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 Mog-Ur  Anamchara  Sul'sah  Kamang

`.- Do You Hear The Spirits Call? We are the Masters of the Spirit Realm, the walkers of the ethereal planes. We hold council with the dead under a veil of mystery and use our gifts for many purposes both evil and good We are the mystical healers and keepers of the silver thread. We are reknowned as great scribes, alchemists and Masters of Lore. We are the select chosen...hidden from the outside world we can be found chanting incantions, mixing powerful elixers and poisons, enchanting the dead to aid us, and even performing sacred arcane rituals and ceremonies. Our talents are vast and above all else we are loyal to our own. We are the guardians of the spirits, their warriors, their messengers, their children... Though some of us choose the darkness others seek out the light and still many of our kindred embrace both paths, however we all hold the spirits in the highest regard and respect. A powerful family, we inhabit all the regions and surrounding kingdoms and yet to seek us out or to gain our attention is a quest in and of itself. Are you Mudang? Journey to the Valley of the Mudang ((East Nagnang 130,91)), spend much time there in meditation, and seek out your kindred. Keep in mind that we are a path of mystery ((Mage)) and we spend much time in the spirit realms, away from mortal ways which corrupt so many. You must be patient for we are a people hidden in seclusion. If you are mudang, seek out one of our path Dohsas to aid you on your path home to us. If you do not know what a mudang is or who you are.... then you are not ready. You can find our Chieko (Shaman Scroll) in our Valley, speak to Sarvari, the Shaman helper there. May the spirits light your path and be with you always.
Shaman Members List

Path of Origin: Mage

Subpath homeland: Nagnang

Subpath Founder: JaydePhoenix

Current Elder: Hatiki

Click to expand list
Subpath Assets

Subpath Items Information
Scroll Chieko Sacred scroll containing the wisdom, history, and lore of the Mudang Tribe.
Inventory Item Ritual stones Circle of stones infused with spiritual power and arcane energies that can be used in various rituals.
Hand Item Messenger's Feather Sacred feathers retrieved from the spiritual realm that are used as a talisman or source of power in a Shaman's rituals.
Subpath head item Mog-ur's Mask Ritual mask modeled after the original one worn by the first Shaman, Mog-Ur.
Subpath hand item Soul Crystal Pieces broken off from an eternal crystal housing the soul of Mog-Ur's first apprentice, Naerim.
Subpath weapon YongSang A Shaman's weapon, housing the soul of a titular "YongSang" - or lost/wandering - spirit.
Ritual Item Ceremonial Fire Eternal flame created by a Shaman that has many practical and magical uses.
Ritual Item Spirit Drum Sacred drum housing an animal spirit that is used in rituals and meditations.
Special Item Spirit Rattle Shamanistic instrument used to invoke or pacify spirits and raise energy during ritual dances.
Event Item Shaman Talisman A powerful object coveted by the Shaman Tribe. It is frequently stolen by the risen dead.
Hand item Medicine Wheel Physical object representing the transnational ritual known as "Walking the Medicine Wheel."

Subpath Services

  • Weddings
    Shaman Weddings
  • Kindred Spirits
    Kindred Spirits
  • Spirit Drums
    Spirit Drums
  • Ceremonial Fires
    Create Ceremonial Fire items
  • Totem Reveals
    Totem Reveals
  • Medicine Wheel
    Medicine Wheel
  • Ritual Stones
    Ritual Stones
  • Subpath Legend Marks

    Brand Image
    Brand Name
    How to Obtain
    Ascended through the Medicine Wheel
    Ascended through the Medicine Wheel- Completion of the Medicine Wheel Quest
    Captured Grave Robber
    Captured Grave Robber- Retrieved the Talisman during a GraveRobber event
    Cursed X times
    Cursed X times- Once earned, these people are no longer acknowledged by the shaman in any form. A quest may be done to seek forgiveness after 10 hyuls have passed.
    Favored by the Spirits
    Favored by the Spirits- Earned by Shaman and Community members who go above and beyond to aid the Shaman Subpath.
    Found victory before the Mudang
    Found victory before the mudang- A general win mark for our events that do not have their own branding.
    Grave robbers host
    Grave Robbers Host- Recognized host of the Grave Robber event
    Guide of the shaman subpath
    Guide of the Shaman Subpath- Referred to as a Dohsa within the path, they train our students (Shinddal).
    Has performed X weddings
    Has performed X weddings- Earned by the shaman completing the marriage ceremony for others.
    Has thrown X curses
    Has thrown X Curses- Thrown by guides of the path to cast the reciever into a living death.
    Impressed the Mudang
    Impressed the mudang - Given by shaman to those who perform outstanding roleplay.
    Kindred Spirits
    Kindred Spirits-Completing the Kindred Spirit Ceremony conducted by a shaman guide. Can be done every 5 Hyuls..
    Married by the Shaman
    Married by the Shama - Completing a shaman marriage ceremony. Must be engaged 7 real life days.
    Master of the Lore
    Master of Lore- Given to those who win our Mudang Sori or Circle of Lore events. May also be earned through various other written or live demonstrations of story-telling..
    Noticed by the Mudang
    Noticed by the Mudang - Given by shaman to those who frequent our events.
    Subpath elder
    Subpath Elder-Bestowed to a shaman chosen to lead the path.
    Successfully retrieved Feather from Spirit Realm
    Successfully retrieved Feather from the Spirit Realm- Shaman-Only Hand Item. Earned upon completing the Messenger's Feather quest. Can be done twice.
    Totem Spirit Revealed
    Totem Spirit Revealed- Earned upon completion of the Totem Spirit vision quest.
    Touched by the Spirits
    Touched by the Spirits- Earned upon completion of the Kut ceremony. This is the initition ritual all shaman undergo after finishing their training.

    Subpath area

    Location: Nagnang - X 130 Y 092

    Subpath Events

  • Circle of Lore
    Participants gather around the fire and each take turns telling a continuous story started by the host. Each player may only use three lines of text during their turn.
  • Deadliest Poison
    Participants assist the host by testing the toxicity of various poisons and potions. Survival is determined by the participants roll result against the potency of the poison.
  • Grave Robbers
    The dead have risen and are drawn to Shaman Talismans within the Valley of the Mudang. Participants must trap and destroy the skeletons. Only a few can capture the grave robber by recovering the talisman.
  • Mudang Sori
    Participants gather around the fire and each take turns telling story based off the theme provided by the host. Each player has only three to five minutes to tell the tale.
  • Murder in the Dark
    Murder in the Dark
  • Information and Links

    Curiosities about the subpath:

    The Shaman Dye

    Shaman Guides are referred to as Dohsa which means teacher while a Walker is referenced as a Shinddal.