been developing some interesting information about our communities websites!!!
If you havn't registered your website yet, please do!
From Previous Post: Since its 2003, I thought I'd do something interesting. Something original. Some of you might even think it's totally pointless!
I'd like to create a Census of nexus websites that are currently active. We're looking for the following sites; Clan Sites; Offical or Unoffical Nexus Information sites General/Private sites with nexus material Nexus Fanwork sites Anything with Nexus on it,,,
This Census will help us get to know the nexus website community better then before. please fill out this form and send it to me at Oz_Triez@hotmail.com
Nexus Census 2003 Website Name: Website URL: Website Age: Website Host: Website Space used: Bandwith used a Week: (If applicable) Bandwith used a month: (If Applicable) Main Content(Mark what applies) Information/News Stories Multimedia Webmasters Time in Nexus: (Real world time) Webmasters (Sub)Path:
Census will close on 12:01 AM, Febuary 1st, 2003
P.S. Answer Questions to the best of your ability. Do not assume that we do not need the information. (I.E. Dont put 'irrelevant' for certain feilds. *cough* Worldwalker *cough*) putting N/A suffices.
ChiZao Attacks
ChiZao, having escaped the Inner Tomb, has begun attacking the Vale. He has abandoned prior attempts to talk with citizens, and is now simply killing anyone and anything that enters the Vale (he doesn't roleplay very much aside from YOU SHALL DIE followed by death to everything on the map). For now we can only wait for Hyun Moo to get back to us on the reinforced pillars. My suggestion is to stay out of the Vale while ChiZao is in there; if any of you remember the button-mashing Forsaken trio, it can be very difficult to go anywhere without being killed instantly.
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Server Problems
Over the past several days, Nexus has been experiencing what could be the worst server latency since Beta. Servers have been slowing and often crashing left and right, and it has become difficult to remain logged on for long without something or another going wrong. I'm sure Nexon is working to fixing it, since for the longest time Server Maintenence has been one of their top priorities. Hopefully it will be cleared up soon.
Clan Matters!
by: Windis
-- 2:21 PM EST
First of all, congradulations on Leafe as the new Bear Primogen! Serve them well!
Next, the clan previously known as the Lothlorien have fittingly changed their names and got their new website up! Become a member today!(I'm the Primarch!=P)The clan is voted for six month clearance this Wednesday:
Lastly, the Oceana clan will soon be voted on. Will it become official?!
Thursday, January 9, 2003
Chat Room~!
by: TSWolf
-- 9:03 PM EST
The Chat Room is livelier than ever ! Stop on by using the javaclient or by connecting in mIRC using these commands :
/server irc.swirldot.net /join #nexusatlas
Hope to see ya soon.
"Swallowed up by a hole in the ground..."
by: Corath
-- 2:26 PM EST
If you're wondering about the title, Hugen gave me the idea from the Forums.
With all the happenings lately, it's been missed that the eldership of the Muses has been changed.
I'd like to be the first to give a huge congratulations to Lokira, the new elder of the Muse Guild of Buya.
I don't remember exactly when Kiyone took up eldership, but I believe it was in the mid 30's. Whatever it may be, you've done a great job Kiyone and you'll be missed as an elder. However, I know that Lokira will do a great job as well.
Coming from both me and my Muse, heh.
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Event Update
You have to drop all three Blessed keys:
Upper Left: Blessed Chung ryong key Upper Right: Blessed Baekho key Lower Left: Blessed Ju jak key
Once you do that, go to the Hyun moo shrine and say "Restrain" again. You get a legend mark that says "Reinforced the totems". Now we wait (AGAIN) for more event.
Server Reset
There will be a server reset in about 5 minutes which will (hopefully) fix the bug on the Blessed Baekho and Blessed Chung ryong keys. More to come.
Event Update
The event is a little bugged at the moment, we'll have to wait until Delphi fixes the Blessed Chung Ryong and Blessed Baekho keys. Until then, the next step is to go to the Inner Tomb and drop your Blessed key at one of the cracked pillars. Only Ju jak is working right now, it's the lower left pillar. More will be posted when the bug on the other two keys is fixed.
Latest Reset Brings New Event
by: Spift
-- 6:23 PM EST
The latest reset (approx 7:30 EST) has brought a new event. So far, there are only about 4 steps that have been discovered. The post will be updated as soon as more information comes.
You must have dropped the trigram keys in the tomb for this portion of the event to work.
