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Kingdom of residence: Nagnang

Short Description:
The Viper Clan members are always ready to offer protection to the weak, knowledge to the unknowing, healing to the sick and kinship to the lonely.

Viper Members List

Clan helmet:

Clan Emblem:

Current Primogen: Zariel

Clan History

Year of origin: Hyul 27

Founded by: MakubeX

Clan Lore:
Viper of Nagnang is a united family who share a fond love for nature and the outdoors. Formed by the unification of four ancient tribes residing in the Woodlands, the forest and mountains are our second home. Viper is sworn to protect the Woodlands from disaster, but as time goes by, our purpose of existence is not only that. We are also a close-knit group, from renowned heroes to public outcasts who want to protect Nagnang from evil, philosophers who want to study, to simply someone who craves to find their place in the world. Everyone has their place within Viper. If your interests are similar to ours, we can travel the Kingdoms to explore the riverbanks, the lush forests, and vast mountain ranges to strengthen our unity. The four elders of these tribes decided to band together in order to defeat a ferocious and violent wind-creeper (a once believed to be mythological terror with enormous wings and a giant pair of claws who disrupted the peace in the Woodlands). Legend tells that God and men had to unite in order to triumph over this great evil. They decided to name this unified tribe Viper, as a way of showing their appreciation and paying respect to the Gods, as a Viper (or "giant snake") helped these tribesmen defeat the wind-creeper. The four ancient tribes went on to worship the Viper as they viewed it as the watcher of the Woodlands, or the vassal of the God of Earth herself. The Viper is a symbol of malevolence, mystery, and immortality. On October 8th of 2009, the Viper tribe passed probation, and was officially recognized as the 7th official clan of Nagnang, as Nagnang would become the Kingdom with the most clans. We owe a lot to our official founder, MakubeX, and our first primogen, Arthias, for their dedication and time spent in building up Viper from a tribe and developing it into the clan it is today. We hold our kindred to a very high standard. Viper is a clan built on tough love, justice for the defenseless, knowledge for the unknowing, assistance for the young, healing for the sick, and ultimately kinship for the lost. Some have alluded to our clan as the leading, nonpareil PK clan of Nexus, and we pride ourselves on our results in elixir wars, bloodlusts, carnages, and fox hunts. We always work together to offer advice to one another, and hone our skills for battle, usually to prepare ourselves for the upcoming season of Carnage of Champions events. Many of our kin can be found frequenting places such as Sire pit and Yusa pit in Buya, as we love to get our hands dirty.

Clan Garden

Location: Nagnang - 030 070

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Information and Links
Curiosities about the clan:
Viper Clan is the most recently accepted clan to be admitted to Nexus.