Source List
Thanking everyone who worked on this project would be a dream to me, but there's no possible way to get every person's name here. First of all because some people sent in random information to assist the process of the website. Secondly because some people do not want their name flashed around for whatever reason they may have. And the reasons could go on and on. We have compiled, what we think, to be the most accurate list of credit work on our site.
This is more of a dedication to those who helped me, TSWolf, in this process. My name will not be below.
Most of all, thanks to you. For supporting this site.. For supporting all sites. For helping define the history of the Nexus.
Names are listed in no particular order.
Site Testers Eriana Genji Worldwalker Khamael Melegant Beanbag Marstead Zack Reboot Esterk | Administration Eriana Worldwalker Khamael Esterk | Information Beanbag Khamael Melegant Marstead Esterk Reboot |
Extra Special Thanks to the Entire PreTest Staff for keeping this project silent for 6 MONTHS!!
The Entire Staff Pictured Below at one time worked for Nexus Network during my running it. They deserve plenty of gratitude for their hard work. They all know what they've accomplished during the past years. All scandals, problems, backstabbing aside, they were all Nexus players who tried to make a difference at least once. They all have a huge story behind them all and it would be far too cumbersome to list them all here. Nevertheless, I owe much to them all.
Pictured Below Respectively :
Adraz, alleno, Anglerfish (Adam), Biospark, CandymanX, CDJ, Eriana, everclear, Infinitum (ore0), Ixeus, Jiggmuffin, Kaktuss, Kamakazi, Khamael, Laren, Lathander, Ly, Marstead, Mitzi (Alyssa), Nagnag, Ornx, Reaper, Reboot (Bitwise), SSaturn, Ulric, Vegitto, Vini, Warik, Wasse
Pictures Not Present : Bone, Clone, Merbecin, Serra Special Note : Throughout the site, many of their pictures can be found as parts! 
 Fafnir French Nexus God. Supplied us with every 4.0 Item/Monster Pic there was during the NexNet era, and literally spearheaded the NexNet project you all came to know and love. Much credit is owed to this man. Fafnir also supplied us with several map editors.
 Orb / Dave Kennerly First GM of Nexus TK. Helped fulfill many dreams of Beta Nexus Players and inspired us to continue into the legacy that became Nexus. He has gone onto other projects and has always been missed within the Nexus.
 Yinchuehshan One of the most compassionate, and most difficult names to spell of all the Game Masters of Nexus of all time. With the tempermant and caring of Dave in his early days, Yin strove for the better good of the game, despite being downed by many. Yinchuehshan took time to interact with me on several occasions, good and bad, and work through them with me. For his understanding, his time, and his care for the Nexus Community, I salute him.
Other GMs/Nexon Folks to Specially Mention : Pictures Respectively - Kismet, Grin, Wony, Eldridge, Thoth, Delphi, Hroth, Mordechai
  Beanbag - Autumn This website is dedicated to one of the greatest players in Nexus history. He is known for his happy personality, his beta and 3.0 adventures, and especially his love for Nexus. Beanbag was not only the Prince of Buya, but the Prince of Nexus. This web project you see before you required a lot of information that was not easily attainable. Beanbag was right there to help me out whenever I needed it. He kept pretty much everything I've ever seen from Nexus (Nexus PACKRAT!!).
He is someone whom everyone in history should know. This site is for you Bean. |