1)Click on Hyun moo in Hyun moo shrine. 2)Say "Restrain". 3)Say "Horse Trail" to Nagnang greeter then "Map" and give him your translated map. 4)Go back to Hyun moo and say "Restrain". 5)Go get a Jujak, Chung Ryong, and Baekho key. 6)Say "Blessing" to each shring and received "Blessed _____ Key"
Archon Aruwan Steps Down
by: Spift
-- 9:12 PM EST
Today, Archon Aruwan has stepped down. She left a poem on the Community board, but I think Shajara's post following it did a better job at explaining. Here is what Shajara wrote: ------------------------------- Community,
As of today Aruwan has officially stepped down from her position as Archon. She has served the community well and worked tirelessly to improve things for everyone. She has been a pleasure to work with and will be missed.
Wishing you the best Aruwan,
((I will now be overlooking fox hunts, and Marama will take over the story boards from Aruwan.))
Break from Nexus
I've never taken a break from Nexus before, outside of being unregistered, but I really think that it is necessary right now. Nexus is no longer a role-playing game that people play to have fun, it's a type of Power Sim, now. I can no longer handle the relentless politics that have been coming out of every nook and cranny of the game since Yuri 44, and I need a break from it. Besides - being afraid that if I did my coursework (I take online courses) I would feel guilty about not developing my Nexus character and feeling the same way about my work vice-versa has caused me to fall several months behind in my work. I have a lot of work due by the end of January, and I cannot let Nexus get in the way of me getting it all done.
I will still log on for at least a couple minutes daily and I will keep AIM up with an away message if I am needed. Don't worry, if Nexon actually continues the event (God forbid), I'll be on it right away. Aside from that, though, don't expect to see me on much at least until February.
Good luck, everybody, I hope some of those dormant sections are up when I'm back.
From the Desk of TSWolf...
by: TSWolf
-- 3:43 AM EST
Here's an interesting mail Id like you all to read, and my reply.. -------------------------------------------------------- After reading your post I decided that you sound like a great person, I've heard you are by some but never knew you so how could I know? I once sent you two emails about being a reporter or some type of help for your website. As like one of those people you talked greatly about I like to help people. The fact that I'm not rich in the game or a super wasabi+ doesn't mean I don't help out where I still can. Helping out on your website is something I would love to do because it would be fun to do. I wouldn't be gaining anything but personal joy. However, you didn't email me back when I sent you my email. I was truly looking forward to a response from you, bad or good, to know that you care about the people that aren't as known in the game as others, but that you would listen to any regular, nice person. And as I was reading your post on your website which I read daily, I read the part that goes, Imagine how they feel....by being ignored. Now since you seem to be such a great person I'm sure you either didn't read it at all or something of that nature which is why I never got one back, but I will tell you there was a sharp puncture in me a few weeks after I sent the letter. It makes me feel like I will never be anyone and can't help out people that are higher lvl's or richer then me just because I'm not as big. But I'm sure this was not your intention so I'm trying one more time, to just talk to you and ask again if I could be a reporter or some type of help towards your website. It would be an honor, and a fun helpful deed to fullfill. ~MonkMan~
I apologize for not responding to your mail.. Sometimes I get so many virus/spam mails I overlook a mail from time to time, and rarely have I responded at all recently, being busy with 2 jobs.. and just not doing the whole Nexus Atlas thing. On top of that, my comp was formatted 10 times since it fried.. so mail has been lost left and right.
I try to help people understand that I do care what they think/feel, but at the same time they need to realize i am trying my best to get to them.. But.. well... yea.
I will explain to you, and will post on news tommorow what Im about to say.. This is not to deter you from the scene, or to discourage you in anyway.. Just.. read it all before making a mental judgement.
We have 15 full time workers now.. All of them are working their butts off... Every last one of them I trust beyond rational belief.. This is not to say you are not capable of doing what they do OR not to say you aren't capable of gaining my trust.. Alot of them gained my trust by just.. helping over the years.. with no expectation... People can say they're the best damn nexus info guys in history... But seeing the action is believing.
You can help and do MORE than our staff by submitting bugs, info, etc.. Credit will be given toyou. The staff is just chosen to represent different facets of Nexus, and tackle issues as fast as possible. If I feel you've pushed yourself to the limits and are overworking the very people who represent you, then I will consider allowing you into the staff.. But too many staff breeds problems.. I need not reinterate the tribulations of Reboot.. and more recent ones dealing with Lauz.
Once again, I apologize for ignoring you, and I hope you consider to support the players of Nexus by sending your information to us to fix and report on. While we may not be as active as we want to be right now... Things are looking bright on the horizon..
