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  Carnage Section | The Ultimate Gauntlet

Gauntlet Info / Advanced Information

The Ultimate Gauntlet

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What is that Buzzzzzing noise I hear?

That buzzing noise is essentially a distraction. While many will tell you to time your movements from it, it is highly unpredictable and often signifies that a player has been caught somewhere by a surge of energy and was sent back to start. Keep your eyes on your status screen, where the messages are 100% reliable.

How did some people get so many wins?

Well, the first thing is that people with a large number of wins have attended many Gauntlet events before and lost. Also, by playing very regularly, you come to know the best starting locations, or how to avoid certain well-know traps.

I found a bug! There are these invisible walls in the South Gauntlet...

These so-called "invisible walls" have been there the entire time the Gauntlet has existed, and so it is very unlikely to be a bug. If you run into them once...take note of where they are and avoid them next time!

I've tried everything and I just can\t seem to win?

If you have read all of this information, tried to run a few Gauntlets, and still find yourself a bit lost then try approaching another player who has multiple wins and ask them if they have any tips or hints to share with you. Likewise, if you've learned something from this guide, take the time to help other people who need help learning.

What do I get for winning the Gauntlet? Just legend marks?

Just legend marks? You win the ability to flaunt your skill to others. So far there are no additional benefits, even with 40 wins. However, it is already postulated that the Gauntlet may be involved in higher mark trials (i.e. Oh San)

I have a question not answered here....

If you have a question that you think would help others if answered here, please e-mail