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Jesa Rites coming soon -- Kaleea -- 8:40 PM, October 3
New SunMoon Primogen -- Kaleea -- 1:58 PM, September 20
New Kruna Added -- Kaleea -- 11:03 PM, September 19
A new Avatar has been chosen -- Kaleea -- 12:04 AM, September 16

    Thursday, October 3, 2024

Jesa Rites coming soon
Posted by: Kaleea -- 8:40 PM EST

Your Eternal Order members above are happy to announce that their annual Jesa Rites is coming soon.

Jesa ceremonies are sacred rituals that pay tribute to our ancestors, honoring those who have departed from this world. These ceremonies follow a specific structure that involves greetings to the spirits and offerings made by their descendants, reflective of their generational lineage. The rituals are carefully choreographed with movements, prayers, and preparations designed to honor and appease these spirits. Common offerings include incense, rice, wine, and various items such as fabric or precious jewels.

Variations of Jesa rituals can be found throughout different regions and historical periods, with evidence of the practice tracing back to the 2nd millennium BC in both China and Korea. At the heart of Jesa is the theme of venerating ancestors to ensure the health and prosperity of the community.

In contemporary practice, there are three primary types of Jesa ceremonies; a tea ritual celebrated during major holidays, a rite held in memory of an ancestor's passing, and a seasonal ceremony for ancestors further removed from the current generation.

In our kingdoms, we celebrate a unique annual version of Jesa Rites, organized by the Eternal Order of Nagnang. Over the years, our thriving community has welcomed the growth of generations in these lands, even as we have faced the sorrow of bidding farewell to loved ones. In this spirit, we continue to honor our own iteration of the Jesa Rites.

This year's ceremonies are set to take place on Sunday, October 20, 2024.

This year's schedule (all times in EST):
Sunday October 20, 2024

4:30 PM: Opening ceremony
5:00 PM: Gathering of memories
6:00 PM: Ritual from RGN
7:00 PM: Poetry
8:00 PM: Ritual from Druids
9:00 PM: Gravesite Decorating
10:00 PM: Ritual from Diviners
11:00 PM: Closing ritual

Know something we don't?
Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Kaleea in game with information, screenshots, or conversation.

<> Kaleea <>

    Friday, September 20, 2024

New SunMoon Primogen
Posted by: Kaleea -- 1:58 PM EST

On 9/19/24 Smokester stepped down and handed the Primogen staff to Alvera. I was able to meet with SunMoon Primogen Alvera today to conduct an interview for you all.

Firstly, congratulations on becoming the newest SunMoon Primogen. How are you feeling with taking over as the new Primogen?
Thank you! *looks down in thought* I'm feeling different ways. I'm excited to continue the tradition of our old and honored clan in the future. SunMoon has been my home since Khaos welcomed me in Yuri 48, and my clans members have been a wonderful family. I'm also humbled to have been called to lead this clan, and hopeful that I can live up to those who came before me, and meet the needs of the future.

Are there any changes in the near future you plan to implement?
As I said, i've been with the clan for a long time and i'm very familiar with our past. I'm not planning to change anything in the near future. However I do hope to work with my members to continue the things we've done best over that time. I've also had the privilege of working with many other community members and other clans and I hope to continue to enrich those ties.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind your time as Primogen?
I can't even hope to answer that question for myself. I just hope to do well by the clan, it's members, and Kogyryo as a whole. I'll leave legacy to others in the future.

Do you have anything else you want the community or SunMoon members to know?
To SunMoon members, please reach out to let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you!
To the community, if you are interested in finding out what SunMoon is all about, we can help you with that and I hope we can all work together to keep this community vibrant!

See something we don't?
Let us know in game.

<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>

    Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Kruna Added
Posted by: Kaleea -- 11:03 PM EST

Ipos and Tsirl are modeling the newly added kruna.

There have been a few newly added items to the kruna shop. Above, you will find the new Chibok and Yangbantal, the Chibok shirt and Gokkal, and the Malttugital worn by Tsirl and Ipos.