Thanks for your feedback, TSWolf
--------------------------------------- While I wish I could be this detailed on all the email I recieve, I will give it my best shot from now on.
You will recieve a reply to your mails more often and faster now..
Saturday, January 4, 2003
Nexus Website Census
by: Esterk
-- 6:31 PM EST
Since its 2003, I thought I'd do something interesting. Something original. Some of you might even think it's totally pointless!
I'd like to create a Census of nexus websites that are currently active. We're looking for the following sites; Clan Sites; Offical or Unoffical Nexus Information sites General/Private sites with nexus material Nexus Fanwork sites Anything with Nexus on it,,,
This Census will help us get to know the nexus website community better then before. please fill out this form and send it to me at Oz_Triez@hotmail.com
Nexus Census 2003 Website Name: Website URL: Website Age: Website Host: Website Space used: Bandwith used a Week: (If applicable) Bandwith used a month: (If Applicable) Main Content(Mark what applies) Information/News Stories Multimedia Webmasters Time in Nexus: (Real world time) Webmasters (Sub)Path:
Census will close on 12:01 AM, Febuary 1st, 2003
After the Rain, Comes the Sun - The Irony of Life
by: TSWolf
-- 3:28 PM EST
As I picked up my local newspaper today, the front page proudly displayed a picture of a Winter wonderland. The caption went "Here on Straitsville road, the town of Prospect looked like a Winter Wonderland the day after Christmas" and went into passionate detail about it. The irony of the situation was, no more than 100 feet from that picture was where, on that very day, I was in a car accident.
Sometimes life throws curve balls at you like that. The very pleasure of the day is never enjoyed when yer own perspective is tarnished.. And often we forget that for every person is an entirely different view. While this curve ball was unintentional (Not like they did that article to make me feel bad) sometimes in life we encounter things and people that do aim to hurt you.
I feel it is my duty to clarify, nonoffensively, what has been going around here at Nexus Atlas lately.. Mostly with my emotions.. For those of you who know who is involved in this, you can place the names in yourself. I wish no longer to beat the drums of war in Nexus.
Nexus becomes a game of emotion if you stay long enough, whether or not you like it. You become attached to people, friendly with them, and can even get a taste of the very sweet love many of us long for. If you let it go to your head, theres a stronger possibility that you'll be hurt here than there is in real life.
Some people aim for this.. They deliberately see a vulnerability in you. The fame and fortune of a mere online game is worth the sacrifice of human emotions.. Because not having to stare into the eyes of the person you betrayed, to see the pain rip through them as their tears flow down their face... to truly feel the anguish that comes with your heart breaking.. makes online an easy place to take advantage of people.
It's nothing im not accustomed to.. Being a trusting person, and one who gets a lot of exposure, Im prone to it. While I feel I should be numb to it by now, nothing prepares you for it. And you hurt over and over again.
But with these horrible rainstorms that drown your love that you promised would last forever comes a small ray of light.. And if you follow it, swimming through the horrid tides of emotions that rip you back, begging you to stay and hurt more, you will find a more beautiful sunrise than ever before. I watched the Sunset as I shoveled the ice away from my driveway today, and I realized just how beautiful it was.. Many a time while driving I'd stare into the colors of the sky... seeing an almost endless rainbow.. But now.. I felt as if something was securing me.. Telling me there would be a brighter tommorow.
And I learned, that in your worst hour, the best things occur. And that good things don't breed bad things, but bad things breed great things.. True friendships are forged in the very eternity you promised with your false love.. Unexpected sources assist you... Archenemies who have longed for you to disappear off the face of the earth show you that you are human, and respect you for coming so far, and perservering through all that you've faced. And the tears will come and go.. And the love will go to sleep, never dieing.... only waiting to be awoken for the one who truly deserves it..
And like a phoenix, I feel I will rise again, stronger than ever to face the challenges which lie ahead.. Not because I'm something special.. Not because I have a website.. But because of the overwelming support I recieved in what seemed like my darkest hour. Because of the friendship that was brought about by simple things in life.
I've realized what the real meaning of best friend is in my friend Marstead... a man I met by him giving me Dragon Boss experience and me calling him a liar for the Big Axe rumor, which ended up being true.. Now there is no person I would do more for than him. My very life is owed to him, and I can't thank him enough for what hes done for me.. For all hes endured.. For all hes helped me through.. He was my mentor through the last 6 months, and I will continue to cherish our friendship until the day I leave this earth.
Marstead is not alone. So many of you assisted me without payment, or expectation of anything but my ear.. Even when that was lacking, you continued to talk me through my emotions and push harder for me... Not because you wanted my money.. or to have yer name in the news.. but because you CARED about someone on the online game.. You saw my broken heart and decided to glue a few pieces back together.. I am forever in debt to you... You are all truly my friends..
And this is why I will remain in the Nexus. I cannot promise forever, for every time that occurs, forever ends too soon. But I will promise for the days I can forsee.. I will live life day to day and promise the best I can..
You've all been a huge support to me.. And I cannot express my feelings deep enough to show you that.. Now is a time I must take to feel the very pain of life... To pick myself up after falling from the very heaven I created.. Because I know deeply in my heart I felt nothing but love for her.. And I was niave enough to believe it was being felt back.. With the help of the tidal wave of friendship, this fire that consumes my heart will soon die down... and with time it will be mended back together..
But today will not be forgotten, ever. It won't be remembered as the day I declared a 6 month loss... A 6 million coin bankruptcy.. But as a day I realized the true emotional flow behind nexus in its full form.. That people do care out there.. That the community is full of people who have intentions beyond personal advancement.. That the friendships here are far beyond comparing to those I have away from here.
Cheers to 6 years in Nexus.. And cheers to many more.. And may this team, proudly led by me, lead you through them. Thank you for your support.
But please, before Nexus money and fame come into your sight... Before you long for them over the sacrifice of other peoples dignity.. Look at the character and realize there is a REAL person behind it.. Sitting at a computer.. Simply playing the same game you are. Imagine the very same things happening to you.. Imagine how they feel when their work is destroyed by dieing... Or by having their things stolen.. Or even by being ignored.. Nexus is a game, but emotions aren't.
While Nexus is just a game... It is a microsystem that is life... One I am proud to have as a large part of my real life.
Onward.. Upward... Everything happens for a reason..
Because After the Rain, Always comes the Sun.
Censored Post
by: TSWolf
-- 11:23 PM EST
I heavily censored the original contents of this post.
Im simply stating the changing positions on the Network.
As of tommorow, Xuir and Vini are our new staff members, coming from Nexus Network.
Lauz has been removed from the staff. A new person will be hired to run NF tommorow as well.
New Ranger Elder
by: Spift
-- 5:52 PM EST
I would like to congratulate Johans on being the newest Ranger elder. I'm sure he will do a good job as elder. Thanks to Ousu for letting me know.
Thursday, January 2, 2003
Join us in #nexusatlas!
by: Steve
-- 6:38 PM EST
Tonight we want to set RECORDS! We want to get as many people in the chat as possible. All you have to do is click the "Chatroom" link on the left and start chatting!
Comon.. You know you want to! Now get chatting.
Heya Nexus!
by: TSWolf
-- 4:11 PM EST
For those who caught a "glimpse" of my post the other night, I decided that its contents were not appropriate for here and removed it.
I will be back in action soon.. Ive been sick after I was in a car accident, and before that I was running 2 jobs during the busy christmas season. Stuff is finally starting to mellow out and get back to the way it was at the beginning of the summer. Im starting to feel good again =)
Expect some updates soon. I wont say what.. I wont say when.. Its more fun that way..
Oh and.. Cmon back to the chatroom. It's back in action.
Happy New Year
by: Steve
-- 12:28 AM EST
IRC Server Up for Good :D
I moved everything over to irc.swirldot.com as I cut it over to SwirlDot's own DNS recently.

Steve Corona SwirlDot Hosting
Wednesday, January 1, 2003
Happy New Year
by: Esterk
-- 9:34 PM EST
Happy New Year
by: Spift
-- 3:25 AM EST
Once again, we find a new year upon us. To me, the past year has gone by incredibly fast. May everyone have a safe and happy new year. I hope you all had as good a new year celebration as I did. Take care.
Yet another New Year...
by: Corath
-- 1:08 AM EST
Yep, it's that time again. Time to wave goodbye to the old and welcome in the new.
It's been a year of change throughout the world, both significant to impact everyone's lives... and small enough to touch our hearts. It's been a year of change for me as well... I've gone from high school to college and realize how much different it really is, I changed jobs after a year and a half in a secure one, I'm taking a voluntary break from Nexus for an indefinate amount of time, and I'm turning 18 in a month. I guess it's kinda scary, but it's all part of life.
Change is inevitable. Let's embrace what the future has to offer to us.