The Chibok Skirt is a specific style of skirt that resembles the skirts traditionally worn in the hanbok. These skirts are known for their colorful and elegant fabrics. This skirt will cost you 500 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Chibok is very similar to the Chibok skirt with the vibrant colors and elegant fabrics, however this version is for men. This Chibok will cost you 500 kruna in the kruna shop.

The Gokkal is a traditional headwear that is characterized by it's unique shape and vibrant colors. This will cost you 375 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Sangmo is a type of hat with a long flowing ribbon that hangs from the top. This is normally worn by people performing in arts. The Sangmo will cost you 375 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Gaksital is a mask that represents a female character and is usually used in mask dance. This mask is painted white and has elegant features, symbolizing beauty. The Gaksital mask will cost you 375 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Eomital is a mask that depicts a motherly figure. It's traditionally used in performances to convey maternal qualities and emotions. The Eomital will cost you 375 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Yangbantal is a mask that represents the yangban, which was the ruling class or aristocracy during the Joseon dynasty. The Yangbantal will cost you 415 kruna in our kruna shop.

The Malttugital is a mask that is known for it's unique design. It is traditionally used in performances that portray comedic characters. The Malttugital will cost you 395 kruna in our kruna shop.

Thank you to Tsirl and Ipos for modeling these for me.
Thank you KRU for the new kruna.
And a special thank you to SkoGul for putting together the GIF above.

If you have purchased any of the other new kruna, please reach out to Kaleea in game.

<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>

    Monday, September 16, 2024

A new Avatar has been chosen
Posted by: Kaleea -- 12:04 AM EST

The Chongun have come together with their newest Avatar Lyones.

On September 8th, 2024 Avatar Ferro has stepped down and passed the reigns to Lyones, the newest Avatar of Chongun.

As the newest Elder of the Chonguns, how do you plan to honor the legacy of your predecessor while putting your own unique stamp on it?
I believe we each have our unique styles of leadership that brings different colors to an organization. Those colors strengthen us. I plan to honor our predecessors by continuing to uphold our founding principles and growing in our mission and values. We are all unique and as an organization, we want to make individuals shine while we pursue our common goals. My goal is to align our path forward to the needs and wants of our members and the communities we serve by expanding our offerings and involvement in the community.

Can you share a bit about your journey to becoming the Avatar and what motivated you to take on this role?
From my early days of training with LotusEmber, I associated to the core values being taught. Virtues being a guiding light in my every day. I want to continue this journey of honoring those positive influences to become the best versions of myself. This helps me to better serve our communities and be the beacon of light the Chonguns are meant to be.

What is your vision for the future of Chonguns and are there any key changes you hope to implement?
I stand strong by the teachings I learned from my predecessors. I have made it my mission to instill these teachings to others through the Art of War, our member training and community offerings. I will ensure we continue to expand our offerings to be relevant to the times we are in.

What person values do you hold dear that you believe will guide your decisions as Avatar?
The Chongun values: Kindness, Tolerance, Honesty, Generosity, Fairness, Loyalty, Humility, and Honor, have been my guiding light. Self respect and respect for others is very important in my day to day.

How do you hope to embody those values in your leadership?
I am a firm believer that we must all be an example of what we want to see in others. Leading by example is something I hold close to my heart. I learn something new most every day and hope to be a source of that kindness for others.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind your time as Avatar?
Legacy has a different meaning for everyone. What I seek is to be of service whether in the capacity of Avatar or otherwise. If I can provide just one person with a bit more hope and knowledge every so often then my service to others will have been worth it. What lives on is how we made a difference in people's lives and how we made them feel.

What message would you like to convey to the Chonguns and the community?
Hold true to your core self and your values. Keep learning and growing. Be of service to others when you can. That is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others. When I grow, I grow for those around me. Remember that what unites us will always be more powerful than what divides us. Together we are stronger!

The NexusAtlas staff would like to apologize for being so late in delivering this news to you. Be sure to take a moment to congratulate Lyones when you see her.

<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>

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